Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 811 Commander, the headquarters is ready

The sound of continuous excavation came from the mining farm next door. Servitors equipped with crushing drills were continuously sending soil and rocks from the 0-B1 planet to the processing plant for grinding and pressing under the orders of the Mechanic Priest.

There is no knowledge on this planet, only stones of little use and stupid servitors. Being sent here is tantamount to exile for the Mechanic-Priest.

One after another, the uncooled bricks slid out of the furnace and were neatly stacked on the tamped ground.

Tovins, the commander of the Voskani Cavalry, looked up and watched as the cargo ship of the Mechanicus sucked all the million-ton bricks into the cargo hold and turned around to leave.

The bricks traveled to where they were needed most, the Forge World of Agrippina. But the Voscani Cavalry still had to waste half a month on this barren planet.

What's to blame for this? Is it because the battleship engine is weak?

Tovins did not dare to say this. Although the Voskani Cavalry had great achievements in battle, they could not speak out in front of the Mechanicus. He did not want to be targeted by the Mechanicus assassins because of his speech.

There is just a legion commander, and there are many people waiting to take over Tovins' position.

Tovens looked at the shadow of the ship in the sky and regretted that the Voskani Cavalry could not catch up with the military parade organized by the Cadian High Command in time.

But fortunately, the Cadian High Command also sent an observation group to conduct friendly exchanges. Although the scale was small, the importance shown in it still made Tovins quite gratified.

Command Post No. 1 is a bunker that was excavated and supported by prefabricated steel plates. The surface is paved with half a meter of reddish-brown soil. From a high altitude, there is no difference between this command post and the surrounding wasteland.

Tovins stepped off the Chimera. His vehicle was originally an Emperor Baneblade tank. The red armor shell was covered with golden rivets.

He liked the unstoppable feeling of the Emperor's Baneblade crushing everything. When eleven cannons fired, nothing could remain unharmed in front of the Emperor's Baneblade.

But now he can only rely on the small and uncomfortable Chimera to shuttle between various regimental headquarters of the legion. Because the Mechanicus Priests detained all their heavy tanks on the battleship for various reasons.

The Mechanicus Priest of the Agrippina Forge World said arrogantly and rudely: Your warships are all displeased, can the tank be okay? As soon as I walked into the warehouse, I heard the machine spirit screaming. I know that you guys, as well as the craftsmen who were exiled to the army, cannot serve the machine soul well.

They really needed a beating, and the most tempered craftsmen of the Voskani Cavalry were clamoring to crush their heads with hydraulic pliers.

Putting aside the question of politeness, Tovins can understand their approach. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to transport all the heavy tanks of the Cavalry. The loss of fuel alone can make the quartermaster think of hanging himself many times. .

But he is still a little dissatisfied with the Mechanicus. The power of these gear heads is too great. Tovins even feels that the presence of the High Lords Council of Terra is not as intimidating as the words "Mars Order".

"Legion Commander! The headquarters has been arranged!" An adjutant trotted to greet Tovins. Hanging on his waist was a power sword passed down by his family. The hilt was inlaid with a ruby ​​the size of an eyeball.

Tovins pushed his coat directly into the arms of the adjutant and strode deeper into the headquarters. His guards quickly dispersed as usual and guarded the defense points of the headquarters.

The adjutant, whose face was confused by the coat, was not angry. He quickly put the coat on his arm and followed closely behind Tovins.

The interior of the No. 1 command post is very clean. The prefabricated steel plates are tightly connected together, and not a single particle of soil covering them can be spilled.

The flag of the Volscani Cavalry was hung on the wall, and an assembled mahogany table was covered with neat documents and crystal paperweights of different sizes.

Except for the military documents, the rest of the command post is the private property of Tovins. He is not only the commander of the Voscani Cavalry, but also one of the few nobles among the Voscani people.

The earliest nobles of the Volskaya people were military nobles. Every large family that could be passed down meant that their ancestors had almost legendary achievements.

The military aristocrats monopolize all important areas on the planet Voskani, and with abundant supplies as support, the great aristocrats can provide their heirs with better training and equipment.

While the commoners on Voskani are still worrying about tomorrow's bread, the children of the great nobles need to consider a balanced diet to ensure better physical development.

The first strong men created powerful families, and powerful families produced elite warriors. These warriors serve in the Voscani Legion, rising through the ranks in battle after battle to further their family's interests.

After more than a hundred years of development and training, the legion's generals, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers are perfectly divided by ability and class. Tovins was able to become the commander of the legion not only because of his outstanding ability, but also because his grandfather was the previous commander of the Voskani legion, and so were the adjutants around him. The class mentality is deeply rooted. As long as the superior's behavior does not violate the highest military regulations of Voskani, subordinates must unconditionally obey the orders of their superiors.

Tovens sat on a chair with a soft backrest. He found that there was no cup of coffee waiting for him to taste on his table.

Tovins' face was calm, but he spoke like a servant, "Where's my coffee? You stupid guy."

"I'm sorry!" The adjutant suddenly realized that he had made a mistake in his work. He immediately hung the regiment commander's coat on the clothes hook on the wall, and then walked to make coffee.

Tovins swallowed a sip of saliva to relieve the dryness of his throat, and then he picked up a document and browsed it carefully. It stated the personnel losses of their legion while sailing in subspace.

Thirty-four hundred insane, physically deformed hapless souls were shot and then quickly disposed of with flamethrowers.

Tovins hadn't watched for a few minutes when the adjutant walked in with a cup of fragrant coffee.

After taking a sip, after enduring the bitterness, there was a sweetness that could be savored for a long time, which made Tovins feel much better.

"Although you are only a native of Davao, the gap between you and me is as high as a mountain and as deep as an ocean. But your grandfather served my grandfather, and our two families still have some friendship. Although I can tolerate some of your It's a small mistake, but you'd better not use your mistakes to test my bottom line." Tovins put down the cup and reminded the adjutant, "Be careful next time, understand? I don't think you want to lose your position as the adjutant of the regiment commander to the family. Shame on you?"

"Yes! Legion Commander!"

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