If he withdraws at this point, Kosaro Khan will be surrounded by zombies, and will either be drowned alive by the zombies, or break through the encirclement with heavy losses.

No matter what the result is, this will definitely make the White Scars feel dissatisfied with the Dark Angel.

"Samuel!" Kosaro Khan's shout was almost a roar. His beard and hair raised angrily, and the scimitar he slashed became more powerful and swift, as if the person who died under his sword was a dark angel. .

Samuel looked apologetically through his helmet's visor, the last thing he could do.

"Turn around! Return to Thunderhawk!"

No one questioned Samuel's fate. The Dark Angels loyally obeyed the orders of their superiors. Sometimes other chapters fighting alongside them would even feel that the Dark Angels recruits had no personality and thoughts of their own.

"Samuel! Whatever you abandoned us for, was it really worth it?"

"I have no idea."

"I asked you what kind of man you are, and now I ask you again, what kind of man are you?"

"I really do not know."

The Dark Angel quickly left, and Corsaro Khan's angry curses caught up with the Raven Motorcycle that was traveling at full speed. As the son of Jaghatai, Corsaro was no less good at choosing words and sentences than his father.

"You coward with a diaper on your head! A coward who stalled when charging! A straw bag that taints the freedom of a good horse."

Samuel sighed. He knew that it was right for Kosaro Khan to be furious, but it was also difficult for him.

If you sell Corsaro, you will at most get scolded and have your spine stabbed with words the next time you meet.

But there was a delay in capturing the fallen angel.

Samuel suddenly trembled. He could even imagine the consequences of the delay.

Azmodai led a dozen interrogation priests and stared at Samuel coldly, asking him to explain why he ignored the order to capture the fallen angels at the specified time and place. Are you starting to be disloyal too?

Samuel shook his head and led the troops onto the ready Thunder Eagle to leave the planet.

Returning to the battle barge, Samuel felt guilty for betraying his teammates as he walked. After he became the Grand Master of Ravenwing, he naturally had the right to read files that he had no right to read before. Many of the battle records in them made him feel dizzy.

What a sudden withdrawal from the frontal battlefield when fighting against the onslaught of the Chaos rebels.

Their internal confidential documents even record a campaign of annihilation against the Black Templar squadron. The reason for the annihilation of that fleet was simply because the Black Templar captured a traitor who claimed to be a Fallen Angel, and they were targeting the Fallen Angel. I am very interested in this name and want to research it myself.

The gate about 20 meters high is carved with a spectacular scene of Lion King Lion hunting a giant beast. On both sides of the gate stand two hooded and faceless sword-wielding knights. A huge candlestick hanging in mid-air has become the only thing here. light source.

Mysterious, dark and cold.

Every time I come here it brings Samuel the same feeling.

Taking a deep breath, Samuel carefully scanned the darkness and corners.

This is the most secret location of the battle barge. No one is likely to come here no matter what, but Samuel still cannot let down his guard so easily.

Everything about the Fallen Angels is a matter of life and death for the Chapter.

Holding the Crow Sword in hand, Samuel stood here for half an hour before he carefully removed a heraldic shield symbolizing his identity from his armor and installed it on the gate.

The ancient voices told the dusty history. Samuel strode into the darkness behind the door, silently counting his steps.

One step, two steps.

When the number of steps reached 13, he stood firmly. The heavy starting sound was drowned out by the battleship engine and the training sounds of the Dark Angels. A cold light illuminated Samuel's face, and then a ring-shaped table suddenly appeared, with holographic projections of the Dark Angels' senior executives standing in their respective seats. superior.

The empty position of honor in the middle belongs to the Lion King, and the one who is qualified to stand on the left side of his position is Azrael, the leader of the Dark Angel Chapter.

Azrael is the military commander of the Dark Angels, the guardian of glory, and the shield of their souls.

He is the epitome of what the Dark Angels aspire to be, with a dignified demeanor and unwavering faith and purpose.

He wears a lion helmet decorated with skyward red wings, and holds a bullpup plasma blast compound gun called the Lion's Wrath and a powerful and extraordinary hidden sword.

The armor on his body is also extraordinary. The power armor called the Protector can even withstand the damage of combat cannons at close range.

Whenever he saw Azrael, Samuel felt like the shadow of a lion was standing in front of him.

On the right is Ezekiel, the chief think tank of the Chapter, the guardian of the Book of Redemption, and the holder of the key.

He is stern and determined, his powerful psychic abilities even aid his ability to directly read the intentions of others, and his piercing gaze can unsettle the bravest of souls.

Ezekiel wore a metal mask with a breathing tube inserted into it, and a crude red biochemical eye glowed in the darkness beneath the hood.

Ezekiel's holographic projection swept towards Samuel, and for a moment Samuel felt that his soul was being arbitrated by Ezekiel's gaze.

This feeling was exactly the same as the final review when he joined the inner circle. If Samuel's loyalty had any stain or weakness, Ezekiel would crush him with his psychic powers without mercy.

The examination was over, Samuel's soul was pure and loyal, and Ezekiel withdrew his gaze and remained silent.

The projections of Priest Grand Master Sappho and Deathwing Grand Master Belial stood further away from the Lion King's seat.

Then there is the holographic projection of the interrogating priest Azmodai. All he emits are waves of anger towards the fallen angels.

Brutal, uncompromising, and straight to the point.

These words are everything Samuel describes Azmodai. In countless actions in the past, Azmodai has used his actions to prove these qualities.

Now the top leaders of the inner circle of the Dark Angels are gathered together, and those who can stand here are the most trusted loyalists in the Chapter.

The inner ring is a special institution of the Dark Angels. The operation of this institution is full of mysterious codes and rituals. The inner ring used to be divided into the Hundred Secret Order, the Six Wings, and the Chapter Company.

Now this organization only consists of the core management of the Chapter. Members who join this organization must serve in the most elite Deathwing troops in the Chapter. Then he will review the warriors' abilities in circles and within circles. Loyalty and purity.

Each promotion means that the warrior will be eligible to learn the truth about the Chapter's history, and every secret will be revealed in meetings of absolute trust and confidentiality.

"For the Lion King and the Emperor." Azrael swore solemnly, and the others also shouted together.

Azrael then announced an announcement to everyone.

"Fallen Angel Lord Seve is in the Cardia sector."

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