Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 817 You thick eyebrows and big eyes boy

Adjutant Kyle was carried out by the Voskani medical team and gave Creed a thumbs up before he went out.

Sir, you are so awesome.

Creed looked at Adjutant Kyle with despairing eyes. He had known Kyle since he was a White Shield recruit. He is a hot-blooded man with a loud voice. On the battlefield, he is responsible for protecting the safety of Creed and the regimental flag, and conveying Creed's orders through the equipped sound array communicator.

They have survived countless difficult and bloody battles, but they never wanted to separate here.

Creed's grief could not be expressed in any form. The spicy shabu-shabu had destroyed his body functions and even caused him to die slowly. Creed's failure to reveal Adjutant Kyle's embarrassment rested solely on his contempt for traitors and his boundless loyalty to the Emperor.

I have to warn the adults.

Creed tried to send his message using a communicator on his cuff disguised as a clothing tack, but found he was unable to do so.

Sergeant Aurora? No. Sergeant Aurora.

Creed saw Sergeant Aurora pouring the flame into her copper pot, her purple eyes filled with curiosity.

Sergeant Aurora took a taste. Her face only turned red and she did not fall to the ground like Adjutant Kyle.

Aurora eats more and more enthusiastically, and people around her are also cheering and praising Aurora's good appetite. In Creed's eyes, these scenes are no different from the process of cultists selecting the Chosen One.

Creed saw Aurora throwing the fire directly into her mouth and chewing it hard. Her lips were red as if she had just drank blood.

I'm sorry, my emperor.

Creed closed his eyes and knew nothing about what happened next.

"Sir." Adjutant Tarina tapped Tovins' shoulder with his hand, but he didn't pay too much attention to the adjutant's small movements. He just used his portable video equipment to record the miracle of Sergeant Aurora drinking from a copper pot.

Seeing Tovins' concentration, Lieutenant Tarina retracted her hand helplessly. She walked over to Creed and put her fingers in front of the unconscious Creed's nose.

It's okay, I can recover by lying in the medical room for half a day.

"Treat him well so that he doesn't feel queasy when he wakes up the next day."

"Yes, Adjutant."

Tarina wrapped her arms around Creed's chest and lifted Creed up with a little force.

What is this? Why are you still blaming Ruo Ren?

Tarina didn't think much about it, she just thought it was a medal on Creed's body.

After another half hour, everyone applauded enthusiastically as Sergeant Aurora broke their planet's spiciness record.

Tovins held Staff Sergeant Aurora's hand and said with emotion, "If you and my grandfather were of the same generation, he would marry you home no matter what."

The banquet was over, and Tovins returned to the office and immediately began to formulate the training content of the Voscani Cavalry in the next few days. Tovins regretted that the Voscani Cavalry could not show Creed the armored assault tactics.

Late at night, Tovins was still working energetically. He had already finished writing the deployment and movement orders, and was just waiting for the correspondent to notify the officers of each unit.

There was a knock on Tovins' door, and then Adjutant Tarina walked in with a heavy face.

"Wow, you look like we are surrounded by traitors now." Tovins said jokingly.

"There really is a traitor, sir."

"Haha. You are kidding, right?"

Under Tarina's serious gaze, Tovins put away all his teasing thoughts.

"Who is likely to rebel? The 113th Infantry Regiment or the 771st Reconnaissance Company?" Tovins asked.

"Not one of our people." Tarina shook her head, then she took a few steps closer and rolled up her sleeves. A strong and well-shaped arm caught Tovins's attention.

Tarina said "Creed is a traitor."

These words completely dissipated the relaxed atmosphere in the room. Tovens adjusted his posture and stared at Tarina's face with a serious and emotionless gaze.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know."

Tovins was silent for a while and then said, "Where is the evidence."

"That's it." Tarina rolled up her sleeves, revealing a strong, rough arm with strong and loyal muscles.

But now Tovens was not in the mood to admire this arm that he had guessed countless times. Instead, he followed the guidance of Tarina's fingers and looked at a scar left by a laser gun scratch. There was a shallow indentation on it. Tovens's eyes saw the outline and he immediately came up with a term in his mind.

Desecrated Talisman.

Tovins opened his eyes wide and looked at Tarina in disbelief, "He is a war hero."

"Maletov is also a hero, but what happened to him?" Tarina said.

After hearing this, Tovins sighed deeply. Maletofor was the fighting pioneer of the Voskani Cavalry, a great warrior respected and loved by all soldiers.

He was fearless, determined and infectious. The soldiers caught by his gaze all held their heads high and assumed the posture of a winner. His name was whispered by the soldiers in the camp like a curse.

He held the bridgehead on the Conva River for two days. He struggled to rescue the beleaguered 121st Regiment, and even killed a champion of the Chaos Heresy.

Maletopher and the Emperor, the Emperor and Maletopher. Under the leadership of the two of them, the Voscani soldiers will charge without hesitation and fight to the death until they win the final victory.

At that time, because Tovins' adjutant was a woman, and in the culture of the Voskani people, women could not even touch military uniforms, let alone become the adjutant of a legion commander.

Tovins was secretly viewed as incompetent by his soldiers and officers, and Voscani veterans would provoke Lieutenant Tarina at the training grounds almost every day.

Precisely because Tarina had never been treated kindly by legionnaires before, she could always stand in an inconspicuous corner and examine every soldier with an unbiased heart.

Maletov, who was regarded as a hero, was closely watched by Tarina. She always felt that Maletov was too enthusiastic about charging and executing prisoners of war.

She told Tovins her suspicions. Although Tovins did not immediately order the arrest of Maletopher, it also made Tovins wary of Maletopher.

Later, Tovins' vigilance saved his life. At the chaotic moment when the Voscani Cavalry was fiercely attacking the Voscani defense line with the rebels, Maletofor led his troops to raid Tovins' command. Ministry, trying to take over the command of the Voskani Cavalry.

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