Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 162 Fighting Training

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"This morning. We are training for fighting, and training for physical fitness is transferred to the afternoon." Next to the tree, Keith was announcing to a group of training soldiers. At the same time, he also gave a saying: "Fighting training is an important course and a Very complicated knowledge, mastering good fighting skills is enough for you to protect yourself when you encounter gangsters and other enemies in the future! At the same time, there will be a fighting assessment later, and your assessment results will be included in the final file for reference. The score is also the total score. Think about what you are going to do! Now the instructors will lead the team!"

The instructor in charge of our team is Xu Jingkun. This is probably the result of deliberate arrangement, and the members of the ninth class include all the top ten of the future training corps. This is not a coincidence or something. In short, the overall strength of the ninth class Ranked first in all classes!It is understandable that Xu Jingkun, an instructor whose strength is second only to Captain Lewell, can teach us.

The fighting skills taught by the training corps is just a set of martial arts. Although there are still some shortcomings, it is still remarkable in general, but if it is against a fighting master like me, even if it is the same In the case of physical fitness, I can also be one to ten!After all, the fighting skills I learned are the essence of all the fighting skills of the Demon Hunter since 10,000. For this reason, I dare say that no one in the wall can beat me in fighting skills.With this kind of strength as the foundation, plus the ability of the demon hunter to learn everything basically once, after watching Xu Jingkun demonstrate the martial arts boxing, I activated the hidden spell card and sneaked aside to be lazy. .Sanjiu Chinese Website

Xu Jingkun also knows my skills, and he just turned a blind eye to my lazy behavior, but his eyes frequently look at another beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes who is also lazy on the other side with the head of a ball tied-the power of a giantess. YaniReinhardt.At this moment, Yani was leaning back against a big tree, pulling her long sleeves to her elbows to reveal her white forearms, staring at the sky at a 45-degree angle in a daze, without seeing Xu Jingkun's gaze.

After demonstrating it several times and letting everyone fight it by themselves several times, seeing that everyone already remembers the situation, Xu Jingkun patted his hands to signal everyone to focus on him, "It is true that practicing a hundred times is not as good as actual combat. Once, let’s practice now." Xu Jingkun said, and then pointed his finger at me who had just removed the hidden spell card and got up from the ground. "If any of you can put that low lazy guy down, I will be at night. Just add a chicken leg to him. It doesn't matter whether it is singled or group fight, I just want the result."

boom!Everyone became excited at once. You know, since the wall of Maria fell, meat has become a scarce product. Since joining the training corps for a month, everyone has only eaten meat once, and the portion is too small. , I suddenly heard that as long as you knock down the hapless guy in front of you, you can eat a chicken leg. Isn't it a pity not to grasp such a good opportunity?"Haha!" I glanced at Xu Jingkun, who was walking towards Yani, and immediately knew that he was using this method to create opportunities for himself to talk to Yani. "It's really a lover than a friend!" I sighed. , Took the initiative to meet the people who rushed towards me...

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