Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 812: Teasing the adjutant is probably a good thing

Tovins looked at his adjutant with some amusement, then he waved and said, "Get a few steps closer."

The adjutant stepped forward, only one step away from Tovins.

"Come closer."

The adjutant moved forward a few inches more, but this time he no longer felt as clean and neat as before.

"Is this how you obey orders? I told you to come closer!"

The adjutant was now only more than ten centimeters away from Tovins. He stood upright and looked at the flag of the Volscani Cavalry hanging on the wall.

Tovins stood up from his chair, walked around his adjutant, and then reached for the adjutant's ear, trying to pinch the round and small earlobe.

With a snap, Tovins' arm was grabbed by the deputy.

Phew, this guy has really strong hands. Tovins thought to himself.

"Sir." The adjutant changed his address to Tovins, "I have the right to report your misconduct to the Political Commissariat."

Tovins smiled and pulled his hand back, as if he was giving in to the adjutant's threat.

But Tovins had plenty of means to tease his lieutenant.

"Adjutant, what time is it now?"

"Time to rest, Legion Commander."

"Then why are you still wearing a military cap and a respirator? Are you dissatisfied with my order?"

The adjutant sighed, took off his military cap and the mask that covered half of his face, and then replied with half helplessness and half sigh, "No dissatisfaction, legion commander."

The complete face and the voice not modified by the mask combined to form a female image. Although the adjutant had a crew cut and short hair, this only gave her a heroic and capable look.

Female soldiers are not uncommon in the Imperial Astra Militarum, but in the Volskayan Cavalry, Tovins' adjutant was the only female soldier.

Lieutenant Tarina comes from a small noble family in the upper hive of Volskaya. According to the ancient conscription tradition, each Voskani family must present a male to the emperor. This tradition is said to have been learned from the Vostonian Firstborn Regiment.

Tarina's parents raised a dozen children, all of whom were women, causing her father and the recruiting officer a headache. The absence of a male meant that he could not be drafted into the army and could not use military service to maintain the family's social status.

By the time the next conscription comes, Talina's family will decline, and the position of their family's adjutant to the legion commander will be taken over by men from other families.

Naturally, Tarina's father could not accept this result. For the benefit of the family and the honor of his ancestors, he took Tarina to the Lord Geter and asked for his eldest daughter Tarina to take over the position of adjutant.

When the high lord rejected Tarina's father's request, the stubborn old man took out an ancient military recruitment manual from under his breastplate. He pointed to the articles on it and read it loudly to his daughter in front of the high lord. Have the power to become a warrior of the Emperor.

The big lord's face was livid. If he chose to agree, it would mean destroying the tradition of the Volskaya people. If he chooses to refuse, the Commissariat stationed on Volskaya will punish his family for defying Imperial authority.

He knew that the Political Commissariat had been looking for an opportunity for Voskani women to join the army. They believed that excluding women, who accounted for half of the population, from the army was a great waste, but it had always been hindered by the feelings of the local residents of Voskani. Just conduct a large-scale publicity campaign.

Under pressure from the Political Commissariat, the High Lord finally agreed to Tarina's request to join the army, but she had to prove her ability to hold the position of adjutant.

The difficult assessment period lasted for a full year, and all the noble heirs in the hive city challenged Talina. Tarina won among countless challengers, showing her strength and cunning so vividly that even the livid-faced lord gritted his teeth and said, "Good boy."

Tovens looked at Adjutant Tarina's face carefully under her somewhat cold gaze, and after a long time he smiled and sighed, "That's right."

Adjutant Tarina's face turned red with anger. If it weren't for the father of the family, she would have really wanted to give Tovins a hard elbow and make him bow to the ground like a prawn and apologize.

Tovins had a smile on his face. At first he was quite dissatisfied with Tarina, thinking that her female body had soiled Voscani's military uniform, but later he changed his mind.

In Tarina, he saw the glory of his ancestors. Tovins was fascinated by the bravery this woman exuded on the battlefield.

The more Tarina shows her disgust, the more Tovins dislikes Tarina. He is the commander of the legion, and as long as he raises his finger, countless Volskaya families will send their daughters, but those women are completely inferior to Tarina.

After serving in the army for so long, Tovins's aesthetics have been biased by the war. When he was young, he still thought that a beautiful woman should have white and soft skin, a voice as sweet and soft as a nightingale, and her words and deeds should be dignified and decent.

But now he only feels that that kind of woman is too weak. Her tender skin will be red and scratched during training. Her beautiful voice like a nightingale is completely unable to convey orders amidst the explosion of artillery shells. Her dignified and decent manners cannot help either. You kill a savage greenskin.

Looking at Tarina's arms, even though they were separated by a layer of military uniform, Tovins could guess the size of Tarina's biceps and triceps from the bulging arcs. Thomas couldn't forget the beautiful scene of her last time crushing the traitor's head with her arms on the grassland.

The last time Tarina was shot in the abdomen, Tovins went to the medical department to visit her in person and got a surgical photo from the attending doctor.

A laceration about 12 centimeters long was spread on Tarina's eight-pack abdominal muscles, and when it healed, it would leave a fierce scar. Tovins almost drooled at the photo, imagining that he could rest his head on the scar on Tarina's abdominal muscles.

Tovins feels that he is not bad looking. Although he is 60 years old, expensive life extension surgery has made his physical condition no different from that of a young man in his 20s. For nobles like them, 60 is just the beginning of life. Just a stage.

Tarina's face was expressionless, but her eyes showed a faint feeling of disgust towards Tovins. She could not see the good virtues of her ancestors in Tovins, she only saw a scoundrel who teased her in his spare time.

The biochemical prosthetic eye showed the current time. Adjutant Talina took the opportunity to report the news to Tovins and quietly stepped back. "The Cadian Lightning Army observation group has landed on this planet. I A spacious Taurus armored vehicle and an accompanying escort have been arranged.”

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