A bomb collapsed the side wall of the headquarters, and then Maletofor's soldiers rushed in through the gap where the smoke had not dispersed. They first killed the communication officer and the communication equipment with automatic firearms only used by the rebels, and then killed the remaining All the bullets hit Tovins.

Tovins survived the first salvo with the shield he purchased from the Rogue Traders at a huge expense. He used the fastest time to restrain his shock and confusion and raised his gun to fight back at the rebellious Maletopher. .

Maletofor relied on the armor full of plasma to easily block the laser pistol shot, and then he picked up his sword and rushed towards Tovins.

This was the moment Tarina was waiting for. She rushed out from under the table and fought with Maletofor with the ancestral power sword embedded with rubies in her hand.

Tovins didn't want to think too much about how critical the situation was at that time, and how terrifying Maletopher was, whose brain had been corrupted by Chaos. His mind had been taken over by shock and worry.

"He is a war hero." Tovins closed his eyes in pain. If even people like Creed chose to betray the Emperor, then Tovins would not even dare to think about how many traitors there were in the Cadian Legion.

It's not enough that this traitor has tarnished the Cadian Legion, but he also wants to come over and drag the glorious Voscani Cavalry into the water as well? Tovins will never allow this kind of thing!

No wonder Creed always acted strangely while eating today, and now everything can be explained clearly. Who else but a traitor with a lunatic mind can keep stuffing meat into his mouth when his body's organs are failing?

Warmaster Reese may also be a traitor. After all, he was the one who protected Creed when the Cadia High Command wanted to prosecute Creed.

Perhaps the Cadia High Command was also infiltrated by traitors, otherwise Creed would never have become the commander of the Eighth Regiment in just thirty years of military service.

"We have to punish the traitors and save Cardia." Tovins said softly.

"I'm going to call someone to arrest them right now." Tarina gave a military salute, and as soon as her hand pressed down on the hydraulic bolt of the explosion-proof door, she was stopped by Tovins.

"No. Just catching Creed alone will not help the battle. We have to get more information from him."

"Like fishing?"

"That's right, Tarina. It's like fishing." Tovens crumpled up the order he originally wrote and threw it into the stove, and then he wrote a new order.

When Creed wakes up tomorrow, he will take Creed to the mine to have a good talk. Just like a cultist should do.

The Heart of Frost, Swift Wind, and Shadow Fury are hidden in the storm of a gaseous planet in the 0-B1 system, which can hide the traces of the battleships.

Wodehouse senses Creed's life state through psychic spells. The flame that symbolized Creed's life just now was jumping up and down like a roller coaster.

Now that Creed's flames were stable, Wodehouse, who was sitting cross-legged in the secret room, breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that anyone who could be talked about by Lin Fan had two brushes, and it was absolutely impossible to lead him so easily.

"Hey, old guy." Cather White Fang walked in, "Is everything going well for that boy Creed?"

"Everything goes well." Wodehouse raised his head and looked at the ceiling, blinking constantly to eliminate the indistinguishable projection in front of him.

After taking a sip of mead, Wodehouse's mind became much clearer. He carefully recalled and interpreted Creed's fire of life.

"It seems that he was kindly invited by the Voskani. He gave himself an allergic reaction and almost died for the Emperor."

"This kid is really ruthless." Kaiser White Fang shook his head with emotion, "This guy is also unlucky. He is allergic to such exciting food. If that kid Lin Fan was here, he would have to go to Voskani no matter what. Let’s have a meal together. What does he mean by this?”

"Spicy," Wodehouse warned.

Kaiser White Fang patted his head and said, "Yes, yes, that's it. Back then, we used semi-finished promethium to blend this flavor."

"Don't mention that thing." Wodehouse's face darkened. Only a beast like Lin Fan could come up with the idea of ​​using semi-finished promethium to make it spicy. Even a Space Marine would lose half his life if he took a bite of it.

"But the spicy taste is really addictive." Cather White Fang said with endless aftertaste, "The only side effect is that you have to lie down for two days to take it easy."

"Stop talking about this, why are you here suddenly? Is there something going on in the direction of Cadia?" Wodehouse interrupted Cather White Fang's ramblings.

"Kosaro Khan's friend, the great sage called Itaidai, sent him a very meaningful message. He couldn't understand the meaning and asked for your interpretation."

Wodehouse raised his brows and took a long piece of paper with something like this written on it.

"In Agpilina's army, the red and black positions of the Holy Mark of Mars are reversed."

"What does it mean?"

"Don't bother Kaiser White Fang, I'm trying to remember the weird culture of the Adeptus Mechanicus."

++Everything works, that's it. ++

The great sage of generations looked around furtively, and after a while he suddenly let out a burst of laughter mixed with mechanical sounds.

Laughter echoed among the neatly arranged heavy tanks of the Voskani Cavalry, and the Great Sage walked from one end of the parking garage to the other with trembling steps.

Suddenly he stopped, and his mechanical eyes locked on a shadow next to him. Then he deactivated the servitor's arming state with a series of binary whispers.

++I need knowledge.++

Iteration begged the shadow, and then the shadow spat out a fragment of stc. Jidai took the fragments into his arms with great joy.

"Did you send the message?"

Iteration nodded, indicating that he had completed the task assigned by the shadow.

"Very well, the Emperor will never forget your achievements."

++For the God of All Machines. ++

Iteration responded piously, but the mysterious person in the shadow had disappeared.

Planet 0-B1, the temporary residence of the Voscani Cavalry.

Sergeant Aurora, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened her eyes. She sat up and stared at the somewhat blurry outline of the battleship. A token engraved with a cobalt blue Ouroboros appeared with a flip of his palm. She gently pressed her fingers on the sharp fangs of the Ouroboros' mouth, and then a drop of her blood was quickly sucked away by the Ouroboros. This drop of blood also made the Ouroboros Token as cold as stone as hot as charcoal fire.

"Fate has changed again, Leon, what are you doing?" Aurora sighed meaningfully. After waiting for the Ouroboros to cool down, she lay on the bed and closed her eyes to think deeply.

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