You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!As we evacuated the battlefield to wait for an opportunity to leave, Talke was furious at his men: "The information I received is that there are only two enemies, two! And now you tell me there are more than 20 enemies, and You rubbish have not kept them! Search for me! Send everyone out to see people alive and dead bodies! I want you to get them all done tonight!"

"Get rid of them, then you find a chance to leave, and then meet Phoenix and the others at the agreed place." I waved and said, I have to say that fighting side by side with the crying ghost is exhausting. Where can I use the power of the restorationists? Group, the so-called idiots who are not strong enough or do not know that have long died in the hands of the Central Gendarmerie and the opposing suppression forces. All left behind are elites, obedient to orders, well-trained, and brave. There is no advantage to sticking to the outside."Then what do you do?" Liga asked, "I am used to hate not overnight," I smiled coldly, "We will go to you after killing Talke." Say.No longer paying attention to the surprised crying ghosts and others, Xu Jingkun and I turned around and left. Without their drag, we could just have a beheading battle.

"What are you going to do after you get rid of Talke?" Xu Jingkun asked, "How do our clansmen deal with them?" "They can all join the restoring faction, although their ability is a little worse, their character is good, and their ability is acceptable. As for Phoenix, let’s see what she wants to do. It’s best to have multiple combat powers, otherwise it’s okay to raise an idler. Lilith is also fine." I shrugged and said, "As for wall education, we must take advantage of this week. I was afraid of them, and they paid the price. At the same time, they knew that the Ackerman family could not provoke them. My plan was to assassinate the principals of the wall cult who had persecuted the Ackerman family and let them die. How miserable, then hang their bodies in the most conspicuous place on the wall to frighten others."

"Where's that kin, Lijia, do we care about him?" Xu Jingkun frowned, "Does your hunting instinct respond?" I asked, Xu Jingkun shook his head: "No." "Forget it, we I don’t have to prove anything to anyone anymore.” I sighed, “Let’s go, there should not be many guards around Talke now, we might be able to catch him alive.” Literature 520

After that was the bloody revenge action. After sending Phoenix and others to the restoring faction, I, Mikasa, Lewell, and Xu Jingkun split into two groups and began to assassinate the frenzied members according to the list."Half a year after Talke was taken away by two mysterious men, he appeared alive at the entrance of the Mural Church after being stripped of a man. At the same time, the skin on his face was peeled off, his eyes were pierced and his ears were Cut it off. According to him, the two were members of the Ackerman family, and said:'This is just the beginning.'" Niodor's assistant reported this to him.

"This is a declaration of war! The gang of Ackerman dared to declare war on us?!" Neodo roared, "Do they think that the purge of the king's government can be unscrupulous after the purge? Call all the horses and defend those who have participated in the action. People, I have to see how they put their words into practice!" Following Neodor’s order, the members of the murals all over the wall quickly mobilized, and the various forces also heard the news and began The spies were sent to inquire about the news, and a dark tide surged inside the wall, and all of this was due to our revenge action.But for me, other people’s reactions didn’t affect me at all, I only knew that those who blocked me died...

The last one is updated. I originally wanted to post more, but I haven't saved the manuscript. Next time.

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