As the world was spinning, Tarina felt like she was being caught. He opened his eyes slightly and saw that it was Cather White Fang. The only thing Tarina could do was to point her finger at Aurora, then tilt her head and fall unconscious.

The scene in front of him was really confusing. Wodehouse couldn't tell who the real traitor was from the Kashezin and Voskani guards lying around.

But at least he can be sure that this Sergeant Aurora is not as simple as it seems.

Wodehouse reached out and tried to press Aurora directly to the ground. Kaiser White Fang stood by his side, and a team of terminators quickly spread out to find the best shooting position to avoid accidental injuries.

"Surrender! Accept review!" Wodehouse said coldly.

Feeling the psychic pressure on her body, Aurora felt a little annoyed at her carelessness.

Things shouldn't have become so complicated.

Oro pulled, and even Wodehouse's force, which could crush a Space Marine, could not stop him.

The four Terminators used fire suppression on Aurora. The high-temperature plasma clusters almost formed a line. The ground was dug out by the plasma map, leaving hot spots that could not be dissipated for a long time.

The sound of intensive firing from the plasma regiment made the Mechanic Priest stationed here feel strange and angry. He brought two armed servitors over to check menacingly.

Damn it! Four Space Wolf Terminators! A company commander and a think tank!

The Mechanic Priest knew at a glance that this matter was beyond his control, so he immediately retreated and sent a communication to the Great Sage.

Looking at the triple plasma rapid-fire cannon installed on the left hand of the Terminator, Aurora couldn't help but mock, "You actually used alien technology? Haha. It seems that the empire still has some smart people, doesn't it?"

"These have nothing to do with you." Kaiser White Fang responded coldly. He had been firing at Aurora. His instinct told him that he would definitely suffer in a close battle with Aurora.

Aurora slithered on the ground like a snake, so fast that it pulled out the afterimage of her charming eyeballs. If Wodehouse hadn't maintained a psychic grip and used magic to strengthen the Space Wolf's body, Aurora would have broken through the Terminator's fire suppression.

In an instant, Kaiser White Fang suddenly saw Aurora pulling out a pistol and pointing it at him. It was the disguised plasma pistol they gave Creed for self-defense.

Superman's body reacted instinctively to the danger, and Kaiser White Fang fell backwards and rolled sideways to his feet. A ball of plasma hit Kaiser White Fang's left shoulder armor, and neither the curved structure nor the composite ceramic steel took effect.

The plasma ball vaporized everything he could touch in an instant. The high-temperature metal steam and the plasma ball pierced Kaiser White Fang's shoulder together. The pain was no different from being melted alive.

Fortunately, Wodehouse used his psychic eyes to grasp the entire battle situation. He opened his lips slightly and spit out a few blasphemous words silently and quickly.

Demonic spells, dangerous, but useful.

The antimatter crystal covered Kaiser Whitefang's shoulders and disappeared after absorbing all the plasma and heat.

Aurora's first counterattack was easily resolved in less than half a second.

"Wizard!" Aurora said bitterly towards Wodehouse, "The spells you use are beyond the scope of human beings! You are playing with fire and burning yourself!"

Wodehouse licked his lips and smiled. Of course he was playing with fire. However, he had already developed a safe fire-proof suit. Although Wodehouse did not dare to compare with the legendary priests of the Chapter in terms of the majesty of his psychic powers, Wodehouse's exquisiteness in psychic powers Control is quite proud.

Aurora has already developed murderous intentions towards Wodehouse. To her, what Wodehouse has done is much more arrogant than the wizard of the Thousand Sons. He estimated the number of shots from his plasma pistol, firing while charging with his dagger.

Such obvious murderous intent was captured by the Terminator and Wodehouse. Wodehouse immediately began to weave more powerful spells, and the Terminator also constructed a defensive formation tacitly.

Aurora passed through the Terminator's fire net almost as if teleporting. Compared to the Terminator, she was short and thin, and the dagger in her hand was so pitiful. However, the danger she exudes makes the battle-hardened Terminator dare not neglect her in the slightest.

The hormones that improve physical fitness rushed into the body, and the terminator, who was about to be approached by Aurora, suddenly swung his power fist at her.

Aurora obviously understands the structure and working principle of power fists better than these terminators. Her dagger grazed the side of the power gloves like a bird skimming the ground. When she turned her wrist, the dagger pierced one of the power fists. Protective metal plate.

Pulling forward, the most important piece of equipment of the power glove was easily destroyed by Aurora. The glowing decomposition force field immediately failed.

When Aurora finished all this, her body was already attached to the Terminator's breastplate due to the speed. If she didn't take the next step, her face would hit the golden sky eagle decoration.

But Aurora would not make this kind of mistake. She used the momentum to adjust her movements, clasping her hands on the Terminator's mask, and using the fulcrum provided by her hands to flip her body upwards.

Powerful power burst out from her arms, and the Terminator she held was like an iron ball tied to an iron chain. Under the huge force, she could not avoid the fate of being thrown away.

Kaiser White Fang was standing in front of Wodehouse. He looked in disbelief at his brother in Terminator armor flying towards him like a cannonball.

He had to protect Wodehouse to complete the ritual. Although he could not understand Wodehouse's complicated spell-casting language, he could also tell from the psychic fluctuations behind him that this was the critical moment for the casting of psychic spells. .

He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, spreading his arms like a wrestler.

The heavy terminator hit Kaiser White Fang hard. If he hadn't relied on the food grown from the golden garbage to strengthen his body, he would have had to fly out with the terminator this time.

But this was still not enough. Wodehouse's forehead was covered with sweat. He had already constructed the spell as fast as he could, but he still couldn't successfully cast it before Aurora attacked. He could feel that Aurora had come to his side, the plasma pistol was aimed at his head, and the dagger was close to his throat. The next attack would definitely kill him!

At this moment, Tarina, who had been left unconscious by Kaiser White Fang, woke up. The psychic energy emanating from Wodehouse's spells replenished her weakened body.

"It's really hard to earn some living expenses." Tarina complained, and then released her demon form.

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