Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 822 Wild Wolf, how do you teach your children?

The appearance of the demon of Slaanesh is always accompanied by the sound of obscenity and the strange smell of fragrance mixed with blood.

Tarina stood behind Wodehouse in her liberated form. Her form was more like a jellyfish. Thousands of pink tentacles were connected under her dark red flesh-colored soft cover. These tentacles were covered with scars and scars. The gap outlines a rough humanoid outline.

The sudden appearance of the Slaanesh daemon undoubtedly startled Wodehouse, but Talina's voice calmed his panic.

"We're allies now, you stinking wolf cubs."

Tarina's tentacles fell on Wodehouse's body, and the tiny roots spread all over Wodehouse's body in an instant. At this time, he looked the same inhuman and lustful pink as Tarina's tentacles.

"Devils are born together!" Aurora exclaimed, "You have bound your soul to this Slaanesh demon? You damn bastard! You have brought shame to your father!"

In fact this is not soul binding. Wodehouse wanted to correct Aurora's statement, but the second half of Aurora's words gave up the idea.

He could indeed find many excuses and reasons for himself to explain why he knew so much about demons and demon spells. But in the dead of night, he would secretly think about how he could become like this. Without Lin Fan's protection and Guaranteed, Wodehouse would have been hacked to death by Cather White Fang.

Alas. The old wolf sighed. He relaxed his mind, removed the protection of his soul, and devoted himself to the final stage of constructing the spell.

He could feel Tarina's desire and greed for his soul, as well as her tolerance and worry.

These demons still listen to their masters.

Different from Wodehouse's comfort, Aurora's face was livid at this time. He was so angry that the Space Wolves had created such a scum that he didn't know what to say. He fired all the energy of his plasma pistol at Talina's demonic body and stabbed the dagger hard into the crimson eroded wound.

"Oh! That's it! More!" Tarina screamed, the pain only making her demonic self happier. She loves to be abused, this is a gift given to her by the Lord of Pleasure.

Aurora jumped away from Talina's disgusting body, dodging the attacks from the Terminator behind her.

When did this happen and you still opened fire on me? You wolf cubs are also rebels, right?

Aurora was filled with doubts and anger. He had never seen anything like this in his long life.

A Slaanesh demon said she was from the Emperor's faction, a wolf priest who dared to directly use demonic magic, and a group of Space Wolves who ignored the demons of Slaanesh.

What has become of this world?

Could it be that Slaanesh gave up the eternal war and began to pursue the Emperor?

Even thinking of these words, Aurora felt a chill.

At this moment, Wodehouse's spell was finally ready. He flew out of Tarina's body, and his spiritual energy converged on the tips of his left and right fingers. Wodehouse pushed his two fingers outward hard, and the space where Aurora was standing was torn apart, and a subspace rift appeared. .

After witnessing Aurora falling into it, Wodehouse closed the rift again. He lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, breathing heavily. His resolute face was as pale as paper, and large drops of bloody sweat fell to the ground.

"Wow~ You're doing pretty well now~ You'd be considered a top student in the lower class in college." Tarina patted her tentacles in celebration, and didn't forget to wipe it on Wodehouse's face. .

Mmm delicious~

Wodehouse ignored Tarina's actions and hoarsely asked Cather White Fang to check on Creed and Tovins.

"Okay." Kaiser White Fang endured the feeling of bone cracking throughout his body, and then hurried to the room.

Creed and Tovins were still fighting, and all the strange sounds coming from outside the door were considered by them to be the best evidence of the other party's rebellion.

Punch, elbow, kick, bite, crotch picking.

The fighting between the two generals was not elegant, but rather full of the brutality of ruffians. However, judging from the injuries of the two of them, these rough attack methods are effective.

One of Tovins's ears was torn off by Creed, and one of his eyes was poked out. White glass and blood covered his face.

Creed's cheek was torn open by Tovens, and his neat molars were directly exposed to the air. One of his arms hangs weakly, as if his shoulder was broken by Tovins and he cannot exert any force.

"Traitor! Your doom has come!" The two said in unison, and then rushed forward to fight and fight each other.

Kaiser White Fang kicked open the door. Seeing the ice blue armor on his body, Creed and Tovins both had a light of hope in their eyes.

"My lord! He is a traitor!"

With a stiff face, Cather White Fang knocked them both unconscious and carried them out for simple treatment.

A minute later, Kaiser White Fang successfully contacted the three warships preparing to carry out bombing and planetary assault.

"What's wrong? Time waits for no one. If you have any important information, please tell me immediately." Kosaro Khan's dissatisfied shouts came from the communicator, which was also mixed with the buzzing sound of the airdrop cabin being pressurized.

"The operation is cancelled. The situation of the Voskani Legion is more complicated than we thought." After Kaiser White Fang finished speaking, he hung up the communication.

Then Cather White Fang opened his palms and counted silently.

Three. Two. One.

The white airdrop pod landed near the mine, and then Corsaro Khan led his people to rush to Kaiser White Fang.

Although Colvin was not seen, Cather White Fang felt that he should be squatting in a shadowed corner and silently observing all this.

"What happened?" Kosaro Khan asked hurriedly, he was already fully prepared for battle. The motor oil of the motorcycle has been heated up time and time again, just waiting to gallop on the land and fight happily. It is too torture to tell him that the battle is cancelled.

"Puff~" Tarina, who had recovered her body, was smiling at the side. She felt Corsaro's pain.

Kosaro Khan looked at Tarina with raised eyebrows and asked, "Who is this? Why do you look so strange?"

Kathe White Fang leaned into his ear and whispered, "This is a great demon of Slaanesh."

This sentence was enough to explain everything. Kosaro Khan sighed melancholy, pulled out the long knife from his waist, stabbed it into the ground and stopped talking.

Their war group didn't know the situation of the Slaanesh demons, but they, the Space Marines who had fought alongside Lin Fan, knew it all too well.

"I think it's up to you to explain." Wodehouse said softly while lying on the ground.

"Okay!" Talina made an aquila salute, and then talked about why she was in the Voscani Cavalry.

"The main reason is that our master wants to surprise the master and find a job for us idle devils."

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