Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 230 Changes and New Plans

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Boss, the wall teacher came, and they led people to surround the slum." Liga's men came in and brought bad news, "What?!" Liga immediately stood up when he heard it, and asked nervously. Said: "How many people have they come?" "Almost a hundred, and the person who brought them is called Tarke. He threatened to kill the bishops and vice-bishops of the wall. The search team has entered the slum." The subordinate replied.

Lijia sighed for a long time when he heard the words, sat back in his position and looked at me with dissatisfaction, and said, "You said you didn't expose it." "We did not expose it." I said calmly, "but it's obvious. They regard Phoenix as the murderer, or they intend to take her back to explain, or they just intend to vent their anger." "Vent anger? What did you do to the wall-teacher?" Liga asked suspiciously, "The two The individual had his fingers cut off, his eyes were dug out, and even his tongue was cut off." The man whispered, "This is just the most conspicuous wound, and there are other..." "Enough! Don't talk about it. , What shall we do now?" Lijia's eyes had changed from questioning and scrutiny to respect and fear, and it was obvious that Frege and Kyle's tragic situation scared him.

"Since there has been a change, our plan must be adjusted accordingly." I exhaled and said, "Now we are divided into three groups, Lewell takes Lilith together, Phoenix and Mikasa pretend to be mother and daughter. The second road, the rest is the third road. After getting ready, Thor will detonate some of the spell cards to attract the attention of the western enemies, and then detonate the north side of the spell cards in five minutes. At the same time, the third road will forcefully break through from the north. Chaos also left from the north, and then in another ten minutes we detonated the spell cards on the east and south, and left from the west all the way, understand?"

Everyone nodded together, and Mikasa couldn't help but ask: "Then what if you fail to break through?" "Then we will go back, anyway, we are not their goal, as long as we don't reveal our identity, we can leave with integrity afterwards. "I shrugged and replied, "Speak in advance, we are likely to die. Does anyone want to change their minds?" The Ackerman family is naturally on my side, so all I asked was the crying ghost. people.After waiting for a few seconds no one spoke before I continued: "Very well, since the decision has been made, there is no room for remorse, so if anyone escapes at that time, don't blame me for being merciless! The team contacted with a messenger card, Levi, if your side fails, let us know and we will support you." Levi nodded and did not speak.Lingdu e-book

"Everyone wears clothes and masks, takes their own weapons and prepares to fight!" After I finished speaking, Lijia immediately waved his hand and ordered, and the crowd of weeping ghosts immediately dispersed to get things, "Do you have much face? "Xu Jingkun asked, Shava immediately took out two to us.I took a close look at the mask in my hand. It is a full-covered mask with a white background and a spooky and scary grimace painted in purple, red and blue. There is a red teardrop pattern on each corner of the eye. , "Hey, crying ghost, this mask is good." I couldn't help but exclaim.

A few minutes later, twenty mourners wearing black and purple cloaks, masks on their faces and armed with various weapons stood in the room. Twelve of them were armed with rifles and four used shotguns. There are four people holding a short gun that can fire two shots.Liga waved his hand, brought the mask to her face, and said: "Weeping ghost, let's go!"...

This is the first chapter, don't say anything, get a recommendation ticket and hit me!

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