Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 799 Come over for dinner, buddy

The Heart of Frost strike cruiser, the warship assigned to Kaiser Whitefang, is accompanied by the Swift Wind strike cruiser of Khan Corsaro and a Lunar-class cruiser of the Mortuary Order.

As a mobile force to deal with the problem of plague zombies in the rear, the scale of this fleet is more than enough. Most of the zombies in the agricultural world of Kaqua were bombed into ashes by the light spears of the battleships. A Cadian regiment will be responsible for dealing with the remaining zombies on the planet. corpse.

Most of the soldiers in that Cadian regiment were white shields who had not yet obtained first blood. The slow-moving zombies would become a good practice target. As long as they took disinfection measures well, there would be no problems.

Originally traveling with them was the Dark Angels' battleship, a battle barge with combat power and size comparable to that of a battleship. It was full of Dark Angels who were waiting for battle, and their leader was even the 348th Grand Master of Ravenwing. Samuel.

This group of Dark Angels quietly came to the Heart of Frost battleship and asked to join the battle against the agricultural world of Ka'kuo.

Before Kaiser White Fang could respond, the Dark Angels' airdrop pod was dropped. They had made a great contribution in helping to defend the last granary of Kaquan's agricultural world, but Wodehouse always felt that The purpose of these dark angels is not pure. Rather than a battle, it is better to say that they are searching for something.

Sailing in the void, waiting for the subspace engine to be charged, their small fleet will then make a short jump to the next mission location.

In the lobby of the Heart of Frost strike cruiser, the Space Wolves and White Scars sat on both sides of the stone table. Different gene seeds gave them completely different temperaments.

Wild wolves are rough and unrestrained, and they communicate in a noisy manner. The older wild wolves impart combat experience to the younger cubs, and by the way tell stories about the glory of the war group.

The white scars were restrained, and the fur on their bodies was finely woven, each texture revealing a different kind of delicacy. They sat cross-legged quietly, just looking around at the decoration of the Wild Wolf Hall.

Inquisitor Weisi and Sister Gavistin were also invited. Cather White Fang did not have much dislike for Weisi, and Weisi often expressed regret to the Wolf in private about the events of the Moon of Shame.

The long and powerful horn sound came, and the space wolves all shut up. This made Korsaro Khan, who was fed up with the noise of the wolves, relax his brows.

Then the servants of the war group came over carrying the dinner plate. Korsaro Khan was surprised that there was a dinner plate cover on it. The last time he came to the Wild Wolf to eat, they even used stone tableware.

He conveyed a word to Kaiser White Fang with his eyes, and Corsaro Khan also received a response from Kaiser White Fang.

"I thought you barbarians would use stone tableware for the rest of your life."

"How do you know this isn't stone tableware?"

Corsaro Khan curled his lips helplessly, and then he noticed that these war regiment servants who could carry dinner plates all had badges and gold spikes symbolizing honor.

Although they are called servants of the Chapter, it does not mean that their status is extremely low. These servants are believers of the Chapter and are usually well treated in the Chapter. This content also includes knowledge education and combat training. If conditions permit, the Space Marines will provide better weapons and equipment to the Chapter servants.

After all, the Space Marines' fortresses need maintenance, and when they leave the battleship to perform assault missions, they also need someone to operate the various facilities on the battleship.

Many turrets are operated by Chapter servants. This is also a very honorable position among Chapter servants. Staying in the turret means having the opportunity to participate in front-line battles and pull the trigger to cover the flanks of the Space Marines to win rare opportunities. glory.

Craftsman, engineer, battleship operation servant, historian servant, logistics servant, medical servant, memory servant, chapter master's assistant, cooking servant, relic servant

The servitors form another part of the Space Marine Chapter, and their presence allows the Space Marines to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the battle, rather than allocating precious time to deal with trivial administrative tasks.

Khan Corsaro also noticed that some of the servants were slightly larger than others, which meant that they were Astartes recruits whose operations had failed.

"Don't be nervous." Korsaro Khan comforted a Chapter servant who placed a dinner plate next to him.

The servant was flattered by Korsaro Khan's kindness, but he overcame his nervousness and excitement and placed the plate in front of Korsaro Khan with the grace of a wolf.

The servants of the war group quickly retreated. After they walked out of the hall, they began to communicate quietly, feeling that they were lucky enough to see so many legends gathered together.

There are still many inappropriate issues in this banquet, but Khan Corsaro is not prepared to make embarrassing complaints at such a relaxed moment. He is just waiting for the next move of Kaiser White Fang.

"Ahem." Cather White Fang cleared his throat and said slyly, "Last time our friends were frightened by the enthusiasm of the wild wolf."

The wolves burst into laughter, cheers and whistles flying in the hot air, which made the smell of beast skins in the hall even worse.

The last time the two companies had dinner together, it was so lively. The stone table was not as big as it is today, and the hall was not as tidy as it is today. The muscular wolf drank mead freely, holding his brother's shoulders and singing Fenris in a hissing voice. Ballads.

"Wild wolves are very enthusiastic companions, but they smell so bad and are so noisy that they should compete with the Noise Warriors to see whose song is more unpleasant." Corsaro Khan said after the last dinner Leave a review like this.

Kaiser White Fang raised his hands, and the wild wolves finally ended their laughter, "Last time we were also warmly entertained by Khan Corsaro on the Swift Wind!"

The deliberately amplified volume and the arm stretched out to Kosaro Khan focused the attention of the audience on one spot. Judge Weisi, who was sitting aside to watch the show, pursed her lips tightly and licked her lips stiffly from time to time to relieve the urge to laugh. impulse.

Corsaro Khan narrowed his eyes and looked at Kaiser White Fang. Finally, under the latter's gaze, he chose to stand up and accept the cheers of the wild wolf.

He stood up quickly and sat down quickly, and only said a plain, "Miscellaneous praise." It echoed in the hall.

"Hey, these white scars still can't be put down." Kesel White Fang complained quietly. Wodehouse, who was sitting next to him, was really embarrassed for Corsaro Khan, so he stood up and pressed Kess White Fang. Sitting down on Ya's shoulder, he announced the start of the banquet.

Corsaro Khan accepted Wodehouse's apology and then closed his hand on the lid of the dinner plate.

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