Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 833 The beating here is harder than in Cardia

Wodehouse woke up suddenly, blinked a few times to restore his dark and blurred vision, and saw a dimly glowing chandelier swaying on the roof. He opened his mouth and gasped for air. Even for a Space Marine, dying was not an easy experience to endure.

what happens? Ugh, it hurts.

He felt pain in his chest and looked down to find that a huge gap had been cut out of his armor. A pharmacist saw Wodehouse regaining consciousness and hurried away, leaving only a gray figure behind. Another technical sergeant was leading two servitors to perform emergency repairs on Wodehouse's armor.

His ears were filled with the roar of artillery fire, the chirp of evaporating steel, the ferocious roar of demons, and the inconspicuous desperate wails of mortals. All this tells Wodehouse that he is still on the most dangerous front line.

Several stray bullets hit the wall made of corpses and broken iron on the trench, and the fragments hit the technical sergeant's shoulder armor without causing any scratches.

Wodehouse did not ask. He quietly waited for the technical sergeant to complete his work, and then he took this time to clear his thoughts.

The portal in the underground factory area was violently knocked open by a Chaos warship. When the Mechanic Priest was designing, he obviously did not expect that one day there would be a warship running rampant deep underground.

Many alloy pillars were broken by the out-of-control battleship, and the structures supported on them also suffered various degrees of settlement and collapse. Fortunately, these battleships fill the alloy backbone gap. Unfortunately, the Chaos Legion inside did not die in the brutal scene of the impact.

Chaos Space Marines, mutants, bloodletters and cybernetic robots are raging throughout the underground. Some powerful Khorne warbands even set their war targets against the powerful and towering Titan Legion.

Now, in order to seal the portal, these warships must be dismembered first. But this is obviously not an easy project. The soldiers and sailors accommodated by the battleship will never let the imperial soldiers get closer.

"It's fixed." The technical sergeant with the white scar logo said and walked away. He had other equipment that needed repair and blessing, and he couldn't waste too much time in Wodehouse.

Speed ​​is life.

Wodehouse stood up and used his psychic eyes to check the situation on the battlefield as a habit.


Furious and contemptuous laughter suddenly exploded in Wodehouse's ears, which directly shattered Wodehouse's psychic eye and made him temporarily blind.

Oh, right! This group of Khorne warbands has a strong background, and they are equipped with anti-witchcraft blood artifacts.

Wodehouse remembered this and how he had been injured. He tried to kill a skull harvesting champion with psychic lightning, but found that his spell had no effect on him, and instead he was slashed.

Then he was lucky enough to survive. The blades of Khorne's warriors always went towards the head. It seemed that someone deflected the skull-picking champion's ax blade at the critical moment.

"My lord! I'm glad to see you're safe!"

Creed's voice came from behind Wodehouse, flanked by Adjutant Kyle, Kashezin and the Voskani Iron Guard.

"Captain Creed, Adjutant Kyle." Wodehouse nodded, "According to the armor's data feedback, I have been in a coma for a week. What is the current situation of the battle? Where are Keizer White Fang and the others?"

Creed stepped closer and activated a pocket map device on his wrist. These are supplies that the Mechanicus urgently transferred from the warehouse. From this action, we can see the critical situation of the war.

"Kansaro Khan is fighting on the belt transportation line, covering the cavalry of the Skitarii as they withdraw from the encirclement. Maybe they will participate in the next assault."

"Captain Colvin, with all due respect. I don't know what that gentleman is doing, but our rear has been destroyed recently, and many corpses with horrific death conditions have been hung in conspicuous positions. The workers in the factory are panic-stricken. ”

"Lord Kaiser White Fang is operating at the front with the 113th, 114th, 116th and 118th super heavy tank companies of the Voskani Cavalry. They are trying to regain the position in the dome mine area and cover the Mechanicum to recover the Titan wreckage. What's next The assault mission is to meet their retreat."

Creed clicked twice on the map. One was the location where Kaiser White Fang would advance, and the other was the location where they would retreat.

"Titan wreckage?" Wodehouse was shocked. Even the Titan Legion suffered losses during the week he was in coma.

"Yes, sir." Creed continued to answer, "The enemy forcibly repaired a macro cannon. This macro cannon directly penetrated the shield and armor of the Warrior-class Titan. The subsequent explosion and impact destroyed the shield and armor next to the Titan. The teaching army and the two knight families were wiped out. However, the enemy's situation was not good. They did not repair the pressure relief and anti-impact equipment when the macro cannon was fired, and no fewer enemies died in the shock of the macro cannon. "

Wodehouse pinched the bridge of his nose, confused by the madness and recklessness of the Chaos Legion. This was not the first time he had faced the Chaos warbands who worshiped Khorne, but these Khorne warbands who attacked Agrippina made Wodehouse feel strange and troublesome.

The first is the equipment of these Khorne warriors. The Khorne warriors Wodehouse has seen before are often only equipped with two buzzing chain axes and ancient bolt guns.

But these Khorne warriors are different. The scarlet armor they wear with brass trims is engraved with symbols proving their merits. Their arm armor is wrapped with chains of self-generated fire, and their backs are stabbed with spears of different lengths. .

Wodehouse had only one thought in his mind when he first saw them.

These warriors proved themselves in the arena paved with countless corpses. As a reward, the Blood God gave these warriors weapons and armor forged by his own hands.

Well-equipped, unrivaled in skills, and fearless of life and death. Simply the perfect warrior.

Wodehouse remembered that before he was slashed, the berserkers who besieged them had claimed the lives of several old wolves.

I really don’t know how many brothers they will have left after this battle is over.

"Then where are you going?"

"My lord, the Cadians are only at the front."

"Good, let's see what we can do at the front."

After passing through the makeshift position, Wodehouse and Creed arrived at the front line. It was like a scene of hell, with winding rivers of blood and pools of blood with floating corpses everywhere. These blood pools are faintly stained with the characteristics of subspace. Even if an incendiary bomb hits them, they will not dry up the blood pools, but will only make them boil more.

It was difficult to find a decent position among the ruins and rubble. Mortal soldiers could only rely on the remains of vehicles to hide their bodies and shoot in the direction where the enemy might be.

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