Why do I always feel a little uneasy?

What went wrong?

What other enemies have I not anticipated?

Abaddon walked around the room. On the eve of the launch of the 13th Black Crusade, he felt nervous and worried.

"What's wrong, Warmaster?" Carlos' voice came into the room. Judging from the tone, this Tzeentch demon just wanted to have fun.

As for concern?

You might as well talk to the Nurgle demon about the bathing problem. Abaddon is thankful that these Tzeentch demons don't stab him in the back.

"I need a prophecy." Abaddon said slowly, and Carlos also appeared in front of him. The head that could see the future had shining eyes.

"What will cause the failure of the 13th Black Crusade?"

Abaddon's question made Carlos stunned for a while. All the seekers of knowledge he had seen asked how they would succeed. There were very few people who thought in reverse like Abaddon.

Carlos stared into the future, and finally he gave a name.

Guilliman. A Primarch? That could indeed be a huge problem for the 13th Black Crusade.

We must also prepare for the attack on the Ultramar sector, and we must kill the Primarch before Guilliman awakens from his delicate state.

"Do you have any more questions?" Carlos laughed, which made Abaddon feel upset. An inexplicable sense of fooling suddenly emerged and told him that he must end the 13th Black Crusade.

But Abaddon will not stop, and the warriors under his command will not allow him to stop. He has been preparing for this for thousands of years and will never give up halfway because of a small problem.

Not to mention that he has the support of the Allies.

Walking out of the room, Abaddon strode across the bridge.

The Black Legion has assembled for Barton, lining up in the aisle leading to the main bridge. They quietly hold the banners with glorious achievements sewn on them, and only watch Abaddon go away with reverent eyes.

The shadow of the warmaster passed over them, and a strong fighting spirit gushed out. Every warrior here was eager to rush out of the Eye of Terror to destroy the corrupt and declining empire, and then establish a new order of their own.

Many people in the main bridge have been waiting for a long time. They are all reliable comrades who are worthy of entrusting their backs. In a chaotic and disordered world like the Eye of Terror, this is really precious.

Abaddon, who entered the main bridge, showed a faint smile when he saw his friend Iskandar Khayon. If Lin Fan was here, he would definitely call Khayon "Brother-in-law" in front of Abaddon.

Abaddon sat on the throne, where he could see all the troops participating in the 13th Black Expedition.

The huge military formation brought Abaddon an unparalleled sense of pride. In the Eye of Terror, who else but him could integrate the Chaos War Gang that was as loose as sand?

"Hahahaha." Abaddon laughed, "The corrupt empire will not be able to stop us, and this time victory will be inevitable."

"Of course, my great warmaster." Khayon said firmly.

Abaddon looked at Khayon again, and Khayon also looked at Abaddon.

The captain of the Luna Wolves and the wizard of the Thousand Sons both recalled the past when they fought side by side. When destroying the Fabius clone laboratory, Khayon smashed the Terranok battleship that had accompanied him for hundreds of years onto the enemy's head in order to cooperate with Abaddon's attack. His soul-bound guardian spirit Gale also died of exhaustion in the battle with the Horus clone.

As a native of Prospero, it is quite normal to have a demon elf, but unlike his brothers who betrayed the demon elves, Khayon and the demon elf are always loyal to each other.

Abaddon did not live up to Khayon's sacrifice. He fought hard to rescue Khayon from the critical moment of life and death.

Later, the Black Legion was established, and Abaddon and Khayon were invincible. This psychic killer successfully killed Tagus Daravek, the lord of the parasite army, in the sixth crusade, making Abaddon's warmaster throne as stable as Mount Tai.

"Khayon, do you know the troops we have for this expedition?" Abaddon asked. This was more like a game of bonding than asking.

Khayon knew Abaddon's intention, but just said, "Warmaster, I don't know."

"Then let me introduce you." Abaddon paused, and then introduced the unparalleled power of the 13th Black Crusade to everyone in the firm and powerful voice of a warrior.

Lord of Destruction Urkrasos, Lord of Torment Defram Korda, Lord of Deception Igsemmo, Chief Warlock Zaraphiston, Destroyer Zagsin, Chief of Rebellion Erebus, Chosen of Tzeentch Ahriman, Chosen of Nurgle Typhons, Lord of Midnight Tarak Darkblood, Scarlet Slaughter Kranon.

After a round of speaking, Abaddon suddenly found a few small problems.

Chosen of Slaanesh Lucius, Chosen of Khorne Kahn, and Warsmith Krom Gat were not present.

This is a bit abnormal. If only Lucius and Kahn were not present, Abaddon would not think too much about it.

One is a lawless and indulgent demon, and the other is a bloodthirsty machine that can't stop when seeing blood. Abaddon expected them to be unpunctual.

But it is a bit outrageous that the war blacksmith Gat did not arrive on time. As a member of the Iron Warriors, order and punctuality are iron laws that are stronger than adamantine.

Could these people be the culprits for the failure of the 13th Black Crusade?

How is it possible!

Abaddon felt ridiculous for his own thoughts. The quality of the Dark Mechanicum troops brought by Kal Bohar was far greater than the three of them combined.

But out of a prudent plan, Abaddon still sent someone to visit the territory of the Iron Warriors. If War Blacksmith Gat was delayed by the Imperial troops, Abaddon would definitely send someone to help!

After Abaddon gave the order, Khayon took a step forward and saluted the Black Warmaster. "Everything is ready, my Warmaster. Next, I will go to the heart of the decayed empire and deliver the message of defeat to them."

"Go ahead, Kingbreaker! The Crimson Road will lead directly to Terra, and you will see the Vengeful Spirit coming to Terra again!"

Khayon retreated, he needed to make some preparations before leaving.

Enter the most important center of the Vengeful Spirit, where Khayon can communicate directly with the machine spirit of the Vengeful Spirit.

Even through a layer of thick metal gloves, Kayon could still feel the long-lost warmth from the cold and huge memory.

"Sister." Kayon called softly.

His sister Izala responded to her brother's call with steam and electric arcs spewed from the pipes.

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