Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 816 Hiss. . . ha. . . not spicy

If Creed continues to refuse, Tovens will definitely let these traitors disguised as medical teams take Creed out of the command room on the grounds of dietary insufficiency, and then these traitors will privately discuss Creed's strange behavior at the dinner table. Performance.

Creed! For the Emperor! For Cardia!

Creed encouraged himself, he would never let these traitors who were good at hiding their true nature go to Cadia so easily.

"You'll be okay! The Emperor is watching you!"

Creed closed his eyes, Wodehouse's encouragement echoing in his ears.

Creed felt a fiery power coming from deep within his body. He thought this must be the Emperor's protection and encouragement for him.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Creed showed his disdain for the copper pot in front of him. He already knew what he had to do to disarm these traitors.

He wanted to follow the traitor's wishes and eat these hellfire-like filth, relying only on his faith and the strong sense of honor as a Cadian to maintain his last bit of sanity.

Creed showed a smile with many meanings. The calmness of generous sacrifice, the calmness of fearlessness, the sense of honor for shouldering a heavy responsibility, and a trace of imperceptible disdain all bloomed from the corners of his mouth.

Creed patted his coat and the table gently to express his ridicule, and then he said lightly, "If this is just like this, then I think it is too ordinary. Just put what you just had on another plate!"

Tovins suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. He stared with surprised eyes and asked, "What? What did you just say?"

"I said let's have another round." Creed replied calmly.

Tovens' eyes were complicated, and he was considering why Creed did this.

This guy's front feet were still choked by the emperor's flames, and he was sweating on his forehead. Why does it look like a different person the next second? The aura that Creed erupted just now made Tovins feel like he was eating with his grandfather.

You must know that Tovins's grandfather was the champion of the Volscani Emperor's Ascension Fire Festival three times in a row. The Voscani people even used Tovins's grandfather's name to measure the burning degree of the fire.

Could it be that Creed has been pretending just now? Warmaster Rhys has already told him about the Voskani's small way of facilitating diplomacy through eating?

Yes, the purpose of this meal is not simple. At least it wasn't just to give Creed a clean slate. In fact, he was trained and awakened by Catachan's meal. Tovens felt that eating was also part of the Astra Militarum battle.

In the case of eating immortality, the hotter the food in the copper pot, the better.

Because these foods cloud the judgment of those who eat them, they provide Tovins with a fairly significant advantage in conversation.

Tovins has already used the small trick of inviting people to eat to defraud many supplies from other legions, and the price is only a few glasses of water.

Damn Reese. That’s what the old man’s look after finishing his meal last time meant.

Tovens thought with some distress, it seemed that nothing good could be gained from Creed this time. Tovens had originally hoped that Creed would mobilize a few veterans of the Eighth Regiment to explain to the Voscani soldiers some tips for attacking and defending Cadia's fortress.

At Creed's request, the Voskani logistics officer poured another plate of Emperor's flames into the copper cauldron in front of him.

As if that wasn't enough, Creed added two more plates of flames that should have belonged to Adjutant Kyle and Staff Sergeant Aurora.

Judging from the heat coming out, this is already quite spicy. Even Tovins would stick out his tongue and hiss due to this level of burning sensation.

Tovins saw that Creed's expression remained unchanged, and he had even put a piece of meat into the pot to boil it. The little annoyance in his heart was wiped away, and he was left with only secret admiration for Creed.

He is worthy of being the hero chosen by Warmaster Reese! Even I can't be so calm and calm!

Tovins led a group of officers to raise a glass to Creed, and then chewed the cooked meat.

When Creed saw that Tovins no longer looked at him, he knew that there was nothing wrong with his actions and judgment.


Taking a deep breath, Creed tried his best to control his hands holding the tableware from shaking.

This red meat looks so disgusting, and the smell is even more disgusting.

What will happen if you eat it yourself?

Creed gritted his teeth and his heart skipped a beat. Silently shouting long live the Emperor as he stuffed the meat into his mouth.

It was like the promethium ignited in his mouth, and the severe pain almost made Creed faint on the spot. He relied on his strong perseverance to chew the meat and swallow it. The ferocious look on his face made Adjutant Kyle next to him worried.

"Sir, are you okay?" Adjutant Kyle leaned over and asked in a low voice.

Creed turned his head and gave him a thumbs up to show that he was fine, but this did not comfort Adjutant Kyle. After all, Creed's face was now red and swollen, like a wounded person about to be sent to a field hospital.

Seeing Creed fork another piece of meat and swallow it, Adjutant Kyle advised anxiously, "Sir, it's just a meal, why don't you go to such lengths?"

Creed's mind had been burned by the Emperor's flames, and he could only convey vague words through his hoarse voice. Even Adjutant Kyle, who knew him well, took a while for Creed to react. say something.

Creed said: This is not eating, this is fighting.

After hearing this, Adjutant Kyle carefully recalled Creed's previous actions. He understood everything immediately.

These Voskani people said they were cordial invitations, but their actual actions did not make Kyle feel any comrade-like warmth. It was just like two strong men stumbling over each other to compete for their unique glory and dignity. .

Creed is the representative of the observation group, and everything he says and does symbolizes the Cadian Legion. If he cowers in front of the Voskani food, it means that the Cadian Legion has lost face in front of the Voskani Cavalry.

Chief Creed had noticed the sinister intentions of the Voskani early on, so he pretended that he liked to eat to protect the dignity of the Cadian Legion.

Just like the most widely circulated saying of the Cadian Legion: Cadian people always move forward.

Adjutant Kyle's mood couldn't help but be infected by Chief Creed. He raised his hand to express that he also wanted to add a plate of fire.

Creed's muddy mind suddenly sobered up after hearing these words. He stared at Adjutant Kyle's face and ordered him not to eat these things with his eyes.

damn it! Lieutenant Kyle! You have no idea what these foods mean! You will be corrupted! You will become one of the traitors! I don't want to blow your head off with a pistol! ! !

I understand, I understand everything. Chief Creed, let me and Sergeant Aurora help you protect the glory of Cardia!

Adjutant Kyle took a bite of the slightly spicy meat under Creed's desperate gaze. The next second, he fell from the chair with a ferocious expression and strangled his neck as if he had taken poison.

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