Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 814 I said Qianmenlou, you want to have a hip bone?

The copper pot became more agitated and boiling due to the addition of these things. Creed even felt that the rising fog was glowing red, and the fog was torturing his respiratory system.

Even the bad smoke made by the Xiachao gang smells much better than these things!

Creed roared in his heart, clenching his fists, trying not to pull out his pistol and blow out their heads and the blasphemous copper pot right here.

Tovins looked at Creed with a deep look, and exchanged glances with other Voscani officers from time to time, and his weird smile flowed on the dining table.

He knew that the rigid Cadian people could not stand the red gem given to the Voskani people by the Emperor - the Emperor's Fire!

Although Volskani doesn't have Fenris's biting wind that peels off skin and bones like a knife, it does have something special that can kill people and places.

The entire world of Voskani was shrouded in raindrops. These raindrops that only dropped drizzle did not flood the planet Voskani, but they also created an excessively humid and cold climate. There are only 13 days a year when the sun can be seen, and these days are naturally the best time to hold the Emperor's Ascension Festival.

The Voskani people live under clouds and drizzle. Before the scorching red pepper was discovered, dampness and cold disease were an irresistible friend to the Voskani people. Many people suffered from dampness and cold disease and lost the ability to serve the Emperor.

The Bishop of the State Church couldn't bear to see the people suffer, so he decided to use his own method to find a way of salvation for the people on the planet - that is, to read the classics of the State Church to find the emperor's revelation.

Finally, in the library, he found a copy of a classic written by a Sister of the Medical Sisters.

There is a sentence clearly written on it: "Don't be afraid of strange diseases. Remember that the Emperor is the omniscient and omnipotent Creator. He has long anticipated all the diseases that can plague the human race in the universe, so he There is also a way to break it! But the emperor will never give his gifts to people who are just waiting for death! We must pass many tests and hardships to be qualified to accept the emperor's gifts!

The bishop was suddenly enlightened, and he immediately led the congregation to search for the emperor's gift on the planet Voskani that could suppress cold and dampness.

Finally, he found an obsidian sandy area deep underground that was constantly baked by magma and extremely dry. Plants as bright and conspicuous as flames were growing in it.

After experiments, the bishop found that the plant could indeed cure dampness and cold diseases. He loudly praised the Emperor's omniscience, omnipotence and infinite mercy, and then named the plant the Emperor's Flame to show that the Voskani people would never forget the Emperor's memory. Gift.

This plant looks like a fire, and the taste is no different from swallowing fire. The burnt smell of burning steel will instantly envelope the eater's throat, and when digested in the stomach, it will be as hot and boiling as a reactor. Every Voskani regards it as an honor to be able to eat more of the Emperor's flames.

Tovens was surprised at Creed's tenacity to endure the mild spiciness at first, but when he quietly ordered the logistics officer to adjust Creed's shabu-shabu to mild spiciness, he was surprised by Creed's flushed face. hapiness.

A large plate of sliced ​​refrigerated meat was placed in front of Creed. As a Cadian, Creed could tell at a glance that it was the meat of a Glomon from the texture of the meat.

Glo is the most widely cultivated large ankylosaurus-like reptile in the empire. Creed also often eats Glo meat. Cardia's parents will also smoke the Glo at home when sending their children to join the army. Dried meat is placed in packages to show their love for their children.

Now Creed was restless. He realized from the actions of Officer Voscani next to him that the meat was going to be rinsed in a copper pot before being eaten. However, he looked at the red pot and found it difficult to pick up the utensils.

"What's wrong? Captain Creed?" Tovins looked at Creed with innocent and confused eyes, "Are these foods not to your liking?"

Creed nodded, and just as he was about to say something, he was blocked by Tovins' next words.

"But I think it's impossible for Captain Creed, as a hero of the Astra Militarum, not to be able to eat these things, right? Your Majesty, the Emperor, disdainful of food and prohibiting it is not what a warrior should do."

Damn Tovins, this is clearly a threat! Threaten that something bad will happen to Creed if he doesn't eat the food!

Creed cursed secretly, he had never been so nervous. Only the Emperor knows what will happen if these foods are eaten.

Maybe I will taste the sweet taste of blood in the soup hanging on the meat! Then my stomach will be burned by the flames of blasphemy, and I will become a damn traitor!

I should immediately take out my gun, shoot all these Voskani traitors, and then use this pot as evidence.

Creed looked at the copper pot in front of him. Judging from the texture, it was not a brand-new vessel and the edge of the pot mouth was glowing with oily red. These details told Creed that these tableware had been used for a long time. Days passed.

He clearly remembered that Captain Colvin had collected evidence in the Voskani Cavalry before him, and the reply he gave at that time was that nothing unusual had happened.

Could it be that the adults made a mistake? Ignoring this blasphemous vessel? The villain in Creed's heart shook his head. If a veteran like him who has been fighting for more than 30 years can realize that this copper pot is unusual, there is no reason why Colvin, as an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, would commit such a crime. A small mistake.

Are these pots and their contents not enough to convict the Voscani Cavalry?

After thinking about it, Creed felt that this was the only reason that could explain his doubts.

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Creed suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little strange. He subconsciously held the gun bag containing the pistol with his hand, and looked up to find that everyone was staring at him.

It was silent and eerie.

These people noticed something strange about me, especially Tovins, who was frowning and talking to the adjutant.

Damn it! The adjutant shook his head!

What did they find? Have you guessed my purpose?

Creed thought desperately, his brain running at high speed, thinking about what he could say to dispel the suspicion of the Voskani.

Tovens called his adjutant over and asked if there were any cases of people from the outside group dying while eating spicy shabu-shabu.

Adjutant Tarina shook her head. She said that the people in the foreign group had only eaten mildly spicy shabu-shabu, and this was the first time that mildly spicy food was given to outsiders.

Damn it. Wouldn’t it be troublesome now? I actually made this mistake because of my own impulse.

Tovens was sorry for his behavior, he shouldn't have teased Creed like this. So he stood up, the chair scraped against the ground, and Creed set his sights on him.

Looking at Creed's stiff and red face, Tovens thought that he must be angry and was about to apologize to him and put him in a slightly spicy pot. If Creed insisted, it would not be a good idea to bring a clear soup pot. Not negotiable.

But before Tovins could speak, Creed laughed loudly. He said boldly and humorously, "At the moment, I thought you were going to poison me. But then I suddenly realized that you It's the Waskani, not the Catachan."

(I’ve been quite busy these days, so it’s even later. These two chapters were just written)

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