Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 835: We are old experts in defeating Khorne

Battle nuns in pink armor stood guarding the gap in the mobile fortress. They held gorgeous long swords and had golden screaming faces on their shoulders. Bursts of songs praising the emperor were released from the screaming mouths.

A bull-headed demon covered in heavy armor and burning with fire rushed towards him with his mutant slaves. These battle sisters showed no fear, and the faces hidden under their helmets were even more excited for the attack of the Khorne demon.

"In the name of the Mother of the Merciful Emperor!" The Battle Sister shouted three times, and faced her with a sharp blade without fear. Their bodies are much smaller than the heavily armored demons, and their long swords are as insignificant as toothpicks in front of heavy blades.

"Roar!" The demon struck at the nun. The nun quickly dodged and then thrust the long sword into the gap in the demon's heavy armor. Blood spurted out along the smooth blood groove on the long sword.

The nun danced the sword, switching back and forth between grace and violence. The sword's fast and slow movements delicately peeled off the demon's heavy armor layer by layer. If you look closely, you can see that the armor forged by heavy hammers is even connected to a layer of skin on the demon's body, which further proves the unparalleled swordsmanship of these battle nuns.

Facing the roar of the Khorne demon spitting fire and smoke, the nuns responded with the same attack. The noise from the huge speakers on their shoulders gathered into a substantial mass and slapped the demon's body hard.

The scream was released after the impact, quickly scraping away the demon's tough flesh like a razor.

The bull-headed demon looked up to the sky and roared. Even after suffering the torture of being skinned, his combat effectiveness did not decline qualitatively. He stamped his feet angrily, trying to use shock waves to knock the Battle Sisters off balance. But the nun's elegant and flexible figure undoubtedly makes the minotaur's tricks pale and laughable.

In the end, this strong and huge demon was hit by a missile from the Space Wolf's Tusk. His knees, which were exposed to armor and flesh, were broken by the missile. He couldn't help but kneel down and was tightly tied up with iron thorns by the nuns.

It was foolish to send people to capture prisoners at the critical moment of the battle, but the nuns didn't care what others thought, and they sent the tied demons into the defense line. Several nuns in pure white veils had been waiting here for a long time. They took out long nails from under their clothes with smiles on their faces.

The spike was as thick and long as the forearms of these nuns, and there was an icon of the Emperor on the golden spike. This icon has a kind face, soft contours, and exquisite shape, with all kinds of gems embedded in it shining brightly.

The nuns sang like songs and surrounded the demon among them. After nailing the demon to the armor plate with long nails, they took out gold tools of different shapes from unknown places.

No one could see the usefulness of the tools in the nuns' hands until they performed exquisite work on the demon.

The demon roared repeatedly due to pain, but the nuns became even more excited and moved faster and harder.

Although the scene was quite bloody, these nuns dressed in pure white gauze were still clean and tidy, with no fragments of internal organs or blood flowing everywhere splattered on them.

Faced with this situation, the nuns shouted loudly, "Thank you, Emperor, for protecting our bodies from the influence of filthy blood!"

As they fought, the nuns let out angry, mocking laughter. They stood in front of the Sisters' flag and became the strongest line of defense in the mobile fortress.

Their efficiency and professionalism in dealing with demons surprised the great sage who monitored the situation in the fortress. He was buried in front of a data desk with dense cables, controlling the movement of the fortress while analyzing the outstanding combat effectiveness of this group of battle nuns.

"A mortal body can actually be trained to such an extent! Even the hunter-killers who have undergone heavy modifications are not even half as good as these nuns."

The emotion of the great sage of the past was transmitted into the communication channel. Kaiser White Fang's expression suddenly became strange when he heard the news. He sighed and pulled out the frost battle ax from the broken and twisted helmet of the Khorne Berserker. .


Kaiser White Fang panted slightly. He glanced around and judged the physical conditions of the Wolf Brothers from their fighting actions. Then he approached those brothers who were somewhat exhausted from the long battle to prevent some brothers from being killed in the wheel battle of the Chaos Legion. sacrifice.

"Lord Cather White Fang, are you okay?" A senior nun said quietly. The voice was very soft and should have been covered up by the roar and gunfire, but it resounded clearly in Cather White Fang's voice. ear.

Along with the voice appeared the face of the great nun. Her lavender eyes exuded compassion for all living beings in the empire, and there was a suppressed desire deep in them.

Her skin was as white and smooth as fine silk, with a tear mole dotted on it, adding a lot of charm to the nun.

Cather White Fang did not look back, and was not even willing to pay attention to the owner of the voice. But the Sister continued to speak to Kaiser White Fang, "Lord Kaiser White Fang, do you need my help? The benevolent Emperor Mother taught us that we should unite, love and help each other."

"We can take care of ourselves." Cather White Fang coldly rejected the nun's kindness, and then he felt that his back was missing an overly fiery gaze.

These battle sisters.

Kathe White Fang felt helpless when he thought about their situation. On the surface, they were battle sisters loyal to the Emperor, but in fact they were little sisters summoned by Talina through a ritual.

The Holy Sisters of Mercy and the All Faithful, this is what these demons call themselves when they go out to do their work.

Many sisterhoods have a unique understanding of the Emperor's faith. The fanatical and war-hungry sisterhood will magnify the Emperor's fearless side, and the compassionate sisterhood will magnify the Emperor's kindness and generosity.

But this group of sisterhoods composed of Slaanesh demons went a step further in deconstructing the Emperor's faith. They took the four characters of the Emperor's Mother as the core and widely promoted the Emperor's kindness to the Imperial troops they could contact.

When Kaiser White Fang first heard this theory, he was almost fainted by the blasphemous ideas of the Slaanesh demons.

However, among the grassroots soldiers of the Empire, the Emperor's Mother has a certain influence. The Empire is too hard. Whether it is the nobles living in the spire or the ratmen looking for a way to survive in the garbage pit, it is rare to treat them gently. The kindness of the Emperor's Mother fills the long-neglected fragility in the soldiers' souls to a certain extent.

According to Talina, the Slaanesh demons who like to stay in this sisterhood are all contrasts. What they like most is to wear armor with the effect of straitjacket and hang out in the Imperial army, pretending to be quiet and innocent in front of people, and only thinking about being loyal to the Emperor.

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