Two seconds had passed, and the turbulent spells of the filth ball had already raged across the battlefield, attacking the living indiscriminately.

From the further changes in the Plague Warrior's body, Wodehouse could tell how many complex and mysterious spells the filth ball was made up of.


A disgusting explosion came from a combat nun's body. Her armor was hit by a bomb handed down from ancient times. Even after so many years, the bomb could still work stably.

All the breaths emitted by the filth ball rushed into the gaps in the armor. These unfiltered poisons contaminated the body of a nun. Large ulcers twisted the nun's limbs, causing her strong muscles that she had trained to have to shrink like a deflated balloon.

But the gift of the filth ball was far more than that. Wodehouse also saw shiny boils growing on the nun's skin, which further cracked the fragile skin. The waves of pain forced the nun to lie on the filthy ground and unable to get up.

Pustules filled with pus, a happy smile made of green fungus tentacles, bleeding eyes, swollen tongue, rotten internal organs, and a large number of maggots spewing out of the nun's mouth. It was terrible. The demon who made a deal with Ge Gu Luo was so generous that Wodehouse could not believe it. With pity, Wodehouse cast a lightning bolt on the chaotic battlefield to let the nun gain the peace of death, and then he began to look for the core of Nurgle's spell, and used his power to extract the veins that were mixed like phlegm one by one. This process polluted Wodehouse's soul, but it was not the first time he was polluted. He easily released all the pollution of his soul on his body. As with the nun, ulcers, boils, and pustules all appeared on the transformed strong body. Even if Wodehouse's soul was pure and flawless, his body would eventually collapse into a twisted chaos egg, and then his soul would be imprisoned in the body and could not be freed. But the blood bottle kept by Bennett came into play at this time, and the vigorous life force powerfully washed Wodehouse's sick body, reshaping the decayed parts of his body again and again.

Wodehouse stripped off the ulcer spell, the boil spell, and the suppuration spell.

The stripping of a spell means that there is one less disease wandering on the battlefield, and the filthy ball becomes much lighter and clearer.

A puzzled and surprised mutter came from Ge Gu Luo's throat. He stared at the shrinking of the filthy ball with wide eyes, and felt that his worldview collapsed when he saw Wodehouse was safe and sound.

Why? Why is he fine?

Or is the wolf priest in the distance just holding on? His body under the armor had already collapsed and oozing pus, and he only relied on a breath to maintain his sanity.

Another spell was lifted, which made Ge Gu Luo's body tremble unnaturally.

He sensed clearly that the spell "Reveal Inner Beauty" was lifted. Although this spell can make objects and creatures age rapidly, it needs touch to take effect.

However, Wodehouse's soul stripping spell is a more intimate way of contact than physical contact, but Ge Gu Luo did not see any signs of the spell taking effect on him.

Objects become brittle, quality deteriorates, the body is weak, and exhausted.

"Why is he fine?" Ge Gu Luo asked in surprise, and the Nurgle demon who signed a contract with him also expressed the same doubts.

As the last spell was lifted, Wodehouse continued to stare at Ge Gu Luo with a calm look.

"Your spell is just so-so. It seems that the power of destruction has not made you fat pigs stronger, traitor."

"You! How dare you!" Ge Gu Luo stared with turbid yellow eyes, but his brain soaked in pus was very clear.

This operation hit a nail. No matter who the wolf priest in front of him is, his perception and manipulation of the energy of the subspace is beyond the reach of Ge Gu Luo.

When the filthy spells could not effectively kill the Empire's lackeys, it was impossible for these few warriors to defeat the battle team composed of Space Wolves and Battle Sisters.

Not to mention the sound of White Scar's motorcycles coming from afar. The sound of those rough tires smashing the mud made Ge Gu Luo's heart panic.

"Brothers! Keep moving towards the Holy Number Seven!" Ge Gu Luo rang the bell, which was a code for them to announce their retreat.

The huge sickle and the frost axe collided together, and Kaiser White Fang felt his hands numb. The plague warrior in front of him was strong and experienced. Although his speed was a little slow, his giant sickle dance was impenetrable.

"Plague pig." Kaiser White Fang cursed again. This was his way of fighting. If he could use words to arouse the enemy's anger, then the emotional onslaught would inevitably have loopholes, and that would be the time for Kaiser White Fang to make a fatal blow.

However, the plague warrior did not buy his tricks, but just relied on the breathing tube inserted into the helmet to make a dull and intermittent panting sound.

The sound of the rusty bell confused the Plague Warrior, who did not understand why the situation on the battlefield was so dangerous that he needed to retreat.

As their captain, there was no reason for Ge Gu Luo, a powerful psychic who could sign a reciprocal contract with demons, to issue such an order.

Although the wild wolf in front of him was very powerful, the Plague Warrior firmly believed that as long as he fought with Kaiser White Fang for a while, his head would become the raw material for the Plague Warrior to make decay bombs.

Warriors with Mortarion's seeds are known for their endurance, and their bodies are even stronger after receiving the blessings of their loving father.

He knew that the long-toothed coward in the distance had sent several explosive bombs into his body, but this did not affect him from continuing to fight.

"Geguluo." The Plague Warrior shouted dissatisfied and looked back. He raised the sickle to defend his head.

Kaiser White Fang saw this as an opportunity, and he slashed his ax horizontally into the Plague Marine's chest.

It feels sticky and disgusting, which is definitely not a normal feeling.

Kaiser White Fang hurriedly drew out his ax and retreated, narrowly avoiding the Plague Soldier's downward punch. If this attack hit, Kaiser White Fang would have to think about how to stand up with all his limbs intact.

The Plague Warrior did not feel disappointed about the failure of his attack. He glanced at Geguluo and understood why the wizard issued the order to retreat.

Is this still my brother?

The Plague Warrior is unfamiliar with Geduluo's current image.

The bloated wizard was panting. His open mouth was so dry that he couldn't even secrete saliva. His eyes were sunken deeply. If the plague zombies hadn't pushed his back together, the wizard would have fallen to the ground. .

Standing opposite him, Wodehouse was in surprisingly good condition, with the chill of Fenris tightly wrapped around his body.

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