Really urgent work was overwhelmed by minutiae, and outside observers could not say much about the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They acted in accordance with the rules and served the emperor wholeheartedly. Their waists could no longer straighten because they had been working on desks all year round. Their skin, which had not been exposed to the sun for many years, had a deathly pallor. They kept the provisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in mind and enshrined them. A revelation for the Emperor.

The Forbidden Army's ability to handle government affairs is very good, but how do they ensure the implementation of various departments after the policy is issued?

No matter how good the policies are, people still need to implement them.

There are too few real elites, and any disturbance in the ocean of mortals will not create a single benign wave.

Why weren't supplies from the Tamerak war zone sent there? Why was the order to assemble the sector fleet more than 100 years late? Why isn't my unit getting any military reinforcements?

Humans are very complex creatures, and the society made up of humans is even more complex. The various institutions of the Human Empire with entangled powers and the extremely uneven development of the planet have pushed the political system of the Human Empire into a chaos that only Tzeentch can sort out. machine.

On one side, each army is at the disposal of the Ministry of Military Affairs and uniformly accepts equipment and supplies shipped from the Forging World.

On the other side, each unit prepares to supply itself, recruiting and equipping troops solely through the charisma of the legion commander and in exchange for benefits.

This complexity is mastered by Tzeentch. Even if the Human Empire lays out the defense line of Cadia in advance with the notification of the subject, he can make the city protected behind the wall be riddled with holes and crumbling like termites.

Many contradictory orders made the Inquisition even more nervous. They tried batch after batch of imperial officials in the name of traitors without being able to solve the fundamental problem.

The followers of Tzeentch preached in the dark and bright places about the decline and corruption of the current empire. What they pointed out were the facts most hated by the people at the bottom of the empire.

"Today's empire is suffering from disasters! This is all because the empire has entered a state of depravity that the emperor does not want to see. Our benevolent emperor does not want to see insects using his name to seek power and gain, so he is angry. The revelation makes us fight!”

In this chaos, throwing in some plague is a simple matter. Tzeentch's officials facilitated the poor people of Nurgle, quietly replacing workers at critical facilities such as water purification plants and food processing plants.

If officials of Tzeentch are captured and tried by the Empire, then the people of Khorne will come in handy. A large number of violent elements in red will attack the gates of the Imperial institutions without fear of life and death, disrupt the situation on the planet, and let It is easier for Nurgle to drop the plague.

Among the many infectious diseases, Nurgle's zombie plague has become a nightmare for the human empire. A gift from a combination of Chaos infection and physical disease, this plague can be spread through normal means, but can also infect others through thoughts.

The Medical Ministry named this plague the Plague of Unbelief. Those who were ungrateful and doubtful of the Emperor's faith would become potential victims of the plague.

If not dealt with in time, zombies twisted by the plague will flood the entire planet, and even powerful space warriors will not be able to survive among tens of billions of walking corpses.

In order to deal with the threat posed by the plague, the Empire also responded. First, the Inquisition established the Funeral Order, specifically responsible for dealing with the recent large-scale outbreak of Nurgle Plague, and they will have the power to mobilize all the manpower of the Medical Department and material resources to break the plague.

"Is it possible for them to break the plague?" Tzeentch asked Nurgle meaningfully.

Nurgle just replied with dull confidence, "Absolutely impossible."

"Let us talk about the war!" roared Khorne, who did not like Nurgle's underhanded tactics of poisoning.

"Would you like to read Abaddon's war plan?" Tzeentch suggested, throwing a document in front of Khorne.

Khorne looked patiently and did not express any opinion on Abaddon's war plan.

"I never thought I could see you again, Inquisitor Vesth." Kaiser White Fang expressed respect to Inquisitor Vesth who fought alongside him. The last time the two met was during the expedition to the Tau Empire, and now they are meeting again We met once, and Inquisitor Weisi was promoted to a noble rank, and he had the mark of the Inquisition of the Funeral Order on his body.

"It's an honor for me to be able to leave a deep impression on a high-ranking Space Marine." Inquisitor Weiss responded expressionlessly, then raised his arm and used the bolter installed on it to kill the staggering The bloated zombies were beaten to pieces.

This is the agricultural world of Kaqua, the breadbasket of the empire, and the fundamental guarantee that several surrounding star systems will not fall into famine. Now it has become a plague land full of walking corpses, one of the gardens where Nurgle shows his power, and billions of walking corpses are constantly there. Swallowing the defense line of the defenders to defend the granary, the filthy brewing pond in the center of the continent is the center of the ceremony. The rotten poisonous cloud hanging on top makes the orbital bombardment completely ineffective. We can only rely on the Space Marines once again to plunge this planet into Nurgle. Take back the world from your hands.

Unlike the agricultural world of Kasare that Judge Weisi has visited, the agricultural world of Kaqua is more densely populated.

The population of the general agricultural world does not exceed 100 million, and the few cities and mobile harvesters scattered in the fields have become gathering places for farmers. If the agricultural world were more automated, only a few hundred thousand people would be needed to control semi-autonomous vehicles and weather network control nodes, and supported by millions of robots, it would be possible to produce abundant food to meet the needs of hundreds of billions of people.

But a small number of people means that the defense force is weak. The border agricultural world of Kakuo, located in the Eye of Terror, has never lacked destruction from within and plunder from the outside.

Before the Kakoa Agricultural World trained a large number of soldiers, it was often plundered by the Dark Eldar. However, in recent decades, the Dark Eldar's plundering has completely disappeared. The Kakoa Agricultural World believed that they had successfully deterred the aliens with their army, and then They expanded their army several times.

The expanded army needed more people to feed, so the Kakoa Agricultural World changed the original seven crops grown on the planet to one. At the same time, it requested officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be responsible for more precise food rationing, so that the food producers could The populace was kept on that fine line of being able to work but not starve to death.

Now that the plunder from the outside has not yet arrived, the destruction from within has already paralyzed the planet. Even though Inquisitor Vest has been assigned to the Mortic Order, she suppresses hundreds of active cults each year.

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