"I'm not alone." Khayon said, which made the mutants working on the side tremble with fear. In their eyes, this was a symbol of communication between a space warrior and the devil.

They retreated quickly, huddled in the shadows, covering their ears with their hands, closing their eyes, praying that they would not be torn to pieces by Khayon or some unknown entity.

"Oh~ you're not alone." Mefitali curled her lips, which made her look a little cute, but the way she played with the crystal claws destroyed this beauty.

She pulled on Khayon's armor and continued, "You are just lonely. Your former mentor Asaka, who had albinism and was mentally ill, is dead; the demon in the skin of a beast is also missing; there is only a Telema. Nong is still alive, but he is a damned Emperor's son, a degenerate with an equally flawed mind."

Khayon angrily and impatiently tried to interrupt Mefitali's teasing, but Mefitali just jumped and landed on Khayon's shoulder and continued talking.

"Now that you have left your sister behind, what do you have left?"

"I still have you." Kayon blurted out.

Mefitali was stunned for a long time. Her face changed many times in an instant, switching between smile, sadness, helplessness, and calmness, and finally her lips opened again.

"Yes, you still have me." Mefitari stroked Khayon's face and said slowly, and then her body was hung by several hooks. She was dragged away and screamed hoarsely, "But you Lost me."

The panic prompted Kayon to give up the reserve of a scholar. He ran with an ax in his hands. The chain used to hang the book jingled. The demon sealed in the card roared dissatisfied with the collision, but Kayon didn't care about anything. All he wanted to do was catch Mefitari.

The busy servitors turned a blind eye to Khayon. The Mechanicus cultists monitoring their work recognized Khayon's armor. They bowed to Khayon or made a direct gesture of respect and obedience.

Although this is meaningless, it is a gift to mutants and slaves with even lower status. The Mechanicus' work is not interrupted, and they can politely ignore the arrogant Space Marines.

I ran to a competitive round hall, where flags and commemorative trophies were hung again. Lifeless mechanical guards were fighting against Black Legion soldiers. When Khayon's footsteps were getting closer and closer, the automatic laser turret Creaking drew out from the wall and aimed at Khayon, then retreated after a brief moment of identification.

"Hey! My old friend!" A beautiful and convincing voice came. After seeing that Khayon turned a deaf ear, the owner of the voice followed him with a curse, "This wizard is sick again."

Khayon finally stopped after a disgusting snapping sound. He found that he had lost all traces of Mefitari, and there was a pool of turbid blood on his armor.

A few unlucky ones who couldn't dodge were smashed into pieces by Kayon. Before Kayon could apologize, a familiar and disgusting aura was slowly approaching him.

Abaddon's personal herald, Telemanon, was behind Khayon.

"It's you, you bastard." Kayon cursed bitterly.

"That's me, the bastard." Telemanon said calmly, looking very elegant in his silver mask.

But don’t be deceived by his appearance. Under his mask is a mutilated and ferocious face. His whole body is covered with scars from experiencing stimulating pleasure. There are also human skin faces on the armor inlaid with gorgeous gems. These faces Still alive and displaying an expression of pain and contortion based on Telemanon's emotions.

Khayon would never like these Emperor's Children, even if they fought side by side, even if Telemanon saved Izala's consciousness in the memory.

But Khayon also gave him a corresponding reward, removing the witchcraft from him and allowing the Emperor's son to have feelings again.

One thing should be treated as another, this is Kayon's rule.

Telemanon also disliked Khayon, because it was Khayon who had caused him to lose his senses, and Khayon refused to let Telemanon touch the lovely bloodguard.

It was simply a kind of torture. Looking at the pale and smooth skin of the Ada, smelling the fragrance emanating from her body, and listening to her elegant and lively insults, all of this made Telemas intoxicated.

"Brother, are you sick again?" Telemanon asked, his hand on the hilt of his sword, guarding against Khayon's sudden attack.

"It has nothing to do with you." Khayon said stiffly, and then he suddenly saw Mefitari behind Telemanon, stretched out his hand and begged, "Don't go, Mefitari."

Telemas heard it clearly, and his suppressed desire was suddenly aroused by this name. He looked around excitedly, and finally realized that Mefitari had died long ago.

He also participated in the siege of Gomo and fought the most fiercely, just to leave a taste mark on Mefitali's body.

However, Mefitari died, and her body was burned by Khayon with psychic fire, leaving nothing behind for Telemas.

This made Telemas feel itchy and resentful. None of the other Eldar in Gomo had the same smell as Mefitari. As the popular saying goes - what you can't get is always the last thing. OK

So Khayon is now seeing a vision of Mefitari? That's really good.

Telemas took two steps closer. This was already an extremely dangerous distance. In his impression, no one could stand within five steps of Khayon without incident.

The buzzing lightning was already in Khayon's hand. Telemas took a deep breath, then considered his words, "Brother, you should let it go."

Telemas' telekinesis choked his throat, and he coughed and gasped for air, surprised that Khayon's psychic power was so powerful.

"You don't deserve to talk about her."

"Huh?" Kayon's attitude also aroused Telemas's anger. He used the face on his armor to yell, "You don't deserve to have her! That angel! That delicious and cute angel, you don't understand me at all. Similarity to her, I longed for her as she longed for me."

"Idiot." Khayon punctured Telemas's twisted illusion.

The Emperor's Children are always like this. No matter how gorgeous their armor is, how beautiful their voices are, or how persuasive their speeches are, they cannot change the fact that they are narcissistic psychopaths.

Telemas has been coveting Mefitali for more than a day or two. He wants to hurt Mefitali, kill Mefitali, taste Mefitali, and have Mefitali in his Do a round of repetitive things on your body.

He even guessed that the sweat on Mefitari's body was salty, but unfortunately Khayon knew that his guess was wrong.

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