Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 798 It’s obviously my blue medicine

"No, no, no, death is one of the great sorrows of life." The warrior shook his head and chanted in a tonal tone, "Our great war has been going on for thousands of years, but you can see that there are only six of us. We must gather together Enough for seven people to satisfy the divine number of a loving father, that child will become the seventh person.”

The villagers could not understand what the samurai said. Their brains were tortured by high fever and inflammation and lost their ability to reason and think. Finally, with their last glimmer of hope, they caught Geguluo and escorted him to the samurai.

Later, Geguluo was taken away by the warriors. They fed Geguluo a lot of disgusting soup and imprisoned him with all kinds of poisonous insects. After seven or seventy-nine days of blessing, Geguluo grew from a thin and weak man. 's child became one of the bloated seven.

The villagers were also saved by their loving father and lived forever despite the disease. To this day Geguluo can still go back to meet the villagers and his six brothers and sisters.

Perhaps the same is true for Wodehouse, the wolf priest. Like Geduru, he is a person chosen by the great loving father. He can become one of them after seven or seventy-nine days of blessing.

If Wodehouse wanted to take his place, Geguluo felt that it was not beyond negotiation, so he shouted to Wodehouse.

"There are only six people in our great war, and now we need you to gather the seventh to satisfy the Holy Number of the Father!"

Wodehouse rolled his eyes. He gathered the purified spiritual energy in his body into the palm of his hand. First, he generated a force field centered on himself to block long-range attacks. Then he recalled the Space Wolves based on the record of the Chapter's glory. martyrs and mold them into burning embodiments of vengeance.

An assault centurion stood in front of Wodehouse, accompanied by more than a dozen Fenrisian ice wolves. They stared directly at the degenerate body in front of them with their teeth and claws snarling, driven by their endless desire for revenge. action.

"For the Emperor!"

Flames suddenly rose, and the Assault Centurion, who was like a human-shaped battering ram, led the pack of wolves towards the degenerate body.

When they jumped out of the force field constructed by Wodehouse, they were attacked by the degenerate body. However, he was originally shaped by an invisible mass of subspace energy. The rain of bullets and explosions could only consume their energy but not Destroy their existence.

The centurion swung his fist at the degenerate body that refused to dodge, and the heavy fist made of flames suddenly exploded on the degenerate body. The flames splashed into the sky and slowly fell, destroying the battle line formed by the degenerate body one after another. One by one it burned.

The outer armor composed of bones gradually disintegrated in the high temperature, and the Tau human skin inside that sealed the chaotic essence of subspace also evaporated and dissipated, and the unspeakable wails of the dead resounded throughout the planet.

Deathly silence spread from the burned body of the degraded body, and the seven pillars around the brewing pond collapsed and disintegrated. Geguluo shouted to Wodehouse again, hoping that the wolf priest would wake up in time.

"Shut up." Wodehouse said coldly, opening and closing his big hands towards Ge Guluo, squeezing Ge Guluo's armor with powerful telepathy.

Feeling that his power was getting stronger, Geguluo did not dare to waste any more time. He had no chance of winning against a psychic who could accurately capture the loopholes in his spells and draw out the power of his loving father to fight.

It was obviously the power of a loving father that I summoned first, but why did it become your blue bar? I really can't understand it.

Geduro and the Plague Marine sank into the brewing pond, and before they hit the bottom, they turned into a ball of bubbles and disappeared.

Five hundred degenerates were burned by Centurion and Fenris Ice Wolf, and more than three hundred of them were burned. The remaining degenerates were also covered in flames and had no human form. They were just a group of crawling matter with guns.

Wodehouse relied on the last drop of the life potion to draw out all the psychic power in his body and create a thundercloud of lightning.

Ten Thousand Thunders completely baptized the remaining degraded bodies, and Wodehouse was overwhelmed and knelt on the ground panting. Without the support of the life potion, he would have mutated or even self-destructed from extracting so much Nurgle power. And died.

"Wolf Priest, are you okay?" Judge Weisi looked at Wodehouse worriedly, put one hand on his shoulder, and squeezed the power sword tightly with the other hand.

"It's okay." Wodehouse took a few deep breaths, and then he was helped up by Wolf Priest Bennett.

Glancing at Bennett with some gratitude, Wodehouse asked Bennett to take him to the vicinity of the brewing pond.

The plants nourished by the brewing pond gradually withered and withered, and the zombies wandering around became much more fragile.

Wodehouse cut his cheek open and used a hole-pierced animal tooth to absorb the blood. Finally, he threw the animal tooth into the brewing pond, and the scene reflecting the corridor disappeared, and the despairing disease shrouded the pond. The force is quickly absorbed by the animal teeth.

After a full 7 minutes, the water in the pool became crystal clear, and the animal tooth sunk at the bottom was as dark green as a fine jade.

"The plague on this planet has been lifted for the time being." Wodehouse breathed out easily, and then he used the power of psychic power to pull out the beast's teeth. Bennett, who was standing by, opened the seal box engraved with runes. Put the animal teeth in.

"As long as this beast's tooth is not unsealed by the evil force, this pool of water will not be infected by the power of decay." Wodehouse said to Judge Weisi.

Inquisitor Weisi nodded. She would submit a report to the Inquisition and apply for a team of Battle Sisters to be stationed beside the pool.

After this battle, there were two more Chaos Sacred Artifacts in the empire, one was the Poisonous Beast Fang, and the other was the Decaying Pond Water.

"Haha, I knew you could do it." The laughter of Kosaro Khan came from the distance. He was holding a knife in one hand and a motorcycle handle in the other. Like all the White Scars warriors, he did not wear a helmet.

Cather White Fang couldn't help but joke, "I thought you were going to stink to death."

"The wind blew through my hair, and the mud splashed on my face and armor. Only at this time can I feel that I am truly alive." Corsaro replied seriously.

"The stinking wind blew through your hair! The mud splashed on your face!" Kaiser pointed out with white teeth, "You and your soldiers must be stinking to death now. Don't come to our canteen to eat at night!"

"Then don't come to our ship to steal alcohol!" Corsaro Khan shouted, then drove the motorcycle to greet the White Scar warriors and turned around to leave.

Even if the Chaos Ritual is lifted, there are still a large number of zombies roaming the planet, and Corsaro Khan needs to concentrate the wandering zombies in a wide area that is convenient for space fleet bombardment. As for the remaining scattered zombies, they must be dealt with by the Astra Militarum and other forces.

"Tch. They're just relying on the medicine they've had before." Kaiser White Fang took off his helmet. After a brief sniff, he was forced to squeeze his face into a ball by the stench. The wolf's sense of smell was really torturous against Nurgle. .

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