Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 803 Where are the Sefer people?


This is more like a title describing the leader of the fallen angels than a name.

He is a figure wrapped in shadow, every movement shrouded in mystery.

The Dark Angels have been hunting Seve for 10,000 years, and every failed capture has frustrated the Dark Angels' top brass.

But they must continue to capture them until there is no Fallen Angel left in the entire galaxy, so that the Dark Angels Chapter can serve the Emperor without any worries.

"His influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the difficulty of concealing it is also rising sharply." Azriel said seriously. At the end of these forty-one thousand years, Sever gradually changed from a remote rumor circulating in an empire to a became a legend.

A mysterious loner fighting for freedom, the savior of Parasis, the bandits of the Horizon Uprising, and most recently the Voice of the Emperor spreading across the Cadia Sector.

Ezekiel also agrees with Azrael's statement that he has used psychic powers and explosive bombs to cleanse the hearts of too many people who know.

"Although we still don't know the specific location of Sever, we have determined this through thousands of years of experience. As long as there is chaos, there must be Sever and his damn fallen angels hiding in the shadows." Azri Er continued, "Next, the Dark Angels will fight on every troubled planet in the Cadia sector, capturing the Fallen Angels and making them repent for their actions."

"Repent!" Azmodai roared, and the eyes under his helmet fiercely shot violence and hatred out of the eyepieces.

The inner circle meeting came to an end with the oath.

Chapter Leader Azrael, who was in the Stone Fortress, watched the holographic projections disappear one after another, and then he walked deeper into the dark and gloomy corridor.

There are countless secrets buried in the thick rock layers, and the walls on both sides of the corridor are full of mottled texts and pictures recording the distant past.

The guardian, who had sworn to stay here forever and never leave the stone fortress, looked at Azrael.

Azrael also returned the favor to the guardian. There were many elders in this group of people who were more virtuous and respected than him.

Little men in green robes followed Azrael. They were short, not even half as tall as Azrael's sword.

They are mysterious, no one can tell exactly what is under the robes, and no dark angel has ever heard the voice of the little man in the robes.

Dark Watchers, these little robed men are called by the Dark Angels.

Azrael allowed the Dark Watch to follow him at an odd and frivolous pace, and when he was a new recruit his mentor within the Chapter had never tired of telling him to ignore the presence of these robed men.

Those who are so curious that they ignore warnings quickly disappear into the secret-filled stone fortresses.

The Dark Watcher followed Azriel to the door of the cell, and then they turned and left.

It's almost like he's a watcher, here just to prevent me from wandering around in the secret rock formations to discover secrets that even the battle group shouldn't know.

Azrael looked at the back of the Dark Watcher and thought, then he stood at the door of the cell, singing the ancient poems passed down by the Chapter Masters from generation to generation.

The stasis was lifted, the door opened, and a lifeless guy was lying on the ground. He could identify Azrael at the door just from the sound of footsteps.

He slowly stood up, looking very weak, and his deep-set eyes were as cloudy as dementia.

Azrael would not be deceived by his appearance, nor would he feel any mercy for the man.

"Traitor Luthor," Azriel said, opening every conversation he had with him.

"Traitor?" Upon hearing this word, the confusion in Luther's eyes disappeared. Scrutiny and contempt shone in his eyes, and for a moment it was as if Luther was the interrogator. "I am not a traitor. "

"You betrayed the Lion King," Azrael continued.

"The lion betrayed Caliban!" Luther's lack of respect for Lion King Lion in his words made Azrael angry.

He controlled his anger and approached Luther step by step. The huge shadow of the Space Marines did not instill any fear in the skinny Luther.

"You know, there were many people stronger than you in our time, little brat." Luther mocked easily.

Azrael closed his eyes. A worthy Chapter Master should not let anger rule his mind.

So he looked down at Luther and asked, "What are your plans? What are you going to do to Cadian?"

"I am under the broken rocks of Caliban. I can't even escape from the cell where you have set up hundreds of protective runes. I have to rely on a life-support machine that is almost torture. But you ask me if I have any What’s the plan? I miss you.”

"You are wasting your time, Luther." Azriel replied, "Don't force me to seal you in the darkness of the delay device. I only need to wait here for a few seconds, but you need to sense Thousands of years of loneliness.”

Luther squinted at Azrael for a moment, then lowered his head and stared at the ground, "What do you want to know?"

"That's what I just asked."

"That's too general. I need more specific questions."

"Seph's location."

"Seph?" Luther laughed, "Are you still hunting down the person with this title? And you still haven't succeeded after so long?"

"That has nothing to do with you."

"How could the Dark Angels degenerate like you? If the lion saw what you are like now, he would probably faint from anger."

Azrael remained silent, and Luther began to ramble on about the traditions of the Knights of Caliban and the scene when he met Lion Lion.

Luther and the Dark Angels Chapter have coexisted for 10,000 years. He has met every chapter leader and knows the setbacks the Dark Angels Chapter has encountered in every era.

In a sense, Luther is the living historical monument of the Dark Angels Chapter, and the only way for the Dark Angels to remember their unmasked homeland and their Primarch.

This is why Azrael can tolerate Luther's nonsense when he is delirious.

The Knights of Caliban have been extinct for a long time. Luther suddenly realized this, and then he cried in pain and held his head. The power of subspace was pouring out of his body, impacting the hundred-layer protective talisman in the room. arts.

His soul was torn apart in the disordered subspace of time and space, sometimes witnessing the past, and sometimes jumping to the future. These images brought his sanity to the verge of collapse. When Luther's soul returned to reality, it was when his sanity returned to normal. when.

Luther gasped, his voice tired and heavy, "Seph is in the fortress of Cadia, he is waiting for the opportunity."

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