"Father, benevolent." Ge Guluo wiped the sweat off his face, and then took out a lotus-like object from his armpits that exuded a sour smell.

With a heartbroken and angry mood, Ge Guluo smashed the lotus pod on a plague zombie, and the broken lotus pod splashed out many black eggs. They took root in the body of the plague zombie, and soon there were groups of poisonous insects and flies.

These poisonous insects and flies did not rush to the Space Wolves and the Battle Sisters, but tightly wrapped around the seven pillars of the brewing pool. The regular flight and the seven flapping sounds of the wings made the calm brewing pool ripple.

The picture of the brewing pool was switching rapidly, and what was presented to everyone was no longer the garden of Nurgle, but a rusty iron corridor covered with mold. The electric lights had lost their effectiveness, and only unknown insects used their abdomens to dispel the darkness.

Ge Gu Luo jumped into the brewing pool first, and then the brewing pool began to boil. Bubbles and steam surged around Ge Gu Luo's armor. He called his brothers to come closer to him, and then awakened the reflection warriors buried at the bottom of the brewing pool one by one.

Reflection warriors, this is what the Space Wolves said. According to the manual they got from the dark technology priests, this thing is called a degraded body.

Pale humanoid warriors walked up step by step, holding weapons made by the Obliterator virus in their hands. Even if they walked out of the filthy place of the brewing pool, they did not have any marks of Nurgle corrosion on their bodies.

More than 500 degraded bodies stepped forward stiffly and neatly. They raised their weapons in unison and attacked the Space Wolves and Battle Sisters active on the battlefield.

Finding shelters in the swamp is a luxury. The firepower network created by the degraded bodies instantly suppressed the advance of the Space Wolves.

Dozens of explosive bombs shook the Wolf Amulet of Kaiser White Fang. The last plasma ball created a dazzling flash on the energy field created by the Wolf Amulet, and this rare equipment that was blessed and maintained temporarily lost its effectiveness.

The damage to the battle sisters was even more serious. Their armor was not as thick as that of the Space Marines, and their reaction ability was absolutely incomparable. Several battle sisters were torn into pieces by the dense rain of bullets on the spot, and many more had their limbs broken. They could not escape death under the influence of pain and disease.

Wodehouse found that the Plague Warriors did not continue to attack with the huge advantage provided by the degraded body, but retreated in anger and dissatisfaction, as if the help of the degraded body was a great humiliation to them.

This is really a bit strange.

Wodehouse was going to communicate this subtle discovery with his brother later. He once again drew on the filthy subspace energy and relied on the reshaping power of the life potion to perform a grand spell that no think tank dared to perform.

The crackling psychic flashes were sometimes cold and sometimes dark green. The power of chaos was being continuously transformed by Wodehouse into pure power that could be used.

The Microfilament Inquisitor on the side had no expression on her face. She had witnessed too many heretical acts beside Wodehouse, but she knew that Wodehouse's resistance to chaos had been honed to an incredible degree by Lin Fan. If other Inquisitors acted with Wodehouse, they would definitely blow his head with a grenade launcher when Wodehouse's psychic power showed a little filthy color.

The Nurgle power that was drawn was so huge that the plague warriors who were dissatisfied and puzzled by Ge Gu Luo's retreat order could also feel the extreme changes in the power of the father. Their eyes under the helmets were widened in shock. In their thousands or hundreds of years of memory, no psychic had ever been able to do this.

Ge Gu Luo also smiled bitterly. Only the father could know why Wodehouse had not been corrupted and mutated.

He looked at Wodehouse with hope in his eyes.

He was chosen in the same way, and his brain soaked in turbid liquid still clearly remembered everything before he was blessed.

He was born in a small village, where life was so quiet and peaceful. His six brothers and sisters and parents took good care of him, the youngest child.

Later, a plague broke out in the village, and the stench of the morgue drifted out of the cemetery and enveloped the entire village. The smell was everywhere, even making the living smell like dead people.

The emperor enshrined in the wooden church turned a blind eye to their pleas, and even the non-picky scavenging birds would stay away from their village.

The villagers were all sick, and no matter how handsome their faces were, they could not escape the fate of being covered with purple marks.

At that time, Ge Guluo was just a child, the only healthy person in the village where people died all the time. He struggled to hoe the solid soil, working hard for his hungry stomach and his six sick brothers and sisters. His parents had already died of the plague, and the two graves in the cemetery were dug out by Ge Guluo.

People said that Ge Gu Luo was blessed by the emperor, so he was not tortured by illness, but the emperor's blessing could not save people from hunger. Even if Ge Gu Luo did not die of illness, he would still starve to death.

In these desperate days, three harsh and unrhythmic gong sounds came from the village.

Seven days later, three more gong sounds came from outside the village, along with the suffocating fog like a sick cloud and six ancient warriors.

As the only one who could move normally, Ge Gu Luo was also the first villager to see the ancient warriors. He looked at the terrible diseases on the six warriors in horror. Even the dead in the village would not show such a miserable state.

One of the warriors nodded to Geguluo. His moss-covered face opened, revealing yellow and rough teeth. His tongue seemed to be completely submerged by the flies that were feeding on it, and he made a chaotic buzzing sound when he spoke. .

"Son, you have been chosen by your loving father."

Geguluo turned around and ran away, hiding in the cellar of his home, weeping among the rotten vegetables.

"O people of the loving father! You once called for salvation, and now we have answered!" The voice slowly flowed from the throat resounded throughout the village, and both the living and the dead were listening to the words of these warriors.

“We give generously with blessings, but we also ask for a little something in return.”

"Then what's the reward?" the villager asked weakly.

The samurai looked at the village chief with a pair of wet eyes, looking as if he had just shed tears. The eyes behind the mucus have yellow whites and dark red blood vessels. His gray teeth touched together softly, making a squeaking sound of rubber friction.

"We want that child! The child who is not infected by the plague!"

"Are you going to kill him?" the villagers asked, but it was just a question.

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