Most of the crew were humans, who were plundered slaves. Above them are the servitors, and then there are the mutants, who are fighting endlessly on the lower decks, in order to survive, and to gain the gaze of the destructive power to change their fate as slaves.

Sometimes Khayon also thinks about his position. Although he is respected by the Black Legion soldiers and trusted by Abaddon, he does not feel that he is a great being. He is just a mortal.

All his dignity and meaning of existence was shattered by the Horus Heresy. He begged the Space Wolves not to fire but all he got was a burnt Prospero.

Their father, the Crimson King Magnus, also forgot about these drifting heirs, dreaming of joining a greater game and gaining more ethereal power.

The desire to survive in life firmly binds every struggler.

Kayon thought so, he looked at Izala and saw himself in the reflection of the incubator wall.

It's so cold. It looks really cold. In what kind of coldness is my sister silently enduring loneliness and loneliness?

++You've been thinking a little too long, is it because of Gail? ++

The synthetic sound woke up Kayon who was immersed in memories. He is a very focused person. As long as he calms down and thinks, he will remain motionless and forget the flow of time.

Kayon considered his words, and finally he chose to tell Izala about Gale's fate in the simplest words.

The memory has a very strong ability to analyze language, and Khayon never once successfully concealed his emotional fluctuations in front of his sister.

"Gail is dead."

++Dead? But she is a subspace creature, and exile is her destiny. ++

"Yes, she was exiled back to the subspace by the clone of Horus, and was controlled and restrained by Radavik. After I rescued her, I completely lost the perception of her soul. In the subspace, I I can’t sense her, and she can’t sense me. The chance of meeting me next time is so small that it can be ignored. I prefer to call this ending death.”


Izala was a little disappointed, and then she asked other people.

++Where were the two Thousand Sons who were always guarding the door at that time? what do you say that is? ++

"Mekari and Jhar." Khayon reminded.

+By the way, it’s these two names. Are they busy? ++

Izala's inquiry broke Kayon's heart. The names of these two brothers were no less important in Kayon's heart than Gale.

The Thousand Sons have been dead for too long, the wolves have weaved the burning Prospero, and the haughty scarlet letter of Ahriman has reduced the unburned corpse to ashes.

The remaining Thousand Sons wizards may lament the injustice of their fate, cry to the spiers on the Wizard Star about being misunderstood by the Empire and knowing nothing when the judgment comes to show how innocent they are.

But Khayon didn't think so. He felt that the Thousand Sons were entirely to blame for their fate.

There is a splendid city called Tizca on Prospero, which is the treasure house of human knowledge and the city of light in the hearts of all scholars.

The glass pyramid standing on the horizon celebrates the beauty of the sky by reflecting sunlight and turning it into brilliant pillars of light that are clearly visible in space.

These pyramids are vast hives. The residents inside are wise, knowledgeable, humble and hospitable, and devote their lives to preserving all knowledge and wisdom in the galaxy. At the top of the hives are ancient observatories and laboratories, which are dedicated to the study of unknown magic. , witchcraft and prophecy.

They used to call it art, and they still call it art.

These arts are the best evidence of guilt. No excuses or complaints can hide the truth. The Thousand Sons had turned their backs on the Emperor's warnings, looking too long and too deeply into the Warp, and disaster was imminent.

At that time, Khayon firmly believed that knowledge is justice and ignorance is evil, but now he is tired of this idea. Only the arrogant Ahriman will continue his magic experiments based on the principle that ignorance is sin, and the Scarlet Letter Curse It's more of a bad funeral dirge than a few nails in the Thousand Sons' coffin.

Mistakes should be punished, like mindless wolves. They were deceived by Horus and twisted the emperor's order of imprisonment and trial into killing on the spot. They were also punished, and they were desperate. The son could only throw himself into the arms of the Warmaster with hatred and launch revenge expeditions against Fenris again and again.

The lying Horus was also punished. His soul was burned out by the Emperor. His heirs fled in fear and grief. They were in panic all day long as they were hunted by the Imperial faction. Finally, his body was desecrated by Fabius and cloned. The body was killed by Abaddon himself.

The dialogue between cloned Horus and Abaddon is laughable.

"That! It's! My! Claw!" Horus said word by word.

Abaddon clenched his claws. He looked so similar to Horus that they could only be distinguished from each other by their weapons and wounds.

"My son!" A smile suddenly appeared on Horus's face, a real sense of recognition flashed in his eyes, and his tone was full of relief as if he suddenly understood.

Time seemed to stop. Khayon and the other surviving warriors witnessed all this. Even if they were broken into pieces by Horus and dispersed at the edge of the room to avoid the slaughter of passing ghosts, they would still feel that Abaddon and Horus would be killed in the next moment. They will embrace each other intimately.

But as Kayon recognized, all mistakes should be punished.

Abaddon thrust his claws into Horus' chest and pierced out from his back. The twin storm bolters mounted on it also pierced six bolts into Horus' body, and the fragments of the explosion sent out the internal organs and blood.

Horus' lips trembled slightly, as if he was saying something to Abaddon. Khayon did not hear any sound, but only heard Abaddon's whisper before Horus died.

"I am not your son."

At that time, the emotions exposed by his cold face were particularly delicate and complex. This was the punishment for Abaddon.

Mekari and Jehar were like this. They were punished by fate to become a ball of dust in the armor. Contacting them was as difficult as listening to a distant voice in the silent night.

The soul was sealed by the red spell, leaving only a broken memory that was still playing in a loop.

Jehar's most important memory was a bunch of bright white flames. After a blink of an eye, Jehar and the entire legion died with the light.

Mekari had sometimes responded to Khayon's commands, but he had no visible presence, only his rigid, emotionless gaze fixed upon Khayon through the visor of his helmet.

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