Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 823 Whatever you have, we definitely have.

Of course, Tarina is not the real name of this demon, but this does not prevent her from telling everyone her story.

Like other demons born in the realm of the gods, Talina was born with the same spiritual essence as Slaanesh. In a sense, you can also call these demons the incarnation of gods in a certain way.

Tarina's demonic 'friends' usually have pale, soft skin, and adorn their bodies with expensive and extravagant gems, metal jewelry, and silk. Tanned, shiny, tough human leather is also a good choice.

All evils that creatures can manifest can be manifested in the realm of Slaanesh, and the scenery here is no less than that of the realm of Tzeentch, which is famous for its chaos and change.

Material wealth adorns every inch, dripping with the slime of vanity and narcissism that glistens under the hungry eyes of the Lord of Desire.

Tarina lived here for most of her life. The people around him are all ambitious, wanton, and do whatever it takes to be appreciated by the gods.

Tarina has been a slave to other demons and has taken other demons as her slaves. In a place like subspace where time is not obvious, Tarina's division of stages in her life is entirely based on various interesting experiences.

But some things are quite strange, such as breaking out of subspace to take a look outside.

The existence of the curtain makes it particularly difficult for the four gods to release their power in the real universe, let alone these little devils who rely on the grace of the gods to ascend.

Obviously the Eye of Terror is a good place to go to the real universe, but Talina has never been able to travel through that place easily.

The roaming Chaos warbands remain pathologically wary and hostile to all strangers, and as their ancient ships ride the waves of the Warp, they need to deal with the various daemons that overflow from the corners of their ships.

Tarina was naturally one of them. She curiously boarded the warship of the Chaos warband and floated in the corridor, looking around. From time to time, she greeted the somewhat crazy ship servants who were affected by the corrosion of subspace. Sometimes she can still receive communications from mutants. These guys perform a small sacrificial ceremony by disemboweling an old and frail man to plead for their little life in the steel of the ship. The tribe can prosper. Tarina helped deliver several cute little guys with hair, horns and tumors, and she also ate a few stillborn babies as a reward.

She was later driven off the ship by the Chaos Space Marines with bolt bombs, and the next time she reunited she caught up with a Black Crusade. Then she secretly sailed out of the Eye of Terror on a battleship, and was sent back by the Space Marines and the Astra Militarum within a few days.

After destroying his body, he gathered his body in the subspace, and after being able to move, he ran to the real universe to eat, drink and have fun. This repetitive life was broken by Lin Fan.

First, Slaanesh launched an all-out attack on Khorne due to Lin Fan. Although the subspace was not a peaceful place to begin with, this was the first time Talina had seen such a large-scale battle between gods.

The sight of countless daemons crushed to pieces in the Warp, only to be resurrected and thrown into battle by their masters is beyond the scope of mortal language to describe.

Slaanesh then issued a new edict, requiring her demons to become normal.

To be honest, this is a rather vague decree, and even the oldest dancer, who is most attuned to Slaanesh's thoughts, doesn't know what she should do to please her master.

What is normal? What is abnormal? Who gets to define this concept? Who can guarantee that the concepts they define are correct? The subspace is the projection of reality, and everything that exists here can be found in reality. If this place is not normal, it is better to say that reality is not normal.

Is peeling normal? Is it normal to behead? Is solo normal? Are 5v5 and 32v32 normal?

Great discussions of normal standards fill the idle moments of the daemons of Slaanesh. The selfish and stingy demons gathered together for the first time. They asked each other to adjust their behavior.

In the end, they found nothing and could only launch a hunting feast against the Great Daemon of Khorne, paving the stage with the corpses of the Crimson Devil.

"Lord of Desire~ What should we do to satisfy your request, stupid people~" Slaanesh demons sang in unison, and soon Slaanesh sent down her revelation.

"Hmm. Let's use Terra as the standard. Since it is where the Emperor lives, it should also apply to other human worlds."

"As you wish. Lord of Pleasure!" the demons sang in unison, dancing in thanks for Slaanesh's explanation.

From then on torture in pursuit of pleasure was stopped by the demons of Slaanesh and replaced by acts of inquisition.

Judgment naturally requires a judge and a judged.

Demons with masochism can be judged, demons from other factions can be judged, demons with different opinions can be judged, and demons whose appearance is different from other demons can also be judged.

"To be honest, I feel that apart from changing my name, my life has not changed much." Tarina couldn't help complaining, and the Space Marines who had been listening to her story couldn't help but darken their faces.

But fortunately, with the help of the Inquisition's overly detailed "Prohibited Behavior Manual", the behavior of Slaanesh demons was finally much lighter.

Of course, the state religion and the Gray Knights also gave a lot of inspiration to the Slaanesh demons. Tarina sighed with envy, "You don't know, I have a friend who owns a skinning shop, and the human skin clothes produced there are the best in workmanship. Exactly. When the law came down, I thought that the prosperous shop she opened would definitely close down. After all, peeling clothes is not very common in your life. "

"So in whose life is this thing common?" Kosaro Khan asked knowingly.

"Dark Eldar, of course."

"I knew, these bitches." Kosaro Khan gritted his teeth in hatred when he thought of the Dark Eldar.

"But your other thing did make my friend more money."


"Human skin books, we can still sell these to those idiots in Tzeentch."

Kosaro Khan had a dark face and did not refute. White Scar has many unique books made of saint skin in Chogoris's big library.

"Then why did you run to the Voscani Cavalry? I don't believe you came to experience the customs of the empire." Colvin's voice came, and everyone turned to look into the dark corner, but no Space Marines were found. A tall figure.

"Haha~ I was assigned here after taking the exam."

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