If there were only zombies wandering on the surface of the planet, it would just be an extra step for the empire to shoot and breathe fire, but the pollution of the planet's soil would be unacceptable to the empire.

As long as the Nurgle Cult's ritual of polluting the planet is interrupted, the Empire still has a chance to convert the planet into an agricultural world and produce large amounts of food in the shortest possible time.

If they succeed, this may well be the last time the planet produces food.

Judge Weiss thought so. She was in a high position and naturally knew about the fierce internal turmoil in Cadia and the surrounding star regions. The empire had taken too many extreme measures to strengthen Cadia's defense line, even by her standards. It can be said to be killing the goose that lays the egg.

The agricultural world of Kakoa will surely be dealt with urgently after it undergoes a purge, in which instead of bright sunshine and sweet-smelling orchards, there is only the sizzling of high-starch corn.

The monks of the Mechanicum will build fertilizer factories, the air will be dyed yellow, the soil will turn into floating soil, fields paved with high-yield crops will stretch to the sky, and huge harvesters will greedily suck every grain of grain.

In the end, the planet will turn into a dead world with only grains of sand under this kind of collection. The world that has been drained of the last trace of nutrients will not be able to become one of the next bases to provide supplies for the Chaos traitors.

Weisi's sigh was interrupted by the scolding of Sister Gavestin, who was asking a fanatical battle sister to save the fuel of her flamethrower.

"There are too many of them." A long-tusker holding a heavy bolter machine gun complained. He stepped steadily and fired, firmly controlling the zombies coming from the side to a position about 200 meters away from their team.

These degenerate things can only lose the ability to move if their heads are blown. Even if their limbs are broken, the zombies will twist around inch by inch.

Therefore, the tusks locked each explosive bomb in the upper part of the zombie's chest. This kind of shooting can damage the body structure of the zombie to the maximum extent, blowing up its shoulders and the head above it, and penetrating The extremely powerful explosive bomb can also kill the walking zombies behind him.

"There are more." Kaiser White Fang whistled. He could detect from the auspicious device that millions of walking corpses were surrounding them. If they failed to stop the ritual of the foul brewing pond in time, they would It was time to carve a bloody path through the zombies.

"You have to act quickly, we can't hold it off any longer." The voice of Korsaro Khan entered the communication channel of Kaiser White Fang. The sound of explosive bombs firing mixed with the roar of combat motorcycle engines, which made Kosaro Khan's voice was not clear.

As the Space Wolves and the elite forces of the Inquisition charged into the depths of the Ritual Lands, Korsaro Khan and the White Scars were stalking hundreds of millions of walkers across the continent.

These zombies lack the ability to understand, and only hunger is raging in their empty and turbid eyes. They will seize living people to feast on, and spread pollution to every corner. No matter how solid the streets are, they will become difficult to walk in due to their pollution. swampland.

But Nurgle cultists with psychic talents can command these walking corpses. They are the hunting targets of Kosaro Khan. As long as he finds a corpse exorcist, Kosaro Khan will rush forward on a motorcycle and use thunder to kill them. Take the first level of the force.

Without the White Scars' decapitation and attraction, the number of walkers gathered around the filthy brew pool would be even greater.

The current situation has given Kaiser White Fang and his party a headache. Corpses and food are piled on the ground. Due to the corrosion of Nurgle, they only remain in a state of decay and pus. The huge pustules are covered by these unspeakable filth, like landmines. Still waiting for their stampede.

Wodehouse held the wolf staff in his hand, and his spiritual power surged throughout his body. The coldness stung his brother beside him and made him feel familiar. When he was ready, he slammed the wolf staff to the ground and roared, "Kneel down. Before the winter of Fenris!"

The severe cold that spread for hundreds of miles reshaped the soft and sticky land, and the frozen water vapor made the ground solid and reliable.

The rotten zombies were frozen into popsicles. The dissolution process of their internal organs was temporarily stopped, and the dark green mist they spit out was much less. The larvae in the infected abscesses were also afraid of the cold winter in Fenris. The swarm of flies disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Well done." Another tusker retracted his heavy flamethrower and used this precious time to adjust the temperature and pressure of the flamethrower.

Wodehouse did not show any joy at his brother's praise. Using magic in a place with such filthy subspace energy was a risky matter. If you were not careful, you would be possessed by evil spirits.

Fortunately, Wodehouse has long been accustomed to this. When he was with Lin Fan, he did too many dangerous experiments on demonic possession, and his control over psychic energy was among the best in the think tank.

But the consumption was real. He squeezed the wolf stick tightly to resist the tremors coming from his body.

Everyone continued to move forward despite the severe cold. The winter in Fenris would not be merciful to anyone.

First it was severe cold, then cold, and then the slightest coolness. The closer to the filthy brewing pond, the more obvious the temperature rose. The cold and dry air began to become hot and humid again, and the cleanliness created by the cold was once again muddy. The putrid pulp destroys.

After climbing over the mountain range made of white maggot eggs in front of them, they saw the filthy brewing pond.

Seven pillars surround a pool of green water. These pillars are made of living people stuck together. Seven psykers were selected to become the tips of the pillars. Their mouths, noses and mouths spit out a steady stream of green water, gathering into A brewing pool that reflects Nurgle's decaying gardens, from which all the corruption that the planet has endured comes.

As the heart of Nurgle's corrosion, this place was completely unaffected by the winter of Fenris. Just by witnessing the scene in front of me, the brain sent a nauseating feeling back to the entire body.

Inquisitor Vesth and the Sisters of the Pious Rose Battle led by Sister Gavestine all turned on cognitive filters to prevent Nurgle's corruption from weakening their combat effectiveness.

A group of Plague Space Marines guarded here. Their green-embroidered armor looked weak in defense, but Kaiser White Fang would not underestimate these traitors in front of him.

A Plague Marine holding a scythe and covering his head with a hood looked at Kaiser White Fang. His body was filled with the marks of his father's generous blessings. His whole body was wrapped in a thick miasma. The rusty edges pierced into the swollen skin. The weapon It has a texture unique to slimy wood.

He scolded Cather White Fang as he shook his arms with flies flying up and down.

"You cruel butchers."

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