You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Ahem, remind you that there are still people from our intelligence department in the gendarmerie." I coughed twice and then said, "Uh~ I take back what I just said." Rebrov said embarrassedly, "Gendarmerie There are still upright people, but only a small part of it." "But in short, the gendarmes in the Knees area must have been collaborating with the murals. We must be prepared to fight with them." Xu Jingkun shrugged and said, " Huh! No matter how much waste, it's still waste." Lewell interjected with disdain.

"Okay, thank you shadow, your mission is complete." I clapped my hands and said, "The information we have now is a bit outdated. I don't know if the mother and daughter are caught, so I suggest we dive into the wall first. The teacher’s resident took a look, and took some money and a boss to interrogate.” “I’ll leave and see you.” Rebrov nodded and left without talking nonsense, “I agree with Gao Wen’s statement. Besides, should we confirm the command authority?" Xu Jingkun said, "I am not good at this aspect. You can figure it out by yourself. I will just obey the order." Said with a look outside."Gao Wen, who will be the two of us?" Xu Jingkun looked at me and asked, "Let me come, I am more experienced in this respect." I was not polite with him, and took command, and then we started to go. The station of wall teaching.

The residence of the Mural is a cathedral and a small building around the church, surrounded by walls.The wall is about 2.5 meters high, which is difficult for ordinary people to climb."No traps, safe." "No guards, safe." "The wall is over, safe. Isn't this a trap?" Xu Jingkun couldn't help but whispered, "The murals are not crusaders. You can count on them. How much military consciousness you have, don’t look at them too high!” I first explained to Xu Jingkun, and then looked at Lewell, “You’re a crazy wolf.” Lewell turned over on my shoulder and jumped over the wall. , And then Mikasa, the last one I teleported directly in.

After making a few gestures in the dark, I kept moving in the direction of the church, and the three of them immediately dispersed silently, forming a semi-arc with me and surrounding the church.The demon hunter is definitely the best soldier in the world. He obeys orders, is tenacious, and is strong. Moreover, every demon hunter has a certain sense of similarity within a certain range, making the demon hunters even unparalleled. Meeting each other can also have a high degree of tacit understanding in fighting side by side, usually with a gesture and a glance to understand the meaning of the other party.Of course, this is under the circumstance of proactively exposing one's own identity, if a witcher wants to hide his identity, even the same kind can't find it.E-book bar

I didn't encounter any guards along the way, and they didn't even organize a patrol. I kept telling myself that this was because the opponent was too bad, not because of a trap.The door of the church is not locked, and there are only two guards who are dozing off at the door. "The mad wolf and the saber-toothed tiger are responsible for guarding and eliminating risks. Thor will follow me in. If there is a situation, I will use the messenger card to notify." I whispered to Levi He and Sanli froze for a while before realizing that I was talking to them. After seeing them nodded, I and Xu Jingkun ran to the gate empty-handed.

Xu Jingkun made a cut of my throat during the trot. I nodded slightly and ran behind the two guards with him. At the same time, I hugged the target's head and pulled it hard, breaking them with a click. After gently laying down their bodies around the neck, Xu Jingkun and I took out a crossbow and ran into the church...

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