Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 829 Intelligent Controlled Robots

Historians like to divide a major event into stages. What kicked off an event and what brought it to its climax.

The same was true for the Thirteenth Black Crusade. Later scholars of the Empire would say: The rebellion in the forge world of Agpilina was the signal for the official start of the Thirteenth Black Crusade.

The rebellion in the forge world of Agpilina intensified. Although the Roman sages led other sages to escape from the murderous meeting place, their survival did not qualitatively change the situation of Agpilina.

The first is the size of the Titan Legion. These divine machines that can move mountains and seas cannot fight in every area of ​​the complex hive. Intelligent control robots know that the Titan Legion is bulky and laggy, so they deliberately avoid the Titan Legion. Wreak havoc in complex and narrow areas.

But as an ancient forging world that has developed for nearly ten thousand years, the facilities on every piece of land in Agpilina have their own value. Although the Mechanicus has long considered building more facilities with the same functions in case of emergency needs, But this only delayed the collapse of the Agpilina production line by a few months.

The firepower of the Intelligent Control Legion far exceeds that of any Skitarii. These ruthless weapons activate all the weapons installed on themselves after entering a state of irreversible extinction.

The siege ram in the Intelligent Control Legion - the Death-class siege trooper is equipped with a huge inferno-type plasma mortar. This weapon can project a large number of high-energy plasma balls that can blind the eyes of mortals, destroying tightly defended positions. The bombing turned into a horrific scene like a crater.

What's even more wonderful is that this huge artillery is controlled by the processor of the intelligent control robot. It is so precise and flexible that it is jaw-dropping. Through calculations in a very short time, the ballistics can be corrected, and even the mortar can fire a series of nearly vertical initiations. attack.

This kind of blow often occurs when the Skitarii and the Knight Family are locked in a battle with evil iron monsters. Deadly plasma balls will be thrown into the chaotic battlefield. The Skitarii are struggling under the rain of mortars, except for boiling They could leave nothing behind but the hot iron gas.

After the hammer has ravaged, there is a razor waiting for the Skitarii. The hunting mechs are specialized in speed, and the coding of their intelligent control core emphasizes their hunting instincts and vicious and bellicose characteristics. Not only that, the murderous machine soul of the mecha is also strengthened by its beast-like appearance, allowing him to chop large numbers of infantry into meat paste faster.

Facing more and more casualties, Sage Rohm had no choice but to abandon parts of the factory where the Titan Legion could not provide cover, and allowed the Intelligent Control Legion to massacre.

The shadow poured down by the Titan was like an impassable abyss. One end of the abyss was the area controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus that had not suffered any damage, and the other end of the abyss was filled with blood and fire.

The sages only grieved for the damage suffered by the factory and the loss of materials, and paid no attention to the struggling industrial slaves in the factory area.

The abandoned slaves struggled desperately, and finally they chose to bow to the secretly active cult.

Increasingly, blasphemous rituals are being performed deep underground, and they work together with the killings caused by the Intelligent Control Legion to make Agpilina even more unstable.

Eventually, the warp rift opened, and all the despair and pain that had accumulated in the world burst out.

The wind of blasphemy blew through Agpilina and drifted toward more distant galaxies.

With this blasphemous wind, cults and wizard groups hidden in the hives and among the people sprung up like mushrooms after rain, inciting more people to join their twisted activities.

Unfounded delusions spread widely in the Agpilina sector. The disease spread by the plague fleet became more contagious. The shambling zombies crowded the planet. The imperial defenders tried their best to resist while issuing a desperate message to the upper echelons of the empire. S.O.S.

The fleets led by Kaiser White Fang, Corsaro, and Colvin ignored the pleas for help from these worlds. They rushed directly to the forge world of Agpilina, trying to seal the open warp rift. Only in this way can the sector be freed. The raging wind of blasphemy dissipated within.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the turmoil in the Agpilina sector is just a ploy by Chaos to attack the east and west, but the empire has nothing to do because this sector and the core forging world are too important.

The Mechanicus troops stationed in Cadia quickly withdrew, followed closely by the Titan Legion and the Knight Family. Even the Iron Hands Chapter stationed in Cadia also transferred half of its troops. The sky remains with the traces left by the transport plane as it departed. Temporarily clouding the sky, dimming somewhat the blasphemous light cast by the Eye of Terror.

"Although a few people have left, the number of Cadia's defenders still exceeds all previous recorded years! Our defense line is as solid as a rock!" Cadia's highest headquarters is always promoting this view, and the rear The small disturbance was not enough to affect the morale of the defenders.

As time passed, the Eye of Terror became more dangerous and chaotic, flashing with strange light from time to time.

Wodehouse was anxious. The Space Marines did not have much advantage against the intelligent robots that were much larger than them. Only powerful psykers like Wodehouse could ignore the thick protection of the intelligent robots. Shields and armor directly destroy their intellectual control core.

Agpilina Forge World - District 8 Grid Factory.

As a factory built meters deep underground, there are huge alloy frames supporting the dome everywhere. The laborers and mechanical priests working in it will think after seeing these alloy frames: I am just a little ant living in the forest. This idea.

But now this gray steel forest has been baptized by the flames of war, and the ground is full of hot, smoking molten metal pits and disorderly red alloy frames that are either smashed or inserted into the ground.

The fierce firepower from both sides illuminated the area that had been cut off from power, occasionally hitting the still existing alloy shelves and raining down a large ball of hot molten metal on the ground.

"These bullshit Mechanicus! How many good things have they hidden? The bullshit combat uniforms of the Tau are not as strong as the firepower of these mechs!" Kaiser White Fang cursed, and then he saw a man a few hundred meters away. The Voskani tank company was hit by plasma mortars, and the tough and thick Leman Russ tanks and their crews turned into steam and surged upward.

The temperature and humidity had risen another ten degrees, and Kaiser White Fang had no doubt that if the fighting continued for another half hour or so, rain would fall from the clouds of iron and corpses that gathered in the dome.

"How long do you think it will be before the devil appears?" Cather White Fang asked Wodehouse.

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