Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 819 Hello? The Court of Inquisition? I have a list here.

As soon as Creed woke up from the medical room, he was enthusiastically taken away by Officer Voskani who was guarding the bed. He felt as if he had eaten yesterday and had to do it again today.

He touched his body and found that the beacon he used to send battle signals to the Space Marines was missing. Then he cautiously asked about the situation of Adjutant Kyle and Sergeant Aurora.

Adjutant Kyle was still lying in bed, his stomach was slightly perforated from the spicy meat. Staff Sergeant Aurora had no problems and even broke the Voskani record yesterday.

It's over.

Creed shook his head. Adjutant Kyle must not be able to withstand the blessing of Chaos and will soon turn into a twisted Chaos egg. Sergeant Aurora's strong adaptability to the blessing of Chaos will surely lead her to become a Champion of Chaos.

What is your situation? Between corruption and loyalty?

Creed's mind was confused and his steps were feeble. He boarded the Taurus armored vehicle and picked up Sergeant Aurora on the way. Their final destination was a mine arranged by the Mechanicum on this planet.

After getting out of the car, Tovens came over with a smile on his face, and squeezed Creed's hand tightly with his big hand.

This modified biochemical arm will definitely give you a start! traitor!

Creed pinched back with a sullen face. His hand was also quite strong, but it still couldn't be compared with the modified hand.

Rubbing his aching hand, Creed already understood his fate. These traitors are going to the final stage. They invite Creed to join them. If they fail, they will let some dark existence replace Creed's soul. This place where only mining servitors are active is the altar they chose for Creed. .

These traitors really don't do anything in public, which is in line with their style of conduct.

Creed smiled at Tovins, the smile was mocking and disdainful.

Tovens returned the same smile, with similar thoughts to Creed.

You bastard traitor, you are so arrogant even when you are about to die. If I don’t pry your mouth open today, I won’t call you Tovins.

The two led the escort into the mining site, which reflected the grand style of the Mechanicus. After more than a thousand years of uncontrolled mining, the mines here have formed a shape like a whirlpool. The flat dirt road dozens of meters wide is full of small dark mines. These are the results of the work of mining slaves. They search for small amounts of metal minerals in this barren land to meet their own repair needs.

The Mechanicus-priests who command the slave laborers are lonely and eccentric. He didn't care at all that Tovins led the Volscani soldiers into the property that belonged to Agrippina's Forge World.

This is not the Tower of Divine Calculation, and there is no secret of the God of All Machines.

This is not a volcanic furnace, nor can we glimpse the power of the God of All Machines.

There are just stones and dust. And I am forgotten here.

After taking off their equipment and ordering the guards to guard the door, Creed and Tovins walked into a house with a tacit understanding. They were so high up here that they could see the entire mine from the observation window. Now this house has been abandoned, and the mines that can be supervised are as ugly as the scars on the planet.

"Look at Creed here, how spectacular it is! Such a big crater can only be made with the ship's artillery." Tovins sighed with emotion.

"I thought you would take me to visit the shooting training and close combat combat of the Voskani Cavalry." Creed replied.

Take you to see the regiment's shooting training? Is it convenient for you to confuse people? Stop dreaming!

Tovens yelled in his heart, and then he took out two portable folding stools. After Creed sat down with him, he suddenly said coldly, "I already know everything."

Creed's hand froze slightly, but he still asked calmly and doubtfully, "What are you talking about?"

Tovins said nothing, just stared at Creed's face with his eyes. His slightly youthful face revealed an inhumane coldness. "Don't act stupid, there is no one else here, just you and me, and..." Tovins pointed upward.

"you mean."

"I've been serving him for a long time."

"who is he?"

"No need to say more, you and I both know it well."

The two used riddle-like conversations to extract information from each other. Creed wanted to get the list of traitors from Tovins, and Tovins wanted to get the list of traitors from Creed.

Under the influence of this mentality, the conversation between the two inevitably fell in the direction of depravity. They apologized to the emperor again and again, and then uttered more ambiguous words.

Creed was the first to react. He felt that the traitor in front of him had exposed his ambitions, and all he had to do was add fuel to the fire.

"Hahaha." Creed suddenly threw his head back and laughed. While laughing, he slowly stood up from the chair. He reached into his arms and took out the eight-pointed star necklace while enduring the sting and disgust.

Tovens' subsequent shock and disbelief were all at Creed's discretion.

"You, you, really didn't expect it. Although I had a guess, I can't confirm that you are really it."

"Hehehe." Creed smiled faintly, as if this was not a surprising thing, "I originally wanted to recruit you to join the gang, but I didn't expect that we are actually friends on the same front."

Who is your friend?

Tovens forced a smile, and then he made up a name in order to get closer to Creed, "I wonder if it was the leader who led you to witness the truth? I think it must be Priest Fuskan?"

Creed's pupils narrowed slightly, surprised by Priest Foscan's rebellion. If what Tovins said is true, then the situation of the fifteen forts in the Glory Basin has become extremely dangerous.

No. We can't take action at this time. We need more names of traitors. So what should I say? What should I answer? If the name I reported was not one that Tovins was familiar with, would he have any doubts?

By the way, if Tovins is a traitor, then his family must not be clean. Perhaps his grandfather and father had already begun to plan the defense line for Cadia decades ago.

Creed did not answer Priest Fuscan's question directly, but asked with a mysterious smile how Tovins' father was doing recently.

Tovens looked normal, but there was a huge wave in his heart.

My father is actually a traitor?

Tovins didn't dare to think about it anymore. He was horrified by the reach and pervasiveness of the traitor organization behind Creed.

Cardia is in danger! Voskani is in danger!

Calm down Tovins, you can't just be carried away by anger and panic, you must get more information from this traitor!

Silently praising the emperor, Tovens also responded politely and gently, "My father is fine. He often talks about Warmaster Reese and hopes to have a meal with him once in his lifetime."

What? Warmaster Rhys is also a traitor?

Creed endured the shock and wrote down the name of Warmaster Reese with a mixture of grief and anger.

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