Although it shone with the luster of silver utensils, it felt smooth when pinched.

Korsaro Khan added a little more strength, and his fingers could clearly feel a little roughness. This thing should be handmade.

So after the last dinner, these wild wolves made these tableware by themselves?

Not bad.

Korsaro Khan nodded slightly. In fact, he came here purely because he was annoyed by Kaiser White Fang. This byd wild wolf didn't get a satisfactory answer from Korsaro Khan at the last dinner. He thought about it every day and night, and sometimes even asked Wodehouse to call him psychic.

Before landing on the Kakuo Agricultural World, Kaiser White Fang came to the Swift Wind specifically, saying that there was an urgent matter to discuss.

"Come to my ship for dinner after the battle?"

Korsaro Khan almost pulled out his knife after hearing this sentence. Fortunately, he usually cultivated his character, so he didn't lose his mind.

Opening the lid, there was a stack of roasted, browned, heavy meat slices, and underneath was a green vegetable leaf. From the fresh smell, Kosaro knew that it was grown with Jinkela.

Since they had Jinkela, the food problem of the warship has never been a problem, and these foods are more nourishing than simply eating nutritional paste mixed with ceramic steel powder.

Gently tear it with a fork, the half-cooked meat under the browned shell is half-cooked, and the blood is exposed in front of Kosaro. The wild wolves believe that this way of eating can taste the most natural taste of the ingredients. Kosaro, as a nomadic herder of Chogoris, can naturally accept this way of eating.

Cut a piece and put it in his mouth. The meat is juicy and delicious, and the side of the meat that is pillowed with vegetable leaves has a sweet and refreshing taste.

Kosaro Khan nodded with satisfaction. He temporarily ignored the rough eating appearance of the wild wolf, and then looked at Kaiser White Fang. He knew that this wild wolf asked him to come here not just for a meal.

For the wild wolf, the feast in the hall can take care of everything.

Are there conflicts between the two warriors? Come to the hall and eat meat and drink wine, then you two wolf cubs will have a fierce fight by the campfire to cheer everyone up.

Is there anything important to explain? Come to the hall and eat meat and drink wine. After the atmosphere is in place, the head wolf slowly stands up and gives orders to the wild wolves with mead in his hand.

As expected by Khan Kosaro, Kaiser White Fang, who was chewing meat, held a pot of mead in his hand and was about to stand up and say something. Seeing that his expression was in place, he was pushed down by Wodehouse.

"What are you doing?" Kaiser White Fang asked angrily, "Do you want to fight? Don't think I'm afraid of you because you are a wolf priest. If you have the guts, don't use magic."

"Shut up." Wodehouse didn't even have the face to look at Kaiser White Fang, and then he stuffed his mead from his arms into Kaiser White Fang's arms, and Kaiser White Fang reluctantly shut up.

The hall was quiet, with only the crackling sound of wood being burned by fire. Wodehouse looked at the Wolf and then at the White Scar, with mixed feelings in his heart.

When have the Wolf and White Scar warriors ever been so close and friendly? Before, the Wolf thought the White Scars were a group of autistic and weird guys, and the White Scars thought the Wolf was vulgar and unreasonable, but now the two sides have developed a comradeship because of fighting the fat guy of Nurgle together.

The Emperor had already made arrangements in the dark, Wodehouse sighed.

The expedition of the Tau Empire allowed the troops of Kaiser White Fang and Corsaro to take the healing potion provided by Lin Fan, which allowed them to face the plague of Nurgle without wearing helmets.

Although the situation in the Cadian sector is still not optimistic, Wodehouse feels that the Emperor has arranged everything. When the time comes, Lin Fan will lead the Army of Hope to crush the offensive of Chaos.

Wodehouse raised the wine glass that Kaiser White Fang had drunk up. This was originally his wine. "Everyone, the post-war summary is equally important. We saw the existence of reflection warriors in the agricultural world of Kakuo, and judging from the reaction of the plague wizards, they don't like these things." "If they had directly deployed the reflection warriors in the invasion of the planet instead of using them as cannon fodder to cover their escape, this operation would not be so simple." "This small plague company we are hunting is only part of the Typhons Plague Fleet. If they can take out this number of reflection warriors, it means that the 13th Black Expedition will have more reflection warriors participating in the attack." "Hehe, zombies, reflections, these traitors have so many tricks." Kaiser White Fang pouted sarcastically, "But there is nothing to be afraid of these reflections. We conquered these creations once in the Titanium Empire Research Institute, and now we can conquer them a second time." "Yes!" The wild wolves shouted in unison. They were not afraid of any enemy. Korsaro Khan took a sip of wine. He also had something to say, but he couldn't say it in front of so many people. After the banquet, Khan Kosaro called over Cather White Fang, Wodehouse and Judge Microfilament, and asked to talk to them alone.

"Oh, did our white scarred friend eat well today?" Cather White Fang smiled, looking forward to Khan Kosaro's evaluation.

"Not bad, it would be better if you could be quieter." Khan Kosaro said lightly, "and your meat is well roasted, did you add some spices?"

"Hehe" Kaiser White Teeth rubbed his hands. The last time he took his cub to the Swift Wind, he almost swallowed his tongue. The combination of Chogoris's secret spices and the food grown by Golden Rooster was really good. It was so delicious that it could be called heresy. He also collected some precious spices for the barbecue at this feast and applied for technical support from Judge Weisi.

"Okay, let's not talk about food." Corsaro Khan looked at Judge Weisi, "Does the Tribunal know anything about the movements of the Dark Angels?"

"Dark Angels?" Judge Weisi was stunned for a moment, then she shook her head, "The Tribunal lacks understanding of the movements of the Dark Angels. They are too mysterious and dangerous. Very few of our liaisons responsible for the handover have survived for more than three years. . In fact, within us, communicating with the Dark Angels is almost a death sentence."

"Those guys are always like this." Kaiser White Fang also complained, "In the last expedition to Malthael, these hooded lunatics took the ship away from the expedition fleet without saying any hello, and plunged headlong into Deep in the subspace, if I hadn't seen the same ship logo later, I would have thought that these guys were going to rebel. "

Corsaro nodded, and then he continued in the eyes of everyone, "The Dark Angels seem to have moved their monastery fortress to the Cadian sector."

"How do you know?" Cather White Fang asked.

Kosaro Khan pointed to his head, "Because I read a lot of books."

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