You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"It's over." Looking at the bloodthirsty smile of the giant on his head, the soldier murmured to himself. The giant stretched out his right hand to grab his prey, and his simple brain was full of joy."Ah!" At the moment when the giant hand came to his body, the soldier suddenly yelled, clenched the two knives and rotated forcefully, chopped off all the giant's five fingers, blood was splashed, and the soldier ran towards The giant's calf wanted to cut its leg muscles to temporarily lose its mobility.

"Roar!" The giant roared and took a step back, pressing his palm against the soldier. The soldier smiled bitterly and stopped his steps: "Failed."

At this time, the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh came from above, and the giant fell down like a doll with the battery suddenly removed, and at the same time crushed on the soldier, "Who?" The soldier muttered to himself in confusion. The gas was exhausted, and there was no time for a few seconds to escape from the suppressed area. The soldier had already given up hope. At the last moment, he just wanted to know who had given the giant a fatal blow.

Suddenly a huge thrust came from behind and pushed the soldier out, fell aside, and then, boom!The giant's body smashed in front of the soldier, "I, survived?" The soldier looked at the scene in a daze and couldn't believe it, "Who pushed me just now?" he muttered to himself. It wasn't until someone patted him on the shoulder that he came back.The soldier turned his head and saw a boy who looked twelve or thirteen years old and held a steaming silver dagger in his right hand. The black-haired and black-eyed teenager was looking at him, "Are there any other survivors here besides you? The boy asked. The soldier took a look at the boy and found that he was wearing ordinary clothes without a three-dimensional mobile device, but the short sword in his hand with giant blood that was constantly turning into steam showed another fact-- -The giant was killed by him.The soldier's lips squirmed, but in the end he said nothing.Kanshuge

"Is it scary?" I stretched out my hand and shook it in front of the soldier, feeling a little regretful: "This guy is pretty good. He killed two giants just now. I originally planned to save him and win him into the restorative. , He turned out to be silly."

"There are no survivors." The soldier shook his head and said, "It turned out not to be scared." I secretly said in my heart, scanned the surroundings, and then looked at the giant corpse that had basically turned into steam next to him, and sighed: "Sorry, come with us." "You?" the soldier asked suspiciously, "Master Ackerman." At this time, two members of the restorationists came down from above in a timely manner, as well as an airship that was slowly descending."What's this?!" The soldier stared at the airship and asked, "Zeppelin, you will come up first." I explained briefly, and then I took the soldier and teleported him onto the airship.

"You, are you a god?" Seeing the sudden change in the scene, the soldier stayed for a while, then looked at me and asked, "I am not." I shook my head decisively, and ordered the others: "Raise the height, Turn to the right to meet Lance and the others." "Yes!" Everyone saluted and started to work. I glanced at the soldier who was still in a sluggish state and asked casually: "What is your name?" "Damo ﹒Sedoff." The soldier replied, and the entire airship became quiet...

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