Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 827 Your discovery is good, now it is mine

CNC Sage - Po 12. The Intellectual Control Legion he controls is one of the most feared military forces in the Mechanicum by outsiders. Those icy fighting machines in human form have proven themselves supremely gifted at destruction and destruction in brutal battles over thousands of years.

Generally speaking, the numerical control sages in the Mechanicus are isolated from the political system, but in Agpilina, a turbulent place close to the Eye of Terror, every sage who can control the deadly legion has considerable power. high status.

Per 12's approval warmed Rom's heart. He knew that his research could be understood by others, so he speeded up the output of data and continued to show his research results to everyone. Even if someone raised questions and insults, he would Don't let your anger at the stupidity of your colleagues interrupt your train of thought.

"The rules of the God of All Machines run through every corner of the universe. As long as we discover the rules of the God of All Machines, we can use the rules to mine knowledge and resources from the universe. Just like mining ore, we use our hands to mine It can carry a few stones weighing more than 100 kilograms, and the excavation site is just a certain mound. But if we organically combine the rules of Wanjishen into a huge excavator and drilling equipment, we can mine an entire planet. ”

"Through the study of alien documents, I speculate that this symbol is the tool used by the God of Machines in creation. This symbol is the result of a blend of truth and rules. As long as this symbol can be successfully run, the universe will feedback to us result."

"So how to use this symbol?" asked a sage.

"Just recite this symbol. The louder the recitation, the better the effect." Rom replied. "However, this symbol is the word of the God of All Machines. No mortal creature can evolve a vocal organ that can recite this symbol, and the speaker will also pay a heavy price for using a symbol that exceeds his life level. I still pay the price at the moment. We haven’t studied it clearly, so we need to find another way to avoid the cost and reproduce the voice of the God of All Machines.”

"Amazing." Po 12 made an electronic applause, "The scientific and technological discoveries made by the Roman sages are really amazing, and they also solved many of my questions."

"What's the question?" Rom asked curiously.

"That's some of the little content in the contract." Po 12 said meaningfully, and then everyone looked at his digitalized body and put his hand into the back of his brain enhancement device like a snail shell, and with the clicking sound of activation , the servo skull embedded in the backbrain enhancement device opened its mouth, and one after another scarlet dazzling, like a centipede-like waste code aggregate flowed in the data space.

The mutation caught all the sage priests off guard. Their first reaction was to be surprised that the sacred data barrier did not respond to the waste code aggregate. The next moment they began to break away from the program to prevent their own data bodies from being destroyed. affected.

The data space did not respond to the requests of the sages to leave, as if this space had already become the possession of Po 12 before it was polluted by the waste code.

"What are you going to do! Po 12! You are not only destroying and desecrating the sacred machine soul! You are also betraying the God of Machines!" Rom scolded sternly, but Po 12 just smiled lightly.

This laughter gave everyone a strange feeling, as if the person in front of them was not the CNC Sage Po 12, but an elder who had been passed down from ancient times.

Po 12 spoke, "When I was studying thought space, your family wasn't even born."


"It's normal that you can't understand. After all, the lying guy of the Corpse King has hidden too many good things. But you people actually think that he is the incarnation of the God of All Machines and serve him wholeheartedly? The real Wanji Machine God will be sad."

Po 12 ignored the shock and anger of the sages. He entered a dark code carrying the devil's whisper into the space hijacked by the waste code.

Technology and demons merge into one, and only the priests of the Dark Mechanicum can do this. The Fallen Rom has seen it, and the dark area near the Eye of Terror also contains the forging world of the Dark Mechanicus.

Toxic atmosphere, boiling blood, charred flesh and soul-melted lead steel were laid out on the planet by the dark sage who ruled the world at will. The buildings pointed abruptly and dangerously towards the sky, and then were inserted firmly. Deep underground, demonic machinery shuttles through the endless corpses under the factory mill, and pain mixed with delusions erupts from the blast furnace.

The Dark Mechanicus, Rom was filled with rage when he thought of this name. These traitors are not worthy of being called machines at all. What does everything they do have to do with technology? The beauty of engineering design and the exquisiteness of code operation were all gone. These people just roughly pounded the demon into the steel, and then allowed the demon to grow wantonly in it until a deformed and twisted steel monster appeared.

They are more like a group of alchemy wizards than technological researchers!

Rohm's thoughts surged in the space, and Per-12 could naturally feel his anger and contempt. But he didn't want to explain anything to the young boy.

There is no right or wrong in extreme natural science, no pros and cons, only vertical development and horizontal development.

Although Rom has made great discoveries, his thoughts are still imprisoned by his mortal body. If he could leave everything behind and devote himself to scientific research, he would realize how stupid his persistence was.

The waste code is entrenched in the space, crazy infection and assimilation of the original data and code. The ocean of data surged crazily, overwhelming the sages who gathered to strengthen the firewall.

"We can't stop this anymore." A biochemical sage felt desperate. Code logic and data calculation were not his strengths.

"No. We can't, but the legacy of the God of All Machines can!" Rom said firmly. He unfolded the newly decompressed data packet, and the tsunami composed of majestic data and waste codes collided with each other.

The process of assimilation and infection was interrupted, and Per 12 even felt that his control over space had declined a lot.

The last time he felt like this was during the Martian Civil War. A liberated advanced artificial intelligence system used his computing engine to eliminate the waste code virus all over Mars.

"You are so lucky, boy." Po 12 sighed, and then released more waste code aggregates. After Mars suffered a loss once, there was no reason to suffer a second time.

The sudden increase in pressure made it difficult for Rom. The anti-virus equipment he obtained was just a fragment.

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