Needless to say, the importance of resources goes without saying. Even the orcs who rely on my power to carry out construction will fight fiercely for a few tons of scrap metal.

Managers of the Foundry Temple responsible for different production lines argued at meetings to allocate more resources. They used various data to prove that their organizations and factories were fully worthy of so many resources.

The competition for resources to satisfy production is not a big deal. What is even more terrifying is the competition for resources that the sages need for their own research.

Each sage in the Mechanicus has its own unique technological secrets, and studying these technologies is the foundation for their survival in the Mechanicus organization. In the long process of research and promotion, a large number of private armies with him as the core will gradually form under the sage.

The composition of the private army is quite complex, including the sage's apprentices who are not yet able to act alone, as well as various intelligent robots, slave laborers, and mercenary corps obtained by exploring the dark galaxy. As the private property of the Sage, the maintenance and supply of these things are not recorded in the accounts of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Order of Mars.

Ministry of Internal Affairs, Order of Mars: Sage, I see you don’t even have a slave worker around you, how simple you are.

A certain sage smiled innocently. In fact, there were countless intelligent robots and STC fragments hidden in the cellar of his private research room.

The weapon testing areas built next to the factory were prepared for the foundry temples and sages who had resource conflicts. Since everyone wants more resources, they can send out their fans to have a good fight within the rules.

After the small-scale battle is over, the winner can get more resource allocation and the power to clean up the battlefield. The semi-dissolved metal plates and ashes of corpses are also worth the efforts of the sage to recover.

But to be honest, when Rom has been drifting in the galaxy on an ark for so long, he has never seen a forging world that maintains such a strong sense of internal strife as the Agpilina Forging World.

I hope it's not the influence of the blasphemous winds of the Eye of Terror.

Rom shook his head, silently prayed to the God of All Machines, and then headed to the hive, or the most important building on the planet - the earthquake balance pole.

The seismic balance pole is a huge building with a tapered top, a tangled bottom like a tree root, and a short and thick middle. Its tip can be connected to the cold space. The ice harvesting ship of the Mechanicum can mine them in space from here. The ice meteorites turned into water and were sent into the hive city.

However, this water is only supplied to the Mechanicum, and the industrial slaves in the hive can only drink purified water that has been circulated for thousands of years.

The tail end of the balance rod is firmly embedded in Agpilina's crust. The world is riddled with holes and is on the verge of collapse. Without the stable foundation of this building, the planet would have collapsed inward into countless abyss and ravines.

The middle part of the balance pole is surrounded by magma. The relatively hot magma proves that the planet is still alive. From time to time, magma pillars spit out from the red ocean.

The firelight illuminated the door carved with gears, and the huge ceramic pistons hissed as they rose and lowered. The hot steam roared like the breath of a giant dragon and then diluted. The people who arrived here were not only Rom who had just returned, but also sages and priests from other temples and other schools.

The meeting rooms of the Adeptus Mechanicus are made of cables and jacks, and every Mechanicus who attends a meeting brings with him his mindless and lifeless scribes and memory-storage slaves.

The priests found their own positions and connected the cables of their bodies to the jacks. Their thoughts were digitized and simultaneously appeared in a virtual space where communication could be carried out without any delay. High-voltage current flashed out from the joint from time to time, which indicated that a sage had intense emotional fluctuations during the communication process.

The position belonging to the great sage who supervises the construction is empty. He is more interested in his own research than this meeting.

"Where is the Sage of Generations?" Rom sent a private message to Orric.

"That old man? Who knows what he is going to do." Orrick responded emotionlessly. He was not familiar with the great sage of the past.

"Okay." Rom asked no more questions. He sent a reminder on the public channel to tell the sages and priests that he was about to speak.

"Everyone, during this exploration, I brought back a revelation from the God of All Machines." Rom sent a data package, and everyone downloaded it and checked it carefully.

This is neither a blueprint nor a formula, nor is it a holy code used to communicate with machine spirits.

Looking at this symbol with blurred outline, complex structure, difficult to remember and unclear meaning, everyone did not ask questions rashly, but just waited for Rom's next explanation.

"As servants of the God of All Machines, we are the people in the empire who best understand science and the laws of the world. We know how to match independent objects together to burst out powerful power. This is the puzzle left by the God of All Machines "Every time we solve a puzzle, we get closer to the Mysterious God. Unfortunately, we are limited by the lack of resources and cannot fully devote ourselves to solving the Mysterious God's puzzle."

"So your discovery can help us solve the problem of insufficient supplies?"

"If my research is correct, resource shortages will be a thing of the past."

This statement undoubtedly aroused everyone's interest. They asked Rom questions one by one, and finally they asked questions about the attributes of technology.

"Is this symbol human technology?"

Rom hesitated for a moment, but still said honestly, "I think this should be alien technology, and it is an ancient and powerful alien that is beyond our reach. That alien should have perished, so I think."

"No, you don't want to." The conservative sage interrupted Rom. They always have an attitude towards banning and destroying aliens and incomprehensible technology. "I heard something was wrong just now. Everything about you The research is all based on the translation of other alien documents and classics."

"That is not a document like a dog crawling. Please pay attention to your words!" Rom retorted seriously, "Even though our races are different, the world we live in is the same. There is nothing wrong with the alien's research on symbols, as long as It can become a precious scientific heritage by changing the operation method and carry."

"Your current arguments sound like those heretics from Huang Quan No. 8!" the conservatives yelled.

"You are just making rash judgments because you cannot understand things beyond your imagination. I think Sage Rom's discovery is enough to shock the entire empire." A voice interrupted the shouts of the conservatives.

By consulting the data, Rom discovered that the speaker was a CNC sage who was responsible for managing the Intelligent Control Corps.

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