Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 820 I’m doing this for your own good!

After a round of exchanges, the two of them were firmly bound by despair and hope.

They despaired of the collective rebellion of the Cadian High Command and the filth of the Voskani world.

The only hope is the roster in their heads. If they act quickly enough, the Cadia defense can still be saved.

The two men, who were deeply mentally exhausted, had friendly smiles on their faces. They no longer wanted to communicate more. Just dealing with the traitors mentioned just now and their families would have taken hundreds of years to clean up.

The two stood up at the same time and approached the door at the same time.

"You first?" Tovins politely stretched out his hand to indicate that as long as Creed's back was facing him, he could easily knock the back of Creed's head open with his fist.

"No, you go first." Creed was equally polite. He had already constructed a complete set of assassination moves to attack Tovins from behind in his mind.

The two of them were harboring evil intentions, and they were huddled face to face at the door, with no one willing to move more. In the blink of an eye, they understood the other party's intention.

This traitor wants to take advantage of others! So that I can take all the credit! You must strike first!

Almost at the same time, Creed's iron fist hit Tovins' chin. Tovins' elbow slashed into the side of Creed's face, and the force used by the two of them in their first attack was fatal.

Tovins yelled at the guards to rush in and catch Creed, the bastard.

Tarina and the Voskani guards immediately took action and pointed their weapons directly at Sergeant Aurora and the 11 Kashezin soldiers.

In the flash of lightning, the elite Kashejin soldiers also reacted in time, dodging left and right and leaving a smoke grenade hanging on their waists on the ground.

In an instant, the laser beam and the smoke weaved together an extremely chaotic scene, and the Voskani guards suppressed the smoke in front of them with firepower.

Staff Sergeant Aurora hid in the smoke, holding Creed's lost communication beacon in her hand. She thought about it for a while, and then gave up the idea of ​​calling in the Space Marines to solve the problem.

She held the barrel of the Creed laser pistol with her backhand, and used the handle of the gun to hit the Kashezin soldiers beside her and the Voskani guards who rushed in as if swinging an axe.

Finding a subtle strike angle and applying just the right amount of force to the weapon in her hand, Aurora could knock Kashezin unconscious on the ground with just one blow. Those reckless Voskani soldiers were easier to deal with.

In just a few seconds, only Adjutant Tarina was left standing in the smoke.

"Who are you?" Tarina's tone was filled with fear.

"I also want to ask you this question." Sergeant Aurora responded, and then she rushed towards Talina who drew her power sword and stood ready.

Aurora easily dodged Tarina's slash, and then she punched Tarina's head without reservation.

This was enough to kill Tarina and even blow her head off.

But just as Aurora judged, this Tarina was indeed abnormal.

The moment Aurora's fist came into contact, her head lost the hardness that human bones should have. On the contrary, it gave Aurora an unnatural and extremely soft feeling.

Tarina's face had ripples like water, her facial features were misaligned and distorted, and the muscles on her body were beginning to show signs of losing control. She opened her somewhat melted mouth and said in shock and pleading, "Wait. You don't understand. I don't mean any harm."

All the demons of Slaanesh I saw said so.

Aurora didn't care about Tarina's pleas for mercy, and she continued to attack Tarina. Knowing that she was no match for Aurora, Tarina could only try her best to dodge and use more words to find a way out for herself.

"This legion was corrupted by the Blood God! I helped liberate them from the war fever!"

Yes, then they become happy maniacs, and there is essentially no difference.

Aurora kept moving and almost tore off one of Talina's arms. Tarina screamed in a suppressed voice, and she decided to use a more secret message to persuade the person in front of her to stop.

"I am with you! The Emperor and our Lord have united in the High Heavens, and everything I do is tacitly approved by the Emperor!"

"Nonsense!" Aurora frowned. She didn't believe Tarina's nonsense. Although she did find that Slaanesh's cult was somewhat unusual in recent years, this was not enough to prove that Slaanesh was crazy about correcting evil.

The emotional tides of the Warp do not distinguish between good and evil, they only act according to nature. As a master of desires, Slaanesh would never give up on pursuing extreme experiences. The recent abnormalities were just the result of a brief trough in her long wave of emotional changes.

Daring devil! How dare you confuse people even when you are about to die!

Aurora grabbed Tarina's neck with cold eyes, and then she turned her hands and conjured up a fragment of the national religion's holy artifact that had been smeared with the ashes of the untouchable. As long as she patted this fragment into Tarina's forehead, she would will be expelled from the real world.

When Tarina was in extreme danger, she instantly released her disguised human head. A huge golden horn suddenly burst out from the flesh, and Tarina screamed with all her strength. The terrifying sound hit Aurora's face, knocking away the unconscious soldiers on the ground and Creed and Tovins who were struggling in the house.

The hand that was strangling her neck was still terrifyingly powerful. Tarina did not dare to waste the short time when Aurora was shocked by the sound, and stretched one of her tentacles into Aurora's pocket. She had already sensed whether she could survive. This is the key to getting down.

Touching a communication beacon with a technological component from the Tau Empire, Talina activated the beacon directly, and then used her last bit of strength to take back the demonic body she had liberated.

Now she had no strength to resist at all, she was so weak that she was sweating all over, and it was difficult to even open her eyelids.

Although Wodehouse on the battleship had not yet finished interpreting the message from the Great Sage, he immediately began to cast teleportation spells as soon as he received the signal from the beacon.

Through the coordinates provided by the beacon, Wodehouse selected the end of the portal to the mine on planet 0-B1. He raised his wolf staff high and slammed it to the ground. A bolt of lightning killed him, Kaiser White Fang, and a group of others. Team Terminator teleports down.

At the same time, the three warships hidden in the gas star storm also sailed quickly. In just half an hour, they would be ready for all battles and rain destruction on the heads of the Voscani Cavalry.

Teleporting thunder through the subspace, the disordered characteristics of time and space caused it to explode in Aurora's ears for an instant. At this time, he had just recovered from the impact of the sound wave.

Sensing the crisis, he suddenly threw Tarina away and flew to dodge.

Then a large ball of blazing plasma and super-high-speed armor-piercing electromagnetic artillery shells hit the place where Aurora originally stood.

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