You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"You seem to have confused one thing," Lewell reminded. "They are looking for the murderer, but in fact they don't know who the murderer is. Phoenix and Lilith are just their suspects. Also. Yes, didn’t you say that you can put on makeup?" "Yes, it sounds like you have a plan." I exhaled and said, with a sudden sense of relief, "Well, let the Investigative Corps take the blame, I can be honest Take Lilith away. As for Phoenix, it should be easy for her to leave if your makeup skills are good enough." Lewell glanced at Lilith and said.

My jaw almost fell to the ground.Oh my god, is this the Captain Lewell I know in the anime?Did he just say that the investigative corps is back?!You know that Lewell is one of the core figures of the Investigation Corps. As the right-hand man of the Irvine Commander, he would actually say that the Investigation Corps should be blamed instead of being separated from the Investigation Corps?My first reaction was that my ears had a problem with my hearing, or I didn't sleep well last night, which led to hearing hallucinations.If Irwin Smith is the soul of the investigation corps, then Levi is the sharpest blade of the investigation corps, the strongest and sharpest blade, but now this sharp blade is going to stab his own organization?

"Don't think about it." Lewell said after scanning us again, "I represent the investigation corps to a large extent. The investigation corps is not easy to mess with. Only the mural wants to kill Lilith. She is just dispensable. If I move out of the Investigation Corps, they will definitely retreat because I am not easy to provoke. So we can leave easily as long as we avoid the wall teachers. I can guarantee Lilith’s safety. "Is it really okay for you to do this?" Xu Jingkun is still a little skeptical, "If Head Elvin asks then..." "I will take the initiative to tell him." Levier waved impatiently. Wave.

"Okay, let's continue the previous topic." I said, "We must make some movement to attract their attention, otherwise Levi will not be easy to go, but there is no need to make too much movement. Now, Thor's bursting spellcard is enough to achieve this effect. Phoenix, I'm going to give you makeup now, as for the others, are your identities okay?" "Don't worry, you will never be dragged down!" Lijia confidently Nodded.Huaxia Chinese

I nodded to him, then waved to Phoenix, and returned to the room where I was before."Sit on the bed and don't move." I said, "I am only at the level of mastery regarding makeup, and now I am extremely short of materials, so I must use magic and spell cards to change your appearance. Don't move. Otherwise, it will definitely fail. Oh, yes, how are your acting skills?" Phoenix was taken aback, and then replied: "It's okay to cheat ordinary people." "That's good," I nodded, "I can Dress you up as a middle-aged woman, or if you are old, I can also change your voice."

Phoenix couldn't help twisting his body when he heard the words: "Well, can you make me up as a man? Makeup as a man is harder to attract attention." I rolled my eyes upon hearing this: "Your face looks pretty heroic. , A little makeup is barely okay, but your figure, such a good figure, how can I help you hide it?!" "Then pretend to be a middle-aged woman." Phoenix smiled awkwardly and said, and for half an hour Later, when I finished my makeup, the person Liga sent out also brought back bad news...

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