"Exam? You devils. Forget it, I won't tell you." Cather White Fang waved his hand, feeling that he had subconsciously asked a stupid question.

"Yes, I was assigned by the exam." Tarina said matter-of-factly, "Our master wanted to surprise the master, and then sent us demons who passed the humanities exam down to help."

Wodehouse frowned and asked, "Can you help me with the Thirteenth Black Crusade?"

"I don't know about that. Anyway, the secret keeper who assigned me the job just asked me to find out all the heretics and kill them."

The word heresy was so strange coming from the mouth of a demon. Wodehouse endured the weirdness and asked, "What do these heretics refer to? Is it a cultist?"

"Absolutely. For example, it turns out that there is a boy named Maletopher in this group. That guy's brain was burned out by the Blood God. If I hadn't discovered it earlier, this group would have been his possession long ago."

"Then why didn't you report it to the higher-ups of the empire?"

"Should I report it? Who should I report it to? To the judge? I'm afraid he will kill me first and then investigate slowly. That would be too boring."

So his actions almost killed a loyal legion commander? And a loyal Slaanesh daemon lieutenant? Wodehouse was even more upset when he realized this.

"Then where did you get this body? Did you devour this girl's soul?" Cather White Fang pointed at Tarina's body and asked.

Tarina twisted her body and said, "What are you talking about? The original owner of this body was tortured to death by her father when she was born. In the culture of Volskani, the birth of a female child in the first child is regarded as unknown. After all, they are all I was thinking about giving the emperor an eldest son who could join the army, so Tarina was left to freeze to death in the backyard by her father after she was born. After I possessed her, she lay there for several days. Her father saw me. After he was alive, he knelt down and thanked the emperor for his gift with tears streaming down his face. "

The wild wolves were silent. They were born in a harsher and colder world, and they had cultural approval for the Voskani people's practice of survival of the fittest.

Tarina still looked cheerful, after all, this was just a novel experience for her. She talked about the blank stares and neglect she suffered during training during her early days in the army. The soldiers in the training camp were looking for trouble every day, and a few who went too far even asked Tarina to lick their dirty leather boots clean with her tongue after the training.

At this point, Tarina's whole body turned red as if she was angry. She clenched her fists tightly and said dissatisfiedly, "I really wanted it at that time. I really wanted it."

"You really want to beat them to the ground?" Cather interjected with white teeth.

"No! I almost knelt down and licked their boots. Oh." Tarina trembled, her face flushed with a sickly blush, and her body exuded the smell of dissatisfaction. "I love how they treat me like that! I I wish they could be more brutal, hang me up, and whip me like an animal! But these cowards are afraid of the political commissar. Damn it. No matter what."

"I am gratified for the political commissar's dedication to his duties." Kosaro Khan's complaint won unanimous approval from everyone.

And Tovins! And my sweet Tovins! Tarina was filled with excitement when she thought of him. She knew very well what this Tovins wanted to do to her, and she also quite enjoyed the little interaction with Tovins.

Many Slaanesh demons who are out on missions have found a small toy for fun when they are free, and Talina is naturally one of them.

Tarina howled sadly, "But I still have work, so I can't eat them all during working hours. Do you know how painful this is?"

"Stay away from me! Devil!" Cather White Fang jumped away in disgust. He didn't want to be touched by Talina's hand.

Wodehouse sighed. He covered his face and really didn't know what to say. Then he said, "Take care of this place, and then we are going to return to Cadia. It seems that my prediction is not accurate, or is it?" Let’s take a step at a time.”

Everyone nodded and held the unconscious soldier on the ground on their shoulders.

The Space Marines of the three Chapters shocked the Voskani soldiers stationed on the planet. Regarding the arrival of the Space Marines and the coma of the officers and guards, Wodehouse only said that this is a secret mission. Although you are not directly involved in it, stationing here is already an excellent act of loyalty to the Emperor.

Receiving such comments from the Space Marines, the Voskani's excited military salutes were no longer acceptable.

Tens of minutes later, in the ship's medical room.

"Gu. My whole body hurts so much." Creed and Tovins woke up from their drowsiness. They stood up and saw that each other was still alive, and immediately entered a fighting state. At this moment, whoever strikes first has the advantage.

"Hey, slow down, you two." Two palms pressed against their chests to separate the two who were about to grapple together.

When Creed saw Wodehouse, he stopped and sat quietly on the bed. Tovens on the side noticed that the atmosphere was a little subtle, and his brain that had been so excited suddenly calmed down.

"You are not traitors." Wodehouse said in a tone that left no room for doubt. "The real traitor has been banished by my spell. She can no longer continue her terrible and evil plan."

"Who is that? Sir?" Creed asked eagerly.

"It's Sergeant Aurora."

"What? Her?" Creed couldn't believe it.

"That's right, she stole the beacon we gave you and injured all the soldiers stationed outside the door. If not..." Wodehouse's eyes glanced at Tarina who looked cold and serious to the side, like He said with difficulty as if he had eaten shit, "If it weren't for Adjutant Tarina, you might have become part of Aurora's plan."

Only then did Tovins notice Tarina waiting at the door. He was heartbroken when he saw the bruises on Tarina's face and neck.

"Okay, you guys have a good rest. We are getting ready to leave for Cardia." Wodehouse was about to leave, and then he was stopped by Tovins.

Tovens pointed to a watch and asked, "Sir, has the ship been repaired? But the time now is still some time away from what the great sage said."

Wodehouse responded, "The machine spirit rejoices."


The door is closed.

Tovins scolded the machine spirit for being so uncertain, and then he began to care about Talina's situation. It was as if nothing had happened between him and Creed.

"The art of fishing." Tovens said nonchalantly, "This is very common, but it is rare for people to be able to keep the information. Fortunately, it is the Space Marines who ask you to do things, not the Inquisition."

Creed smiled stiffly, "Yeah, fortunately it's a Space Marine and not an Inquisition."

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