Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 161 Training Life and Rest Day

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The role of the hidden spell card is to reduce the user's sense of existence as much as possible, so that the user is not easily noticed, but no matter how it is, it can't make people completely invisible, and its effect is only effective for the user, so After pitting Connie a few times, I never let him get close to three meters around me in history class.

After the training corps started training for a month, the corps gave the trainers a three-day break, and at the same time, it informed that there would be one day off in the next month (eight days). I heard that there was a good thing like a day off. The guys in Mu Ri were so excited that they couldn't sleep the night before, and they took me to play cards until 1 am.The result was that the next morning, all the dormitories could not get up on the bed like a dead pig except me. "Really, none of them know how to grasp the scale." I curled my lips and got up from the bed, leisurely. Went to wash up, and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast and chatted with Mikasa and Mia for a few days before returning to the dormitory to call everyone up.

"Ah ~ Gawain, aren't you sleepy?" Alan sat up from the bed with difficulty and said, "Yes, everyone obviously slept together last night, why are you still so energetic?" Connie looked tired. Rubbing his eyes, he said, "Hehe! How can you mortals like this seat be able to guess." I hugged my arms and said disdainfully, "Hey! Gawain, just blow it." Connie shook it hard. I used my head to dispel the sleepiness, and responded with disdain. Connie and Allen and Amin, who are wearing coats, are actually in good condition. They were still clamoring for another two rounds of peace before going to bed last night. Reiner is still in a state of dull-eyed thinking about who he is.Eighth Book Bank

For a person who only goes to bed at 11 or 12 o’clock in the evening on the earth, one o’clock in the morning is really nothing, besides, I’m a demon hunter with much stronger physical fitness, let alone one, even if I go to bed at three o’clock, I can do the same. Energetic.For these guys who usually go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, one o'clock in the morning is really too late."Hurry up, Ellen, Mikasa and Mia are still waiting for us! No matter how slow you are, I will leave with Amin first." I urged, and suddenly when I heard the word "Mikasa" I felt refreshed, but I ignored him. Instead, I took a step forward and started organizing the house for Allen. "Thanks to Gawain." Allen said while putting on his shoes, "Well, I'll go brush my teeth when I'm done." I waved. Waved him to speed up.

After some tossing down, we finally left the dormitory. After meeting Mikasa and Mia who had been waiting impatiently at the entrance of the camp, we immediately rushed to Alan's house."Mother, we are back!" Alan knocked hard on the door and cried, "Here is here." Aunt Carla quickly opened the door and handed Alan a violent millet, "Don't knock on the door so hard, no People who know think that someone is going to robbery!" Even though he said that, Karla was holding Alan's hand and couldn't help but looked at him, and said distressedly: "Why have you lost weight? It's dark. Quite a lot, it looks so tired."

Alan gave a guilty hmm. Mikasa wanted to retaliate against Alan Carla for making himself and Mia wait at the entrance of the camp for a long time, but my eyes stopped him.I didn’t see Aunt Carla for a month and didn’t want us to do the housework. She even went to get some snacks for us to eat, and then everyone sat together and told Aunt Carla about the training of the Corps, and went outside for a good meal at noon. .The three days spent in such a peaceful way made people feel very relaxed...

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