Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 143 Grisha's Death

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Grisha took out six small rectangular boxes from his black briefcase. "It contains a syringe, and the syringe contains my spinal fluid. Injecting it into the Eldia can make them change. Become an unsullied giant, you can use it when you take other wise giants from Marais in the future, as long as the giants eat the giants, and you can draw them from Lance if you need them.” Grisha introduced, He obviously paused when he said the word "eat", and my mood fell a little bit again.

"Well, cheer up Gawain, let me spend the last moments happily." Grisha patted me on the shoulder and said, I grinned reluctantly at him, then lay down on the bed and started to rest, Grisha returned The dinner table.After resting for more than an hour, I started telling stories to Mikasa and the others. Grisha was packing up his and Alan’s clothes with Carla. Everything seemed extremely calm and made me feel very depressed. For this, I almost Sleepless all night.

The next morning, after eating breakfast, Grisha set off with the excited Allen, "Good journey!" Karla waved to Grisha and Allen who were away, "Come back early!" Mikasa and Mi Ya shouted, and Grisha and Allen waved in response. At the last moment when they turned their heads, Grisha's lips moved slightly, and I immediately read his lips: "There will be no deadline, Gawain." Mine. The emotions were almost out of control. In the end, he bit his lip and waved his hand. It was regarded as the last goodbye. I knew that Grisha would never come back again, and Alan would be transformed into an unsullied giant by Grisha's spinal fluid injection , And then eat his father to become the new "attack giant" capable person.

Thirteen years ago, a human outside the wall ushered in the wall. He was called "Grisha Jaeger" and claimed to be a doctor. Eleven years ago, he successfully solved an epidemic and saved Many people; inside the wall, he created a new restorationist, with the goal of capturing the ancestor giant and reviving Eldia. In the same year, his son was born in memory of the previous attacking giant, Alan.Grueger, Grisha named his son: "Alan Yeager"; Hank was killed two years ago, and he guided Hank’s adopted son Gao Wen.Ackerman joined the Restorationist; a year ago, he fought the battle to capture the Ancestral Giant and successfully captured the Ancestral Giant; a month and a half ago, he adopted Gawain's suggestion to rate the Restorationist to participate in the battle of the Wall of Maria and successfully saved 50,000 people; When the 13-year limit of the power of the giant arrived, he resolutely passed on the power of the giant to his son Allen, and ended his life.Yue eBook

From the perspective of the people of Eldia, Grisha is undoubtedly a national hero and a legend. If it weren’t for what he did inside the wall, Eldia would have been unable to avoid the fate of destruction. But from the perspective of his family, this can only be described as "the happiness of the nation and the sadness of the family".

"It will be indefinitely, Grisha." I said silently in my heart.

After biding farewell to Grisha and Alan, I hid in the corner alone and cried, which was my final farewell for Grisha.On the third day, Keith sent the sleeping Allen back. Keith shaved his head and had two deep dark circles on his face, which looked the same as the chief instructor in the anime.I received him with Karla. Seeing the loss and grief hidden under his eyes, I was not in the mood to quarrel with him. After sending Keith away, the restoringists also sent new news and new developments... .

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