Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 795 You are so skilled, how many times have you tried secretly?

The hooded Nurgle Space Marine continued to accuse the Imperium of atrocities, the strange sounds coming from his clammy throat making Kathe White Fang feel sick and sick.

Of course, everyone present was not in the mood to listen to the speech of a walking plague meatpot. Wodehouse calmly scanned the filthy brewing pool with his psychic eyes, and found an egg shell as pale as bone under the reflected water.

What are these things?

Wodehouse felt something was wrong. He suddenly remembered what he had seen while fighting in the Tau Empire's underground research institute.

They may be assisted by reflection warriors.

Kaiser White Fang was stunned when he heard Wodehouse's psychic transmission. Why are these traitors who believe in Nurgle still related to the reflection warriors produced by the Tau Empire Research Institute?

Kaiser White Fang remembered that Lin Fan told him that the person who made the Reflection Warrior was a Dark Eldar Blood Mercy named Amalaga, so are these traitors colluding with the aliens?

A gunshot interrupted the endless complaints and accusations of the Nurgle warrior. The bolt fired at his head was deflected by the surrounding plague wind and finally landed on his breastplate.

A small hole was cut through the rusty armor, and the secondary explosion fuse of the explosive bomb was interfered with and disabled by the force of corrosion before it was activated.

"Wild wolves are really rude people." With this emotion, a Nurgling jumped onto his shoulder and handed him a yellow bell. "Since you have no intention of listening to the teachings of the great loving father, you can only I will convince you with force, and when you lie down by the brewing pond and take a delicious sip, you will know how generous your loving father is! Then you will appreciate Brother Geguluo’s enthusiasm.”

"You're so disgusting! Even if I drank too much, I wouldn't be able to speak clearly like you!" Cather White Fang sneered, holding back the goosebumps as he strode forward with a frosty battle ax in his hand. , the Bloodclaw cub followed closely behind the old wolf.

"What a stubborn man!" Geguluo said dullly, and then he began to praise his loving father. These words were like a spell that drew Nurgle's power to him.

Wodehouse had no interest in this kind of incantation, which required filling his throat with phlegm to find the right tone. However, out of the need to understand the effect of the spell, he still carefully sensed the flow of subspace energy to judge what kind of spell Gokuro would cast. Spells.

Waves of buzzing sounds made Wodehouse's ears itch, and large swaths of green-headed flies suddenly filled Wodehouse's vision of the future. The spell Gokuro cast this time was the Fly Demonic Cloud. Use these supernatural flying insects to block the ranged strikes of Sisters of Battle and Tusk.

Plague Marines are thick-skinned and have extremely strong regeneration capabilities, but how long can they last in the face of heavy bolter machine guns?

"The messenger of the garden protects us!" Geguluo opened his arms and shouted. Many insect eggs suddenly sprouted from the swollen and decayed bodies of the seven plague warriors. These eggs were about to break out of their shells and fly out with a large number of flies to block the teeth. and the Battle Sister's Baptism of Bombs.

Precisely seizing the moment when the ritual was performed, Wodehouse, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes. He stretched out his hand and integrated a touch of ice-cold power into the subspace energy drawn by Geguluo.

As a user of psychic energy, Geguluo can naturally feel the filth of the psychic power he extracted. This coldness is extremely conspicuous in the warm and corrupt power.

It was not his first time to experience a battle to destroy spells, but it was his first time to encounter such a difficult opponent as Wodehouse.

Either destroy the formation, or use stronger power to overwhelm the opponent. These are the two simplest and most reliable ways to destroy the spell. Wodehouse cleverly captured the last moment of Geguluo's spell, and turned the ice into ice. The power of cold is wrapped around the core veins of the spell.

The flies summoned by the spell were killed by the power of ice. The Plague Marines were not protected by any cloud of flies. The two bulky Plague Marines were penetrated by heavy explosive shells through their abdominal cavities, intestines and the Nurgling spirits temporarily living inside. All over the place.

"Geguluo, what are you doing?" the two injured Plague Marines blamed. Their sluggish nerves did not feel any pain, and their fatherly generosity continued to work on their bodies full of bomb wounds.

Geguluo didn't explain too much to his brother, he just thought that the wolf priest Wodehouse's ability to control spiritual energy was so exquisite and terrifying that even the Thousand Sons Wizard could not do what he did.

Tapping his fingers on a gong hanging on his waist, Gedro asked Wodehouse loudly how he knew his father's magic so well.

Wodehouse's expression was expressionless, which seemed like an arrogant showoff in the eyes of Gedro, but Wodehouse just didn't want to think about his life in the Tau Empire.

He knew too much and received too many slaps from Lin Fan.

Silence begets anger. Geguluo's greasy fingers swiped through the air, and bursts of stench gathered into a thick green and black floating sphere.

"Accept the gift!" Geguluo aimed at Wodehouse. Even though his face was bloated and ugly, Wodehouse could see that this guy was proud of his magic.

If you are so powerful, why don't you try to solve this spell?

Wodehouse's face was solemn. Such balls of filth were no longer within the reach of mortals. The moment the spell was cast, another part of Geduluo's incomplete soul was missing. He and a certain generous but not greedy Lord Nurgle The devil made a deal.

The ball of filth sank slowly and inevitably like a silent dying sun, and the armor of the Space Marines and Sisters of Battle also began to be corroded and stained with rust.

This spell must be resolved immediately. Wodehouse looked at the Kaiser White Fang and Blood Claw troops who had been breaking forward. They were fighting the Plague Marines and walkers. Several Plague Marines holding giant scythes were older than Kaiser White. Their teeth were much taller, and they didn't care about the wounds opened by the frost axes on their bodies. The heavy blow knocked Cather White Fang back far.

"Bennet!" Wodehouse called the Wolf Priest's name.

Priest Bennett, who was wearing a black-armored wolf helmet, understood this. He swung his sacred hammer and hit the Plague Warrior's helmet hard, causing the Plague Warrior to stagger back a few steps. Taking this opportunity, he opened the reliquary on his waist. There is an exquisite and unique blood bottle stored inside.

Pulling the barrel to eject the bullet and loading the blood bottle into it, Priest Bennett was fully prepared to aim and shoot in the short time it took the Plague Marine to recover from the hammer blow.

With a bang, the tip of the blood bottle pierced Wodehouse's armor, and then the life blood was pumped into Wodehouse's body.

Feeling the great recovery of his physical condition, Wodehouse finally cast his psychic eyes on the majestic ball of filth.

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