Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 783: You are so partial, you old man Huang

Celestine stood aside quietly, waiting for the exchange between Fulgrim and Curze to end. She did not understand the deep meaning of the two people's words, but she knew not to be too curious about the distant and ancient past.

Curze finally calmed down, and after he was no longer troubled by the prophetic vision, his IQ and reason regained the high ground.

"Then take a look first~" Fulgrim exited the room, and the saint-turned-Celestine was a little at a loss.

Curze narrowed his eyes and stared at Celestine for a while, but did not drive her out roughly. He just said that the emperor was really partial.


Celestine still didn't understand, but Coz wouldn't explain anything to her. He put the videotape into the machine, sat down against the wall, and watched the My Little Pony Season 2 cartoon.

After a while, Cozz said dissatisfiedly.

"How long are you going to keep fluttering in mid-air? You're disturbing me."

"I'm very sorry!"

"Go find a place to sit and stay away from me."


Celestine went to another corner of the room and sat down with her hands on her knees, the wings behind her back retracted like a cushion to separate the wall.

This process shook off a lot of feathers, and these smooth feathers fell to the ground, and then turned into little lights and blended into the room.

"It's so biased." Coz cursed quietly, and then continued to watch cartoons quietly.

A few months later, Bietan's Ark had already accommodated a large number of coalition troops, and the corresponding supporting facilities were quickly erected during the construction of the engineering team.

The Great Mess Hall Diplomatic Support Group just established by Guilliman is also here. This new organization is composed of members of the 4th Company of the Ultramarines. Uriel Ventress is the leader of the volunteer group, and there are two honorary veterans of the war. Assist him in his work.

As the fourth company commander, Ventris was not only a flexible commander, but also a politician who cared about the well-being of ordinary citizens of the empire. He stood in the distance and observed the spectacular construction work of the engineering team.

In Ventress's eyes, the speed of construction is often a better indicator of an organization's strength than the speed of destruction.

A group of mourners approached Ventris. Some had a white cross carved on their shoulder armor, indicating that they were the pharmacists in the team. Some had black and yellow warning strips painted on their shoulder armor, indicating that they were the pharmacists in the group. They are the engineers of the squad.

As for the one with a golden double-headed eagle printed on his shoulder armor, he is the captain of this ten-man team.

The power armor used by the Weeper warriors is no different in appearance from the power armor commonly worn by the Ultramarines, but the large number of equipment hidden in the armor makes Ventress feel envious.

Vehicle-level Aegis shields that can be connected in parallel, a power backpack with more efficient heat dissipation and recharging cycles, emergency life-saving injections built into the armor, and an iron mesh tactical communication system designed and installed by Perturabo.

In the eyes of some conservative chapters, the Lamenters Chapter may rely too much on technological support. A powerful Space Marine should rely on absolute loyalty to the Emperor and continuous training of combat skills.

But Ventress didn't think so, and he greeted the leader of the Wailers.

"Hello, brothers from Ultramar, for the Emperor, I am Decius, captain of the 185th Engineering Company of the Lamenters Chapter."

185th Company.

Ventress felt that this Weeper Chapter was really outrageous. Just counting the Weeper of the Engineering Company, there were already 1,850 warriors. If you add their combat troops, medical companies and reserves, only the Emperor knew about them. How many people can be pulled out?

Perhaps the number of mourners has already exceeded 10,000 by now.

But this is normal. After all, this is a battle group run by several original bodies. Pure gene seeds and safe and complete surgeries are the biggest advantages that today's Space Marines do not have.

Ventress knew that the apothecaries of their chapter were also learning from the apothecaries of the Lamenters, and Guilliman had also said that he wanted to rebuild a powerful legion that could protect the entire Ultramar sector.

The clan system will soon be over.

Ventris ended his emotion and continued to communicate with Decius, "What do you want? Or is the engineering facility we are watching here some kind of confidential project?"

"No, no, brother." Decius waved his hand, "We are here to invite you to join our work."

"Join your work?" Ventris was a little confused. He didn't have any paperwork to deal with here.

Decius threw over a hammer drill, and Ventress immediately understood that the Wailers were inviting them to join the construction effort.

"I see that you have been watching here for a long time. If you are really interested, why not get involved directly?"

Seeing that the friendly smile on Decius's face didn't look fake, Ventris put aside some thoughts about humiliation and followed Decius's steps toward the construction area.

Close observation gave Ventris and his brothers a different experience. The surging sound of the engineering equipment operating was more powerful than the chorus produced by any church.

Some of the completed walls are hung with inspiring slogans. Under the majestic buildings are the engineering supervisors gathered in twos and threes. Some of them are humans and some are Tau.

Ventress even saw a Tau man say something to a team of Weeper engineers, and then the captain nodded and led the people to start work in the construction complex.

This was unimaginable, but it happened before Ventris' eyes.

"Feel the sense of accomplishment of building a miracle in your hands! This is more proud than killing countless heretics and aliens." Decius shouted to Ventris, and then drove thousands of people with a gravity crane. Tons of steel were sent to higher floors.

Ventress looked at the impact drill in his hand, then at his comrades and said, "I can't even remember the last time I worked."

"Must be your pre-Space Marine days," another warrior said.

Ventress nodded, he was right. After becoming a Space Marine, his life was filled with battle and prayer, living in the eyes of the people of the Empire with reverence, obeying the Emperor's instructions to bring destruction to the enemies of mankind.

Although Ventress has built many things, they are all trenches and bunkers to meet the needs of war. This kind of large-scale production mixed with mortals and aliens has never happened before.

Holding the impact drill in his hand, Ventress felt that he was in good condition, so he followed the other Weeper engineers. After studying silently for half an hour, he was able to mix a can of high-quality plastic steel cement.

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