Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 834 The more pink you wear, the harder the fight will be

"Brother! I knew you would be fine!" Two Space Wolves holding heavy bolter guns were hiding in a building that was obviously tilted and shaky.

They saw Wodehouse, and they expressed their brotherhood in the roar of guns and cannons, and sent bolters into the torsos of hundreds of mutants who were shuttling through the ruins.

The bombs swept through the ground, leaving only broken meat and blood mist, but this did not suppress the mutants' charge, but instead aroused their desire for blood.

The Blood God did not care where the blood came from or for whom it flowed, as long as there was blood, it was enough for him.

The suppressive shooting lasted for three seconds, and then the two Space Wolves quickly moved their positions. They jumped down from the broken windows of the tall building holding heavy bolter guns and hit the ground hard.

Then the enemy's counterattack heavy artillery fell into the tall building, and the shells gave the shaky building the final blow, and the collapsed rubble splashed everywhere.

Two Space Wolves rushed out of the smoke and dust and approached Wodehouse and his party.

"This place is in great chaos. Basically, everyone is fighting each other. The situation here is no different from fighting in the arena." A wolf said, and then checked his heavy bolter.

Wodehouse nodded. He had already understood this on the way through the ruins. The Khorne warriors' raging charge without any chance made it a luxury for the two armies to fight each other properly. Everyone needed to work hard to survive.

"The day before yesterday, we had two Leman Russ tanks that drove out from under the ashes, and a squad of Volskani soldiers. Now they have all returned to the throne." Another wolf said coldly. He felt that mortals like Creed could be sentenced to death.

A dazzling white light suddenly rose in the sky underground, which was particularly obvious in the scarlet smoke. This means that the Volskani tank regiment and the Skitarii will launch a new round of attacks.

The appearance of the tank cluster rushing forward was quite spectacular. The Skitarii's laser weapons and various lasers passed over Wodehouse's head and swept across the enemy's position inch by inch.

A scarlet Emperor Poison Blade chariot was particularly eye-catching. It was the vehicle of Legion Commander Tovens. The most capable generals of the Empire would never shrink in bunkers and command rooms. They would only go to the front line and crush the enemies of the Emperor with the soldiers.

The resistance of the mutants was so fragile and powerless in front of the steel torrent, but they were not the enemies that the Empire really needed to be vigilant against.

As if dissatisfied and angry with the Imperial tanks bullying the weak, a scarlet light rose on the distant horizon, and then the Khorne warriors wearing God-given armor stood there. Their bodies were pulled out by the scarlet light to shade the projection of the earth. The murderous aura and bloody smell condensed into substance, and could even be used as a shield to resist long-range damage.

The red and black clouds gathered in the underground sky surged and deformed, turning into the holy seal symbolizing Khorne. The clouds rained blood, and the blood rivers and blood pools with floating corpses and broken limbs gurgled out a large number of demons holding bloodletting blades.

The two legions continued to move forward under the bombardment of the other side. It stands to reason that the Imperial Army should not drive tanks and soldiers to fight the Khorne Army in close range so mindlessly, but under the supervision and influence of the Khorne Seal in the sky, few people can clearly understand this.

War drives people crazy.

Wodehouse watched Creed, who was known for his calmness and composure, gasping for breath in the grand war with red eyes. Although he was still loyal to the Emperor, the way he chose to be loyal to the Emperor was "blood sacrifice to the Emperor, skull sacrifice to the throne."

Wodehouse controlled his power and slapped Creed in the face. The pain made Creed regain a little clarity.

The fierce assault of both sides made the bombardment phase not last too long. The Khorne berserkers approached the Vorskani soldiers who were charging with bayonets. When facing such a terrifying killing machine, the desire for war aroused by the Khorne Seal disappeared at once, leaving only the instinctive fear of creatures.

The berserkers would not show mercy. They approached quickly, and the sharp axes swung and swung, cleanly cutting off the bodies of the Volskani people, so that more blood would flow on the battlefield.

The Skitarii were naturally also the targets of the berserkers' attacks, but the scorched oil and translucent electrolyte fluid splashed out when their bodies were cut off made the berserkers angry and disgusted.

The Imperial army was not only slaughtered one-sidedly by the berserkers, but the heavy bolter machine guns and flamethrowers installed on the tanks were also dangerous to the heavily armored berserkers.

The plasma weapons used by the elite Skitarii soldiers could even evaporate the berserkers alive.

Dozens of bloodletters and bloodhounds chopped up a tank company that had advanced too deep, and after killing the people inside, they set their sights on Wodehouse and his men.

Khorne hated wizards, and so did the bloodletters. They saw the psychic characteristics of Wodehouse and decided to chop him into a pulp before they would stop.

Round after round of volleys banished several vampires and hounds, but more were waiting to fill their gaps.

Knowing that close combat was inevitable, the two Wolves threw their heavy bolter guns and the ammunition boxes behind them directly to the ground, completely ignoring the dissatisfied squeaks of the machine spirits.

The three Wolves formed a simple defensive formation in a triangle, standing in front of the mortal warriors and bearing the fierce blows of the vampires' sharp blades.

Wodehouse raised his scepter above his head to block the vampire's vertical slash. Then his brother used the chainsaw sword to cut off the vampire's head before the vampire could withdraw the blade.

A hound felt that he had caught a gap in the wolf's defense, and pounced with his mouth wide open. But Kashe Zin, who was standing behind the Space Marines, had already aimed at the hound, and the hell gun's salvo instantly smashed it to pieces.

The roar of motorcycles came from the side of the battlefield, and Corsaro Khan crossed into the battlefield with white scars.

The shadow of the Adeptus Mechanicus' mobile fortress can also be vaguely seen in the distance. Five of the six void shields have been overloaded by the enemy's overwhelming firepower. The last void shield is also erratic and weak, like a candle shaking in the strong wind.

The armor of the mobile fortress was also cut open, exposing the structure inside. Wodehouse saw Cather White Fang leading the wolves in the gap, trying their best to resist the influx of enemies.

Kaiser White Fang was accompanied by a large group of battle sisters in pink armor, which made Wodehouse a little confused. "I don't remember that there is a battle sister on this planet. Reinforcements have already arrived?" Wodehouse used wolves. The staff shattered the head of a vampire.

"Reinforcements? Probably so." A wild wolf replied in a sullen voice, "At least I'm not used to fighting side by side with them. Their eyes are really weird."

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