In the end, Mekari regained some sanity. By that time, Khayon had been knocked to the ground by the clone of Horus, and the ghost wolf Gale also died in the hands of Horus. Her head was smashed, and then she was killed. It fell to the ground like a piece of dead meat in front of a butcher.

The cloned Horus had killed too many people, and was about to kill Khayon next. At this critical moment, Mekari bumped into Horus's side, and the explosive bomb fired at close range made Horus Si staggered a few steps to the side, and the sharp blade that was slashing at Khayon's life was only deflected by a few points.

Farewell, my brother.

Even after so long, Khayon still couldn't hide his grief when he recalled this scene. His tears had been taken away by the turbulence of the subspace before they flowed out, and only brought Izala Some disturbance in the instrument.

++Looks like they're dead too. ++

"No." Khayon corrected his sister's statement. "They are free."

++So let me guess, Nefertari is dead too? ++

Kayon said nothing, but that was enough.

Izala lamented the change of things and humans in a cold synthesized voice. She was very curious about the fate of Nefertari. After all, she was a Dark Eldar, a Dark Eldar who could survive beside the Astartes.

++Did she and Mekari die together? Like a warrior? ++

Occasionally, a companion or even a brother will be killed for uttering one more word, and just like chattering in front of a World Eater to stimulate his Butcher's Nails to activate, any sanity will be burned by the fury the words inspire. All.

The last time someone was able to say Nefertari was dead in front of Khayon was Abaddon. At that time, Khayon just wanted to put his fingers on Abaddon's neck and watch coldly as the brilliance of his life no longer shone from his pupils. released.

Khayon has many reverse scales. Among them, his sister - Izala, his guardian spirit - Gale, and his blood guard - Mefitari are the three largest reverse scales. Any behavior that harms them will only cause harm to them. Khayon lost his mind with a rage that would put a World Eater with the Butcher's Nail to shame.

Kayon was willing to do anything for them, and so were they. Perhaps Mekari and Jhar should have been added later, but at that time Khayon didn't know that his brothers who had turned to dust were still alive in a subtle form.

But there were times when Khayon found Khayon unhappy with the many intimate activities between Gale and Nefertari.

Gale came to Nefertari's nest many times, and each time he was not known by Khayon. When Khayon asked Gale, the wolf just responded, "My life is not just for the existence of the contract. Owner."

A demon and an Ada, no matter how you look at it, they are an incompatible match, but the relationship between the two of them is surprisingly good. Gale will rub Nefertari's shoulder with his wolf paw, and also allows Nefertari to He wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck and rested his forehead against her fur.

So there were many mistakes in Izala's understanding, but Kayon didn't blame her. As the control center of a battleship, Izala's understanding of the world was very different from ordinary people.

The augury is Izala's eyes, but these eyes can only allow Izala to see the surface of things, but cannot go deeper.

Lacking psychic and mental perception, Izala is unable to speculate on other people's thoughts through methods other than data collection.

In fact, Mefitari lives in a strange way. The last person who could communicate with her about this was Abaddon. This cunning guy keenly discovered problems that Nefertari herself was not aware of.

"Kayan, she has died a long time ago. The cycle of life and the flow of blood are all based on your orders. You treat her body like a toy. You just don't want to let her rest in peace." Abaddon's The sound echoed in Khayon's ears. This kind of sound woven from memory and subspace energy was very clear. In the past, Khayon's brothers would say that they heard ancient ravings while sailing. Khayon didn't care at that time, because He couldn't hear it.

Later, when he lost almost everyone he cared about, he could hear the memories of the past chasing him, tearing open and amplifying the weakness in his heart all the time.

Sometimes it was Gale calling him, sometimes it was Mefitari, sometimes it was Mekari and Jhar, and even his father and mother.

"What a sentimental person." Abaddon sighed again.

Khayon blinked, looking at the illusion and reality respectively. He raised his head and stared at Izala, ignoring Abaddon who shook his head and sighed.

"Zaraginel." Khayon announced the name of a Slaanesh demon. The aura of depravity filled Izala's cabin, and was then blown away by a more terrifying demon sealed by the Dark Mechanicus. "She killed Mefitari, but I brought her back."

The process was complicated, and the demon's flying claw penetrated Mefitali's heart. Khayon hugged her before she fell, banishing the pain from her mind and pouring spiritual power into her dying body to stop the disintegration of life.

From now on, as long as Khayon does not withdraw his spiritual power, Mefitari will always live, but if Mefitari realizes that she is dead, she will also disappear, which is why Khayon has been keeping this secret.

Abaddon began to sigh again, "You lied to her! What a sentimental person." His voice made Khayon a little sad.

That Ada, a damned alien, saved Khayon many times, and every bit of getting along with her is extremely unforgettable. His blood guard is a powerful and cruel killer, able to slaughter hundreds of demons, and can easily suppress experienced World Eaters with crystal claws.

She is also a careful guy, and it is very likely that she learned it in the dangerous hell of Gomor.

When Khayon devoted himself to casting psychic spells to complete the task assigned by Abaddon, it was Mefitari who relieved his pain.

Casting spells is not an easy job, especially as a human, there are more difficulties to overcome.

The whispers of the cursed and the unborn will torture your mind again and again, making your mind weak like a candle about to be extinguished.

In those months of sweaty and painful rituals, it was Mefitari who fed Khayon nutrients and purified water, massaged his muscles and stretched his bones to prevent Khayon's body from decaying.

She and Gaia stayed by Khayon's side when he was meditating, and would leave with their dark wings shaking when he returned to his nest to rest.

When Khayon woke up, his lips were dry and he couldn't even speak, so Mephitali promptly brought him a glass of water.

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