You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Then what's your name?" Xu Jingkun glanced at Liwell with a slightly dissatisfied look and asked, "God of War." Liwell said blankly, "I think this nickname is good." "Why not be called a dwarf? "Xu Jingkun said with a grimace on his face, opening his path to death, "Or a bit more fierce, it's called violent short..."

Huh!Xu Jingkun was kicked off the horse by Liwell, and Liwell glanced at him coldly and snorted disdainfully.

"Okay, let's be serious, give a fierce nickname, and get rid of the gods first." "Yes, don't mention the troubles of the God of Minesweeper!" Xu Jingkun teleported back to his own. Immediately, he immediately agreed, "No, your nickname has already been set, I'm talking about the nicknames of the three of us." I beat him back to his original form with a single sentence, "That's it." Regarding Xu Jingkun, who was expressing his dissatisfaction, he touched his chin and said, "Then it's called Crazy Wolf, the name is ferocious." "Okay, then I'll be called Blood Hand." I nodded after thinking for a few seconds. I opened the mouth and said, "I, I don't know what nickname I should call." Mikasa said at a loss, "Scary, how about the saber-toothed tiger?" I said casually, "It's okay, what you say is what you say." Mikasa Nodded, "Your level of nickname is really bad." Xu Jingkun attacked, I just didn't hear it.

"Don't you say you want to save people and get revenge? Why are there still talking and laughing?" Lebrov couldn't help but interject, "Because I'm afraid that he will kill people because of his anger. It's cheaper for them." I shrugged, "I said I would make them regret that they were born in this world." "Death is a luxury for them, and I will make them deeply regret their actions!" Will also said murderously, "Shadow, how long can we get to Knees?" "More than two hours, up to three hours, we can change horses in Morway town and take a break to keep good. Status." Rebrov replied.Qiwu Chinese

After being so disturbed by him, we didn't have the mood to chat, so we spent the rest of the way in silence, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

"The Knesse area is divided into the northern jungle and the southern residential area. The wall church has a station in the eastern part of the residential area but there are not many people. The manpower they transferred from elsewhere has not yet been fully deployed, so I judge the situation of the mother and daughter. It’s not bad enough to hide in the jungle. In the eastern part of the residential area, basically people live with better lives. Many people are believers of wall religion, and there are military police stationed there, so they may be in the east. Sex is not great. There is a dark street in the western residential area, where there are no followers of the wall religion, and the military police never go there on patrols. However, the security there is extremely poor and various crimes are never interrupted. It is impossible to go there as their identities. , So I judged that their most likely location is the slums on the north and south sides of the western residential area.” Rebrov pointed to the map and analyzed.

"Why don't they go to the gendarmerie for help but avoid the gendarmerie?" Mikasa asked suspiciously. "The corrupt junk of the gendarmerie must have been taken care of by the military police long ago. They asked the gendarmerie for help based on their situation and appearance. Most of them will be caught and turned into playthings. After the military police are tired of playing, they will be burned to death by the wall teachers.” Lebrov said with disdain, Mikasa's eyes widened in surprise, and couldn't help holding it. My hand, "Although it is a bit extreme, but the shadow is right, if they go to the military police, they will probably be like this." Xu Jingkun nodded in agreement...

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