Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 830 We are very skilled at fighting Khorne.

Wodehouse had a sullen face, savoring the smell of blood in the space.

"It won't be long. When it rains, we will be surrounded by demons." Wodehouse answered, and raised his hand to deflect a powerful lightning cannon back.

A greedy mech was hit by a lightning cannon and paralyzed for a few seconds. Then the Voskani driving a Leman Russ tank seized the opportunity and slammed an armor-piercing bomb into the mech. On the armor.

Wodehouse also smiled happily when he saw this scene, "At least these people are still loyal to the emperor and are not the lackeys of the evil god."

"I heard the irony in your words. Are you doubting the reliability of the Mechanicus?" The great sage of the past generations said from the side, but no one cared about his dissatisfaction.

Feeling the hostility and distrust of the Space Marines towards him, Jidai also adjusted his communication module. He pointed at the defense line maintained by the intelligent control robots in the distance and said, "There are only 7 groups of intelligent control robots left. Victory Right before your eyes."

"Victory is right in front of you. You damn gear head said it so easily." A mechanized group consists of 30 to 100 mechanized squadrons, and a squadron is composed of 1 to 5 mechs. Roughly speaking, Counting the hundreds of mechs blocking them, Kaiser White Fang curled his lips and cursed again, "Why don't we just blow up this damn place and let the millions of tons of steel and Just stone them all to death."

The Great Sage of the Generations quickly replied, "Impossible, the stability here is extremely important. If this collapses, a quarter of the planet's surface will undergo violent subsidence, which will be devastating to Agpilina's recovery of production capacity." So we built a strong structure here that can withstand macro artillery strikes.”

Kaiser White Teeth nodded helplessly. This place was indeed as it had been said, it was incredibly strong. Even though the entire factory was devastated, he never saw any signs of collapse above his head.

He longed to fight, but now was not the time. Wolves that are good at hunting need to wait for the best time.

The brutal battle continued. The armor and soldiers of the Voskani Cavalry Regiment bravely advanced. In just a few dozen seconds, several regiments were wiped out under the gunfire of the machine soldiers.

Their fearless attack attracted the full attention of the intelligent robots, and the Raven Guard also took advantage of the precious opportunity created by the Voskani Cavalry to cross the scorching battlefield and get close enough to the robots.

Chapter Master Corvin and his warriors hid in the shadows, making themselves inconspicuous to the ancient and effective detectors of the Marines. If facing a group of mortal rebels armed with powerful weapons, the Raven Guard naturally does not need to be so cautious.

The mechas are really difficult to deal with, and the reaction speed of these steel giants is no less than that of a battle-hardened space warrior.

Colvin did not rush to activate his lightning claw, but instead took out an electromagnetic bomb that could directly affect the machine soul itself. He aimed at a death-class mecha that had just completed its bombing mission and threw it at it.

The electromagnetic field from the explosion swept through the murderous soul of the mecha, and the intelligent control core temporarily went offline. Then the mecha's mechanical structure began to operate cleverly. Although the movements became a bit slow and clumsy, at least this would not make the mech... Falling into an embarrassing situation where you can't fight back.

Colvin was the first to emerge from the shadows. He quickly passed through the deadly and dangerous gravity hammer of the Death-class mecha, and used his lightning claws to penetrate directly into the connection between the fuselage and the arm. Enemies, disabling their combat capabilities is the best option.

The Raven Guard's surprise attack became the clarion call for the Space Wolves and White Scars to attack. The White Scars' motorcycles crossed the battlefield at lightning speed, their scimitars slashing at the mechs' bodies, and leaving traces of splits. The next bomb flew away.

Their mission is to break into the core and destroy as much as possible the rituals that maintain the subspace rift, and the Space Wolves and the Voskani Cavalry are the executioners of these intelligent control robots.

"Okay! I'll get off the motorcycle right here!" Kaiser White Fang patted Kosaro Khan's back, and then jumped off the motorcycle.

He combined strength and inertia to work together on the battle ax. This blow even directly cut a mecha in half. The great sages of the past generations were also heartbroken when they saw this scene.

The mechas were disturbed by electromagnetic interference for just two seconds, and then their intelligent control core took over the fuselage again, and their cumbersome movements were once again replaced by swiftness and flexibility.

"Attack!" The Voscani Cavalry launched a general attack, and the rumble of tanks moving forward instantly suppressed the crackling sound of the machine soldiers firing.

Corsaro Khan and his White Scars warriors naturally did not turn around to care about the fighting situation of the Wild Wolves. All he had to do was send Talina disguised as a Slaanesh demon to the center of the ceremony.

"Are you sure you can close the rift quickly?" Corsaro Khan asked again, and then a pink tentacle full of scars suddenly emerged from a package he carried on the side of the motorcycle.

"Of course, not only can I close the rift quickly, but I can also bring you some reinforcements." Tarina replied lazily.

"Reinforcements? Can't they be other demons? I don't want to see those disgusting things."

"It's not disgusting. You will definitely like my friends. They will wear the armor of the Battle Sisters and shout to fight for the God Emperor. Every time we shout like this, the God Emperor will glance over coldly. It's exciting. Very good~"

Kosaro Khan frowned in disgust and ignored Tarina's nonsense. As the motorcycle sped rapidly, he finally saw what was going on inside.

The scarlet corpse and steel were kneaded together to form a huge ring floating in the air. The iron and blood mixed together to fill the gap in the middle of the ring.

"It's really boring." Tarina yawned, "Idiots who believe in Khorne are all the same. They only have those things in the shrine, and there is no sense of innovation at all. I bet you that if this thing takes effect, all the people summoned will be the same. They are boring things like vampires and blood hounds. Considering there is so much steel in this place, the copper bull should also come here for a few rounds."

"Whatever." Corsaro Khan grabbed Tarina out of the package. He endured Tarina's unspeakable touch that could penetrate the armor, and threw Tarina away like trash. On top of the ring.

Talina sank into the pool of blood in the middle of the circle, and just as she prepared to destroy the summoning ritual directed at Khorne, her attention was drawn by the surging waves.

This is really strange, summoning a demon will not cause such a big movement.

Tarina curiously looked deeper and saw several warships with shrines of Khorne rushing towards the crack where she was staying.

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