You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!For a while, everyone's eyes widened and looked at Damo, their eyes filled with disbelief, "Saidoff, so seven?!" I secretly said in my heart, and asked again without believing in evil, "What is your last name? "Sedov, what's the matter?" Damo returned to his senses, and asked in a puzzled manner, "What is the relationship between Ross Sedov and you?" Acker asked suddenly, "He is my father." Damo replied subconsciously, and then reacted: "Do you know my father?"

"I'm actually very curious," I didn't answer Damo's question, but rubbed my chin and said, "Why does my father be the president of the Chamber of Commerce, but my son has to come to investigate the Corps and be an ordinary soldier?" There is only death in the wall!" Damo suddenly became excited when he heard these words, and he said loudly: "I am different from my father who knows fighting for power in the wall! I want to investigate the truth of this world, give Human beings are truly free! Instead of staying in the wall like a bird in a cage!"

I never thought that Rose would have a son, let alone that his son's personality would be completely opposite to him."If we tell you the truth of this world, but you want to join us, what do you think?" I asked, "Do you know the truth?!" Damo rushed forward, grabbing my collar and yelling in gloom Dao, the restorative members on the side quickly took out a revolver and put it on his head, "Don't move!" Yake shouted, "Otherwise, you will blow your head!" "Well, Yake, don't be nervous." I waved my hand, then looked at Damo and said, "I can’t tell you the truth now because of time, but we need your help now. We will replenish you with gas and blades. Later, you will be responsible for killing the giants, but beware. I hurt myself." Sands Chinese

"Your own? Are you saying that some of you can become giants?" Damo asked in surprise, unconsciously letting go of his hand, "We will explain to you then, now whatever you see, just Just accept it." I smiled, and at the same time motioned to other people to take him to replenish the gas and the blade, Damo nodded in a daze, and followed Yodon.

I took the messenger card and started contacting Grisha: "Grisha, please answer when you hear it." The card was silent for a few seconds, and then Grisha's voice came: "What's wrong with Gawain, is there anything new?" "Bring everyone on your side closer to Lance. The giant has destroyed the forward of the Fifth Legion and is approaching the main force of the Fifth Legion. Come here quickly. We need your combat power." I said, "Received, I More than three hundred people have gathered here, and now they rush to the direction of Lance." Grisha responded, and then cut off the communication.

The airship flew quickly in the direction where Lance was. I leaned on the guardrail and looked down. A few giants were walking in the same direction as us, and blood was flowing along the way."This is not a fight for a fight, this is a one-sided slaughter." Yake suddenly said on the side, "This is simply giving the giant snacks!" "We can't change this, we can only try to save more people. Yake." I comforted, looking at the tragedy below, I couldn't help but feel a deep hatred for the culprit of this situation, Marais, "Sooner or later, I will make you pay a huge price to pay back. All of this..." I muttered to myself, looking at the huge human formation in the distance. They have not yet come into contact with the giants, so they still have high morale, "Today, many people are destined to die here because of a A war that shouldn't have happened, but they will not die in vain, we will definitely help them get revenge." I said...

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