Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 801 I also drove a good motorcycle

The horizon changed color under a foul-smelling poisonous cloud, and the rolling green-black mass was looking down at the once fertile plains of this world with gloating. Today, the land is full of rotting wounds, and only filthy mud is left in the farmland. The wind blows rotten grain debris into the breathing filter, and the machine soul buzzes with dissatisfaction, clearing all these foreign objects out.

Laser guns and flamethrowers constitute the last line of defense of the huge granary. The terrified crowd guards behind the wall under the shadow of the war commissar's coat and fires at the plague zombies that keep pouring in.


The quadruple mortar sent the burning shells to the zombies' heads. The shock wave first blew the zombies to the ground, and then the wall of fire rose suddenly, and the smoke from the burning corpses floated upwards, making the green-black mass several circles bigger.

"Grandmaster, the granary No. 15 in Area B has been confirmed to be safe, and the corpse-driving wizards active in the surrounding area have been killed by us."

"Very good." Raven Wing Grand Master Samuel responded to the report of his soldiers.

Samuel rode the 'Raven' anti-gravity motorcycle away from the battlefield, and the other members of the Dark Angel Raven Wing gathered around him on combat motorcycles.

As a long-lost Mark XIV anti-gravity motorcycle, the performance of the 'Raven' is far superior to the combat motorcycles of other Raven Wing members. Samuel needs to suppress the Raven's machine soul that desires freedom and speed in order to keep up with his combat brothers.

A team of white-armored riders passed by noisily, their braids fluttering wildly like whips. Their leader has a weathered dark brown face, and a crescent-shaped scimitar held in both hands is tied to the side of his motorcycle.

Korsaro Khan.

Samuel nodded to the visitor in a friendly manner, and Khan Korsaro responded with the same courtesy. Then the White Scars Hunting Master stared at Samuel's mount.

Khan Korsaro's eyes were full of undisguised envy, and he said half-admiringly and half-mockingly, "What a good horse!"

Samuel's face hidden under the hood showed a slight smile, and he did not comment on Korsaro's tentative words.

The two teams followed closely behind their leader, and the roar of the motorcycles echoed between the sky and the earth. This agricultural world had a large plain for them to gallop freely.

But for Samuel, they rode the battle motorcycles just to implement the tactical policy of the Dark Angel Ravenwing, which was composed of swiftness and surprise.

In fact, he was very surprised that Khan Korsaro and his men did not wear helmets, and was also surprised that their bodies were not weakened by the Nurgle virus.

Khan Korsaro just evaded this with a gift from the Primarch.

"Don't you feel like an outsider in this war, Master Samuel?" Khan Kosaro said with some dissatisfaction, "Who are you? Are you a warrior? Or a noble who doesn't want his clothes to be stained by mud?"

Master Samuel didn't get angry because of the offense in Khan Kosaro's words. He knew why Khan did that.

Raven Wing did not contribute much in this war against the Nurgle Plague. Although the Destroyer Company equipped with heavy weapons filled the gap in the defense of the granary, their group of Raven Wing troops, which are good at mobile power, have always been running back and forth on the vast dying plains, like a headless fly in blind chaos.

"We haven't found the target yet." Samuel replied to Khan Kosaro.

Seeing Samuel's mysteriousness, Khan Kosaro also lost interest in communication. He glanced at the 'Raven' again and muttered that I have driven a similar motorcycle anyway.

Samuel didn't pay attention to Kosaro Khan's mumbling, just waiting for the communicator to ring again.

Kosaro Khan received the communication from Wodehouse. They successfully found the center of the planet's plague ceremony, but they needed to attract the plague zombies surrounding the ceremony site.

"Ha! Did you hear it all?" Kosaro Khan laughed, "They actually asked us to attract the zombies? This is simply an insult to the horses under our crotch."

Kosaro Khan took off the scimitar on the side of the car and waved it, then he pointed the blade at Samuel and raised his chin and continued, "The cunning flock of sheep has been located! What remains is the warriors who control the horses to carry out the great hunt!"

Samuel listened quietly. The grasslands of Chogoris nurtured strong horses and dangerous wild sheep. Every season when the water and grass are the most abundant is when the wild sheep are rampant. These sheep will gather together and eat every piece of grass like crazy until there is an endless desert.

When the grass is eaten up, the hungry sheep will target the Chogoris people. Kosaro Khan used the biggest hunt on their planet as an example to invite Samuel to rush into the center of the plague zombies with him to prove his manliness.

Although Samuel did not express his opinion, he always followed Kosaro Khan. The distant horizon was blurred by the creeping and stumbling of the zombies, and the stench in the air became stronger and stronger.

"When we get back, we will have a drink at the celebration banquet." Although Kosaro Khan was dissatisfied with Samuel's silence, he also showed enough respect for Samuel to fight with him.

Samuel finally nodded, he pressed the safety of Raven's double storm gun, and held the Raven Sword in his hand. Although the zombies were still a long distance away from them, it only took a few seconds for the motorcycles under their crotch.

The bolters of the battle bikes opened fire, and the spears formed by the hail of bullets pierced through the corpses. Korsaro Khan and his warriors sharpened their swords, and even Samuel was infected by the courage of these Chogorians. .

He stepped on the pedal suddenly and issued an order in the chain of command, "Crow Wings! Honor requires victory! Go to the extreme speed to annihilate the enemy! Don't let the name of Crow Wings be shamed!"

Just then Samuel's personal communicator rang.

A highly encrypted communication echoed in Samuel's ears, and at this moment all the assault plan he had just revised disappeared into thin air.

"The thick fog has dispersed and the sun has to disappear."

These cipher texts have only one meaning: the fallen angels have escaped, and the dark angels need to urgently hunt them down.

This is the purpose of the Ravenwing coming to this planet. They want to hunt down the Fallen Angels. This is the dark secret of their Chapter, which is far more important than any Imperial war.

A slight hesitation led to a slight slowdown in speed. Samuel watched Corsaro Khan and his warriors plunge into the group of corpses, and they were a beat slower than Corsaro Khan.

Kosaro Khan also noticed the slowness of Samuel and the others for a moment. He chopped dozens of walking corpses with his scimitar and turned back to stare at Samuel with doubtful eyes.

Deteriorated body \\u003d unpainted gray model (when the chess player is short of chess pieces: I say this piece of eraser is my terminator, but I haven’t painted it yet)

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