Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 815 We are not going to Catachan

Catachan is an evil place. The plants and animals on it are the real owners of the planet. The people of Catachan are just a part of the ecological chain that supplements Catachan.

If Tovens were to sum up Catachan in one sentence, Tovens would definitely tell the jokes circulating in Catachan with humor and a bit of respect.

"Stones of Catachan: Oops, my head is itching. I have to kill something."

Catachan: I need to shoot a commissar to boost morale. "

Of course, Tovens would only tell this second joke when he asked the Catachans for support from the field corps. He didn't want to be targeted by the Political Commissariat.

Tovins will never forget the difficult time when he was stationed in Catachan and learned jungle warfare. At that time, he was still shocked by the appearance of the green planet of Catachan, and was surprised by the loose defense of the city of Catachan.

"Don't you have a planetary defense force? If the enemy invades, wouldn't this planet fall easily?" Tovins asked. He remembered that the Catachan just rolled his eyes and snorted with disdain.

"Son of a bitch of enemies? It's better if they come! The more food Catachan can eat, the easier my life will be."

As soon as we got off the ship, Tovins' air filter was damaged by the pollen emitted by the plants. A veteran gunner in the regiment had his finger scratched by a leaf. He didn't meet the Emperor for half a minute without that strong man. .

Every morning Tovins would carry a promethium flamethrower and sweep away the corrosive lichen that was spreading under the bed. Driving a sentry mecha equipped with cutting saws and crushing pliers, they beat back the approaching forest again and again.

Going into the jungle for survival training, Tovins must be wary of everything except himself. The green jungle is full of predators, and even holding weapons cannot bring Tovins any sense of security.

"This thing is called a lobe." The Catachan cut off an unlucky man's head with a steel knife, and then tore off the plant tendrils covering the back of his head. "He can control you." The body turns you into a walking zombie!"

After walking a few steps, the Catachan suddenly made a gesture to find cover. He did not dare to use a loud roar to convey orders in the forest.

Some people were looking for trees, some were looking for rocks, and some people didn't react, and they all paid a heavy price.

The spikeweed exploded, and clumps of black spikes hit Tovins' officer friend. He died on the spot, and within half an hour a new spikeweed sprouted from his abdominal cavity.

Officer Voskani, who was hiding behind a tree trunk, was targeted by a giant Venus flytrap, and he was immediately caught by the tentacles and put into the digestive sac.

Even stones that were considered dead objects were so dangerous. The crystal clusters that suddenly cracked penetrated the officer's breastplate and soaked the outside with the blood from his body.

Tovins survived in the forest through a little trick, that is, whenever he needed to find a bunker to protect his life, he would follow the Catachans closely, even if his face was close to them. No shame at all.

Later, an orc fleet accidentally landed on the planet Catachan, and Tovins was quite wary of these green plagues. However, the Catachans did not take the green-skinned invasion seriously. They just glanced in the direction where the green-skinned ship fell. They roughly estimated the distance based on the time of the shock wave and sound, and then went back to the house to sleep.

"They fell into a pile of toads." The Catachan said pitifully.

At night, Tovins didn't know why the greenskins didn't form a war tribe to launch an attack, and he didn't understand why there were continuous terrifying sounds similar to nuclear bomb explosions dozens of kilometers away.

Tovins received the Jungle Combat Medal alive. This was a moment worthy of celebration. Even the Catachan people who took him to study and never had good words in their mouths nodded and said that this son of a bitch Tovins really has two skills. brush.

Later, there was a dinner party. Tovens's stomach had been tortured by the Astra Militarum ration packs for several months, and he was eager to have a big meal to comfort his hungry body.

"Boy! You are in for a treat today!" The Catachan patted Tovins on the shoulder hard, which made him look forward to the evening feast even more.

Instead of the tough, juicy golo meat or the tender, slippery gossa chicken, the bowl was filled with an assortment of bug-based dishes.

Tovins didn't know how he spent that night. He only knew that he slurped a bowl of schistosomiasis powder under the eyes of the Catachan people, and also tasted Catachan's most distinctive promethium distilled liquor.

The word Catachan triggered bad memories in Tovins, and his face turned green and black. When the smell of his hometown from the copper pot drifted into his nose, his mood suddenly improved a lot.

Bygones are bygones, and now it's Creed who has to endure Voskani's passion.

Tovins laughed when he thought of this, "Captain Creed is really humorous. The food of the Catachans is indeed prohibitive. But I swear to the Emperor, as long as you taste Voscani's food once, you will You will fall deeply in love with his taste, and you will never forget it even if your soul returns to the throne."

When Creed saw Tovins say this, his nerves that had just relaxed became tense again. He read many profound meanings from Tovins' few words.

Is he inviting me to join their gang?

It's a taste that I won't forget even when my soul returns to the throne. You haven't done enough harm to yourselves. Do you still want to let the great and holy Emperor endure the filth deep in your souls?

It seems that this is not the first time that these Voskani people have invited others to participate in this cult-like banquet. Perhaps the Cadia traitors that Lord Wodehouse is worried about were also born here.

Creed's strong sense of responsibility gave him another task. He felt that it was not enough to just find evidence of the Voskani Iron Cavalry's rebellion. He also had to get the names of other traitors from their mouths.

So, what should be done?

Just as Creed was thinking about this problem, Tovens' voice came again.

"Try it, Captain Creed." Tovens advised kindly, and asked Adjutant Talina to summon an emergency medical team to guard the door. He couldn't let the captain of the Eighth Regiment die in his headquarters.

The medical team came quickly and guarded the door so as not to disturb the feast of the officers.

Creed's heart skipped a beat. His previous experience told him that the people waiting outside the door were definitely not simple medical teams.

These people are likely to be senior believers who are observing Creed's reaction. Their opinions can influence the movements of the Voskani Iron Cavalry.

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