Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 831 The warship bombed into a small crack

A rift dedicated to summoning battleships?

Tarina was stunned. She looked at the battleship in the distance and then at the blood pool where she was. This was the first time she had seen this situation.

impossible? How could such a small hole accommodate such a behemoth, and there were more than one behemoth? If everyone rushed in impatiently, the portal would be broken, right?

Tarina shook her body to temporarily shake off the strange thoughts unique to the Slaanesh demon. Then her tentacles sank into the blood pool and began the simple process of absorbing, filtering, and spitting out. Khorne has never been fond of complicated and filthy blood.

After a while, the scarlet blood pool began to glow white like milk. When Kosaro Khan saw this, he also wore a white scar and tried his best to stop the approaching aberrant creature.

The sailing warships also discovered Tarina's interference. Several warships slowed down and pointed their guns at Tarina. Countless slaves got busy, dragging the macrocannon shells with hot red shells into the barrel.

The macro cannon was fired, and the shells bombarded Talina with gorgeous fireworks and red blood, followed closely by jump gang torpedoes full of soldiers.

After simply calculating the time, Tarina felt that she would not be able to completely seal the portal before the shells hit. At the last moment, she took a deep breath, her whole body shriveled up as if dehydrated, and then she took a deep breath. In one sip, less than half of the turbid blood pool was drained away.

Enduring the discomfort of her body being filled with blood, Tarina jumped down from the blood pool, and then called for Corsaro to retreat quickly.

"Retreat?" Corsaro rode a motorcycle to kill everyone. The thick tires of the battle motorcycle even hung a layer of sticky substance mixed with blood and flesh. "You sealed the portal?"

"I can't do this job, and Wodehouse can't come over, unless he feels that his psychic power can block a fleet alive." Tarina took a deep breath and digested as much as possible. Dirty blood, nourished by the blood, Tarina, in human form, can run extremely fast.

Kosaro Khan heard something bad from Tarina's complaints, and he immediately turned around and ordered the troops to retreat quickly.

As soon as they ran a few kilometers away, the macro cannon shells were already approaching the portal. Several shells rushed out of the small portal. Tarina witnessed this wonderful scene with the eyes of her back. .

The shells then exploded in the extreme changes in the nature of space and the mutual compression. The terrible weapons used to destroy battleships and perform planetary bombardments caused indelible damage to the interior of this fragile planet.

Like the sun rising from the ground, the light enveloped every inch of the factory. In order to avoid abnormal data, the detectors of the intelligent robots were quickly shut down, and the heavily armed Voskani subconsciously looked for safe corners to hide.

The fireball after the explosion was pushed outward by shock waves and sound waves, and they slapped hard on the reinforced dome and ground. The shock wave continues to propagate along the solid material, but the smoke and dust have difficulty finding an outlet. They can only gather at the top and bottom, pushing forward like a wall connecting the sky and the earth.

The temperature is soaring and the wind is howling!

The hot and tiny particles continued to scratch everything in the factory. Even the power armor of the Space Marines and the armor of the Leman Russ tank were rubbed to pieces.

The Voskani soldiers who had no vehicles to take shelter were swept up by the storm, and their armor, clothing, and flesh were stripped off in the air. After a while, their remains were ignited by the storm, slapping against the vehicles and walls from time to time.

Wodehouse stood up in the storm, holding his scepter high and shouting, "For the Emperor!"

A shield of protection with a diameter of dozens of kilometers spread out around him. The shield glowing with cold blue light barely blocked the blows of the storm, creating a safe place for the Voskani soldiers.

Talina also used the power of the dirty blood to raise a shield to protect the white scar closest to the macro cannon explosion area. However, under the cover of the storm smoke, no mortal noticed that Talina had cast a demonic magic.

The strongest shock wave has swept through everyone, and the subsequent strong winds and roars are the aftermath of the shock wave hitting and returning to the hole-riddled underground.

Wodehouse removed his shield. He was sweating profusely and his face was as white as paper. He needed to regain his mental and physical strength.

Surrounded by the boundless darkness caused by smoke and dust, Kaiser White Fang kept switching the built-in observation mode of the helmet, and found that no matter what, he saw nothing but darkness, so he took off the helmet.

The choking smoke forced Cather White Fang to cough. He took a second to adapt to the environment, and then observed the surrounding situation with his naked eyes.

"This is Kaiser White Fang, the wolf of Fenris. Is there anyone left who can breathe?"

"Yes, sir."

A few timid and ethereal voices came, these people were frightened by the storm created by the macro-cannon strike.

This was normal, Cather White Fang did not laugh at them. Just let them strengthen their belief, there is still a tough battle to fight next.

"And I'll give you a hand."

Kaiser White Fang dug the Great Sage out of the ruins. The Great Sage shook out the soot from his body and told the Voskani soldiers not to start the vehicle's engine or light source. system.

"The roar of the engine and the sudden light source will kill you! Although the ubiquitous high temperature makes the mechs' detectors less useful, the mechs have plenty of ways to dig you out of the ashes and kill you!"

Kaiser White Fang felt that the reminder of the Great Sage was very reasonable. If the Voskani people could survive, there was no reason why the intelligent control robots could not survive. They lurk in this suffocating and choking ashes, sharpening their knives.

There was an unusual noise nearby, and Cather White Fang and the Space Wolves beside him immediately turned their guns and protected the weak Wodehouse in the center.

An astonishingly large intelligent control robot staggered closer, and Kaiser White Fang had to raise his head to observe the whole body of the robot.

"Huh, I thought you were reduced to ashes too." Kaiser White Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and he saw Captain Colvin on the back of the mech.

These dark Raven Guard blend in with the environment, giving the Raven Guard an advantage in an environment that would be tricky for the Space Wolves and White Scars.

"We are cleaning up the intelligent control robots." Colvin jumped off the back of the robot, "But the situation of Corsaro Khan seems not to be good. From his communication, I heard that World Eaters Berserker Some roar."

"So the portal is still activated? The Blood God's army rushed in?" Wodehouse asked weakly.

Colvin shook his head and said, "I don't know."

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