Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 144 The Development of the Restorationists

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After Grisha's death, although Lance and I and other old members of the Restorationist were grieved, all the Restorationist's affairs were proceeding in an orderly manner. The logistics team merged and reorganized with the Sedov Chamber of Commerce and established the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce. I don’t know what Xu Jingkun went to talk with Rose. In short, the current Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce adopts the shareholding system. Xu Jingkun and I have a total of 24% of the shares, and the restoring party has 40% of the shares. Thank you Dove holds the remaining 36% of the shares.

The scientific research team also added fifteen researchers and thirty assistants, of which seven are chemistry talents, and the other eight are mechanical talents. This is only a preliminary result, and more will follow. The joining of talents finally made up for the embarrassment that the research team is only me and the Arnold couple.At the same time, the revolver gun of the rejuvenation faction was also modified by Xu Jingkun and upgraded to a water-cooled heavy machine gun, also known as the Mark's heavy machine gun.In addition, bullets, revolvers, airships, steam engines, etc. have all been improved, and the technology of the restorationists can be regarded as a comprehensive innovation.

"You guy, you have promoted the progress of science and technology in the entire wall alone!" I smiled and said to Xu Jingkun, "It's not that exaggerated." Xu Jingkun shrugged, "But I still have something to do with the front chamber inside the wall. The design of changing the gun and the front gun to the breech has not yet become a reality. Another day, the airship can fly to the wall of Maria and help me drag some guns back." "Okay, give it later." You arrange." I nodded, and then asked: "Speaking of how you managed the original Sedoff Chamber of Commerce, Rose is not a good person to deal with." Nuwa Library

"Some simple business common sense is nothing more than a method that people on earth can see everywhere, but there is nothing here." Xu Jingkun replied indifferently, "Like any advertisements, discounts, promotions, VIP systems, etc., just think about it. There are a lot of them, but they don’t know this. As soon as Rose listened to my suggestion, he regarded these as priceless treasures, plus a little mental hypnotic spell card, it was easy to get him, and there was no need to worry about him regretting it afterwards." Courage and reason to repent," I laughed, "and we can make him earn a lot more than before, which is enough to prevent him from rebelling against the restoratives."

After that, until the 104th training corps began to recruit students, I was in the daytime to deal with the restorative affairs, and I went home to rest at night. Karla didn't bother about this, only when I was doing odd jobs.The Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce has also developed rapidly. With the support of the restorationists, it can be described as black and white. It first occupied the Tolost area, and then began to expand its business into the Wall of Rose, and then quickly squeezed the Georga Chamber of Commerce and Chris. The Chamber of Commerce and the Manel Chamber of Commerce became the largest chamber of commerce in the southern part of the Wall of Rose, and began to reach inside the Wall of Hina. The rocket-like rise of the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce made many people stunned.Xu Jingkun will deal with the affairs of the restoring party when the Investigation Corps is not conducting an outside investigation. Together with Lance's full-time handling and newly promoted management talents, everything is developing steadily.

The growth of the restorationists is a foregone conclusion. No matter what the king's actions in the wall do not prevent this fact, at this stage, the restorationists have won...

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