Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 792 Everything is under control

In the end, all of Khayon's uncontrollable anger was released on Telemas. The psychic lightning subtly collapsed and reorganized Telemanon's nerves, allowing him to taste the pain he had been away from for a long time.

"It feels so good!" Telemanon gritted his teeth and held on. The corrosion of Slaanesh could not allow him to bear such a blow comfortably. This is what Khayon mentioned - humans need to overcome more difficulties.

++Stop it. ++

Abaddon's voice came through the announcer. He was the root of the conflict between Khayon and Telemanon. Without his restraint, the head of one of the two would have been hung in the exhibition room of the other.

Khayon withdrew his power, and Telemanon collapsed on the ground like a dead dog for a while. This embarrassing look only made Telemanon cough and cough and laugh strangely.

The anger dissipated a lot, the pain in his head quickly subsided, and the illusion in front of him gradually dissipated, leaving only the faint echo of Mefitari's scream.

Am I going crazy soon?

Kayon thought lightly, maybe Mefitali was right, he was really going to die in loneliness and meaninglessness.

Khayon left silently and went to his ship. Everything was obviously renovated and brand new. The elevators did not make any bad squeaking sounds. The lower deck was still clean, and the plants grown from blood and dirt were not there yet. Appear.

"Go to Terra and face my punishment." Khayon said to himself, and then he ordered the ship to leave the Black Legion's station and disappear into the ocean of warp space.

Carlos watched Khayon leave and sent a message to Tzeentch.

All is working according to your plan, Lord of change.

A quiet place without an owner. Three demonic bodies carrying their master's will came here. The light of the Emperor could not shine here, and the lustful voice of Slaanesh could not float here.

Gods have many private places for such communication. It's probably like eight people in a dormitory building more than a dozen groups. There are always things that have to be said behind someone's back.

"Everything is normal, the emperor has not discovered our layout yet." The crystal statue weaves a message with light, which is the will of the Lord of Changes.

"What a waste of time." The scarlet flames roared, and the Lord of War and Blood was about to run out of patience.

"Hehehe. I think it's very good. More and more children are willing to join my big family." The bloated meat mountain bubbled. Although the master of disease and decay has been busy recently, he is proud of the results of his work. Very pleased.

While Abaddon was busy gathering more legions to disrupt the Empire's deployment, the three gods in the warp did not forget the joint covenant they signed.

Space hulks that slipped through the net attacked many important worlds and naval bases. The ancient steel soaked in the power of subspace was mixed with the kindness of Nurgle. Billions of gifts were sleeping on every dusty deck, and every surface was rusty. Stained walls are a breeding ground for disease.

The days leading up to the Black Crusade were certainly desperate, and Nurgle was content with that desperation.

The body of Tzeentch looked at Nurgle who was as happy as an idiot, and he secretly laughed at Nurgle's ignorance and easy satisfaction.

He simply didn't know that he could gain more from his original fate.

The Plague Claw wandering around the outer reaches of the Uthwold system spreads a large amount of plague, which of course attracts the attention of the Imperial Navy.

Admiral Quaren would lead the Imperial Navy in pursuit of the Plagueclaw, and they would then be ambushed by a fleet led by Nurgle Herald Typhons's flagship Terminus in the Dust Cloud of Flannilex, even though they Barely escaping, the Imperial Navy also suffered heavy losses. The Empire will not engage in a strategic decisive battle with Abaddon's Black Legion until the next rally is completed.

But because of the subject's notification, Wodehouse knew the future layout in advance. He informed Quarran of Typhons's ambush, and then a void battle of ambush and counter-ambush made both sides unhappy.

Nurgle's ignorance made him content with the status quo. The great change in the fate line also increased Tzeentch's power. A bloody war of equals also satisfied Khorne. The losses of the Emperor's army were not too heavy. Sings of Wodehouse's prophet.

This is not a small win, it is a big win. Everyone wins.

The only ones who really lose are those ants who are crushed in the flames of war.

Adjusting and adapting to the changing lines of fate, Tzeentch is comfortable dealing with these issues, but he does not communicate any detailed plans to the other gods, much to his detriment.

The power of the three gods united is astonishing. Under their intentional or unintentional restrictions and revelations, the believers unite to minimize bloody conflicts. Even the barbarians under Khorne know to think calmly for a moment instead of They rushed out of the bottom of the hive city and carried out head harvesting activities.

Inciting rebellion in the Imperial world is a delicate job. Small-scale unorganized rebellion will only make the Imperial government aware of it in advance, and then a large number of Ministry of Justice and Inquisition troops will swarm under the hive and kill every suspicious person with fire and bullets. .

So Tzeentch adopted another, more subtle method of incitement.

That's imperial catechism.

The human empire is by no means an enlightened country. Ignorance and ignorance are everywhere. The Inquisition believed that as long as the people were kept in a state of ignorance, their thinking would not sink into the abyss of doubt.

To be fair, this kind of policy of obscuring the people still has some uses.

But the Tribunal has obviously ignored another issue. Ignorance means easy erosion. Although the Imperial State Church is trying its best to fill the gaps in people's minds, their towering churches are still too far away from the poor people at the bottom of the hive.

The state of emergency in the Cadian sector began more than a hundred years ago. Various prophecies and chaos made the human empire nervous. They mobilized manpower and material resources from countless worlds to fill the Cadian defense line, without caring about the people of the local planets. of life and death.

Officials loyal to the Emperor and to a certain extent also loyal to Tzeentch dispatched tasks with ruthless bureaucratic thinking. The surge in blood and material taxes brought the economic systems of other planets to the brink of collapse, but they had no right to resist. , the Inquisition considers everyone to be a damned heretic and traitor.

After thousands of years of training and slow penetration, the current imperial system can be said to have been made by Tzeentch. He knew where to leave revelations and to whom to whisper to influence the operation of the imperial official system, thus allowing the empire to waste A lot of material and manpower.

Although the Emperor was aware of this and sent the Imperial Guard to secretly purge and deal with it, he could not change the bureaucratic beast that had been declining for thousands of years in these short days.

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