"Wait. Where are you going?"

"Hey! Stop here, you little brat! You can't just lock me in and let me out again!"

"You bastard! You heartless beasts!"

Luther's screams were silenced by the activation of the Stasis Station, and he would rather endure the torture of the Dark Angels than endure the passage of time in the Stasis Station.

The sea has changed, things have changed and people have changed. Every time he awakens from a stagnant position, it means that he is getting further and further away from the era he knows.

Azrael walked out of the cell, knowing enough information.

Luther's sometimes close and sometimes loose connection with the subspace controls the actions of the Dark Angels. Although he is a prisoner, his words are like an oracle that cannot be ignored.

Decades ago, the Dark Eldar fleet attacked the Stone Fortress. Their agile warships bombarded the Stone Fortress's impregnable ancient technological shields, and attracted the fierce firepower of the Stone Fortress with indistinguishable illusions of warships.

An elite force infiltrated into the fortress. They were not busy robbing slaves and killing people, but were frantically searching for the secret room and the dark watcher who stored the dark relics.

The corpses left by the Dark Eldar in the Stone Fortress were enough to cover a football field, but they also successfully captured a Dark Watcher and a dark yellow piece of paper whose function and material were unknown.

At that time, Azrael asked Luthor why the Dark Eldar did this, but Luthor only told him that fate had changed dramatically, and everything that had been applicable in the past would be smashed to pieces in the future.

Azrael and Ezekiel had talked about fate, and predicting the future was not an uncommon ability among psykers.

Ezekiel was able to make passive prophecies before becoming a think tank. He could see the outcome before a crisis occurred and change his destiny through his actions.

But Ezekiel also said that some destiny cannot be changed by human power.

For example, when Ezekiel predicted that he would be crushed to death by a collapsing windmill, he only needed to stay away from the crumbling windmill to avoid this fate.

When Ezekiel predicted that he would die in the end when the planet would shatter, the only thing he could do was to find a place where he could die happily.

The prophecy Luther gave him at that time belonged to the second type, where the fate that cannot be changed by human power is reversed by other more powerful things.

This deeply worried Azrael, which is why he gathered all of the Dark Angels' sub-chapters around the Stone Fortress.

Angel of salvation, angel of forgiveness, angel of vengeance, devotee, disciple of Caliban, angel of contempt.

Subgroups of the Dark Angels travel in tactical formations around the Stone Fortress, and their leaders know that the Fallen Angels' sins are unpardonable.

The concentration of Sons of the Lion King here can give people a glimpse of the prosperity and greatness of the Dark Angels during the legion period. If the High Lord of Terra knew that the Dark Angels had such a calling ability for his sub-group, he would definitely ask Azrael clearly.

Now these Space Marines are heading towards the fortress world of Cadia under Azrael's orders, assisting in the defense while searching for clues about Cypher.

Plague Squadron, Father's Voice.

A large tree full of pustules penetrated the Father's Voice. The rotten tree crown covered the observation window of the bridge, and its tough and slippery roots wrapped around the Father's Voice's keel.

Several pustules began to tremble, and the Nurglings immediately came over when they heard the noise. They climbed onto the pustules and jumped around, and soon the outer skin of the pustules was broken by the fierce movements of the Nurglings.

Just like the amniotic fluid spewed out when life is born, the pungent fluorescent yellow liquid is sprinkled all over the floor. Geguluo and his brothers are as big as a newborn baby. They are sent out together with the liquid and then develop rapidly in just a few seconds. .

"Hmm." Geguluo and his plague brothers endured the pain of regrowth, reshaping their bones and nerves before being once again deeply rooted by the disease.

Itching, pain, swelling, and lethargy.

All the pain that has been experienced becomes clear and abnormal, and when the mind is numbed by the pain, the development ends.

They have shrunk and need to absorb the life force of the loving father in the nurturing chamber to return to their previous level.

"Uh. I have a headache." Geguluo rubbed his head and stood up slowly, "That wolf priest refused my invitation. He was so stupid, right my brother?"

Geguluo's brother has not yet developed his vocal cords, so he can only blow the phlegm inside his throat with air through his lungs.

Ge Guluo laughed a few times and was not depressed because of the failure of this operation. There were still many planets worth spreading the warmth of a loving father, so there was no need to care about the gains and losses on one planet.

The door was pulled up sticky, and a dark mechanical priest stood at the door. His body was completely transformed by machinery, and his face was replaced by a skull with a long snout. Pipes came out of the pores of the skull. He used a pair of deep The red electronic eyes looked at Ge Guluo.

"Why not call technical support?" the Mechanicus asked.

"Ah. I forgot." Geguluo waved his hand casually, hoping that the mechanical priest would make way for him.

"According to the review of the language module, your answer is not credible." The Mechanic Priest responded coldly, and then he emphasized his tone and continued to ask, "Why don't you request technical support?"

Geguluo was a little dissatisfied. He wiped away the eye droppings clinging to his eyelids with his hands and looked at the Mechanic Priest seriously with his cloudy and yellow eyes.

He didn't like this gear head who was as cold as steel on the outside and as hot as a furnace on the inside.

"What we want to do has nothing to do with you!" Geguluo shouted,

A few drops of saliva filled with germs were also sprayed out, and they were about to land on the Mechanic Priest.

A dark gray halo rose from the back of the Mechanic Priest's head, and a technological creation called the Corona of the God of All Machines blocked further invasion of the germs.

"According to the agreement we signed, I have the right to ask you about technical support issues. Not to mention that you have failed."

fail? Geguluo became angry when he heard these two words. Idiots who don't understand the meaning of a loving father always make rash judgments about his children.

The heirs of a loving father can never fail, entropy is inevitable, and the demise of the universe is doomed. If Geguluo wins, it will not speed up the death by a few seconds, and if he loses, he will not slow down the death by a few seconds. Everything is fine. It's a foregone conclusion that they are busy in the real universe just out of compassion and don't want to see anyone being burned like firewood by the human empire.

"If you are willing to put all the degraded bodies stored in the warehouse into the battlefield, there is absolutely no way this operation will fail." The Mechanic Priest continued, and Geguluo curled his lips impatiently and punched his chattering microphone.

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